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Nijil tr'Korjata

That's a good look for you

That’s a good look for you

Cup of Nijil and a Dash of Jylliene


Annisha remained out of reach upon her father’s return. Not even for Jylliene nor her new friend Doctor Davis. She must have done something wrong to avoid him like this. If true, one of the medical staff would have called him to their office the moment he arrived back on Aegis. Just as well as the sonic shower in the Nei’rrh broke down on the return trip. After many interruptions from fellow engineers and friends he reached the door to his quarters. He pressed the entry pad.


Nothing. He pressed it again. Still nothing.


“Computer, open the door to my quarters, authorization Docha epsilon one seven two.”


“Entry denied,” said the feminine computer voice. Nijil stood back for a moment. His own quarters.


“Computer, on whose authority?” This should be good.


“Captain Annisha t’Korjata, daughter of Nijil tr’Korjata, minor engineer.”


The minor engineer contorted his face. He walked up to the door and used an ancient door opening technique.


“Annisha,” he pounded at the door with a closed fist. “Are you in there? Let me in. I need a sonic shower.”


A muffled voice within the room spoke. “Daddy, go away.”


“But why? I need in there, and there’s something about a boomerang.”


“Yeah yeah, later. Can you please come back tonight?”


Nijil’s face twisted again. “What? No, I need in there now! You open this up, Captain,” he said with thick sarcasm.


“I can’t daddy, it’s a surprise.”


“A what?”


“I can’t tell you.”


Annisha was not alone. “It’s the honorable thing to do SubCommander,” the deep voice bellowed.


“Who are you and why are you in my quarters with my daughter?” Nijil said with more force.


“A friend.” The voice let the word friend linger a moment. “I owe your daughter favor. Now go!” The force of the command took Nijil aback. Why was the voice familiar?


“Annisha, are you alright? I need a change of clothes.”


“Yes daddy, I am fine and I’ll get you some clothes. You dress funny, so it should be easy.” A few minutes passed as she gathered a fresh set of clothes for him. He placed his ear to the door to hear. “Daddy!” Nijil almost jumped out of his skin.




“Stand down the corridor.”




Annisha yelled. “You there?”


“Yes!” A crew person walked by, giving the Romulan a strange look. The door down the way from him opened and let a crack of light through. Soon pants flew out of his quarters, followed by a shirt, undershirt, underwear, socks, and finally his old boots. The door closed just as he ran back.


“There you go dad, new clothes. Now would you please go?” Her father looked dejected, but backed off. This battle was hers to win, and a lesson in security for her later. He gathered his lump of clothes and headed to Lt. Kital’s quarters. Soon he could get that soothing shower, provided her door was open.


Nijil walked down the way to her quarters, looking like a husband thrown out to the targ house. He pressed his thumb to the door security panel and...yes, got that happy chirp. The door opened and...


Jylliene let out a high-pitched shriek heard throughout the entire corridor. Nijil was just as startled and dropped hard on his rear, launching his clothes high into the air. Two security down the hall started to run. Her eyes pierced his like daggers. “You son of a targ! What are you doing here? Don’t you know to chime first?”


“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to get a shower.” His underwear fell over his face. The security guards arrived and just laughed.


Jylliene snickered. “That’s a good look for you,” she commented, then with a grandiose gesture toward the shower, added, “By all means, e’lev.”

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