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Sky Harbor Aegis | 30 May 2014

Chirakis -> =-/\= Aegis Mission Brief 5/30/14=/\=

Chirakis -> 2 November 2387

Chirakis -> TBS was 24 Hours.

Chirakis -> "We will never cease from exploration.

Chirakis -> And the end of our exploring

Chirakis -> will be to arrive where we started

Chirakis -> and know the place for the first time." ~T.S. Eliot

Chirakis -> The time is 0800, the beginning of Alpha Shift.

Chirakis -> Everyone is on duty. Their reports about the "unusual experience" should be in soon.

Chirakis -> Medical is still examining those who were transported. So far they have found no ill effects.

Chirakis -> Those who were not transported are probably questioning our sanity.

Chirakis -> Anyone not on Aegis adopt a symbol - first come, first served.

Chirakis -> Questions?

Chirakis -> And the AT is still on TKR-117.

Chirakis -> Seeing none..

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=BEGIN SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> ::enters the CnC:::

Lawliet -> @::compiling his report::

Kallah Ramson -> *::On Aegean, now in orbit of TKR-117::

Jylliene -> ::nods to the captain as she enters::

Dacia Sandero -> ::sipping her tea in sickbay, going over reports of the people she scanned and/or interviewed::

Jylliene -> ::turns back to her station::

Jorahl -> @::enters the transporter control room::

Revon -> ::Monitoring operations on a holographic map. Gives an affirming nod to the Captain as she enters.::

mimipavilion -> ::arriving at sickbay and steps into the facility::

Jylliene -> ::reviewing the highlights of the previous shift (gamma? Alpha beta gamma? Guessing. Doesn't matter, all told, "previous shift" works fine.)

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Still a bit.. no a lot out of it. Surely time had passed ::

Dacia Sandero -> Morning Doc. Just going over the reports here.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::in her office, trying to decide if they are sane and finding herself immensely puzzled:::

Jylliene -> ::Sees nothing out of the ordinary, thankfully::

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Ok.

Chirakis -> ::finally acknowledges Jylliene:: Lieutenant.

mimipavilion -> Anything interesting

Annisha -> :: Annisha walks around the station, her back on her back and padd in hand ::

Jorahl -> @ ::reviewing the last several test transports:: No further sign of interference during any of the tests.

Revon -> ::Flits an eye back to the captain, but keeps silent. After all, there was much to be done.::

Lawliet -> @::thinking of adding an addendum to the report::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Hears Jorahl ::

Wes Roberts -> ::steps out of the lounge...coffee mug in hand::

Chirakis -> ::deep into contemplation until she smells the coffee::

Dacia Sandero -> No, not particularly. They're all mostly the same, nothing biologically amiss with anyone I scanned.

Chirakis -> ::nod:: Number One.

Wes Roberts -> Captain

mimipavilion -> ::nods:: Ok.

Jorahl -> @ ::turns to a large wall terminal with the planet map on it::

Chirakis -> ::eyes the cup, then eyes the lounge::

Chirakis -> ::turns to Ens Lackey, ordering him to bring her a fresh cup::

Wes Roberts -> Off going left a fresh urn of Jamaican Blue Mountain.

Chirakis -> Excellent.

Annisha -> :: Thinks she could be Captain ::

Chirakis -> Clean cups as well?

Wes Roberts -> I always use my own mug. Safer that way. But yes

Dacia Sandero -> But like us, they still vividly remember everything in that other place.. like a vivid dream or something. ::sips tea::

Lawliet -> @::decides to add the section to the report...speculation should always be considered::

Annisha -> :: Stops, wonders where Dr. Davis is ::

mimipavilion -> I wish it was a dream.

Dacia Sandero -> More like a nightmare

Jylliene -> ::nods absently, her coffee already half-finished::

Chirakis -> ::Ens Lackey returns, she eyes the cup, then takes it on trust that the cup is clean::

Jorahl -> @+COM+ Transport site to Aegean.

Jylliene -> ::and mostly cold, since she got distracted in the reports halfway through::

mimipavilion -> Yep, that too.

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ Aegean here.

Chirakis -> ::orders Lackey to get one for Jylliene::

Annisha -> :: Maybe the Captain could use a cabin girl, looks it up on her padd as she sits ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::totally obsessed trying to figure out why some of the crew believes they were somewhere else:::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Listens to Jorahl's transmission ::

Jylliene -> ::beams at the captain::

Wes Roberts -> ((How do you think I became the Dread Pirate Roberts, Annisha?))

Jylliene -> ::well, a half-awake beam.::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::in her office::

Chirakis -> Ens Lackey> Here you go, ma'am.

Jorahl -> @+Aegean+ Begin a scan of the planet. Focus on grid coordinates 98.441 by 126.183.

Jylliene -> ::to Lackey:: Thank you, Ensign.

Chirakis -> Lackey> Any time, ma'am.

Jylliene -> ::smiles::

Wes Roberts -> ::logs into his station::

Annisha -> :: Leaps up and heads to the doctor's office, the brain kind, not the ouchy ones ::

Chirakis -> Lackey> :;questioning look at the captain::

Jylliene -> ::drinks coffee::

Chirakis -> ::waves him back to his post::

Revon -> ::Code, code... Run, test...::

Lawliet -> @::finishes his report and walks over to Jorahl:: What's going on?

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ Beginning scan now.

Chirakis -> ::steps toward TAC:: Commander Harada. Tactical report.

Revon -> ::Tapping away at a document on his holographic terminal. Its title: "Project GOALKEEPER".:: ... Hm? Ah, one moment, sir.

Jylliene -> ::reviews the usual. Requisitions and supply levels, incoming and outgoing ships, etc.::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ What are we scanning for SubCommander?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::deep sigh::

Jylliene -> ::ponders at one, then shrugs slightly, puts it through::

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ That is in the dig site. Are we looking for anything specific?

Annisha -> :: At Dr. Davis' door ::

Revon -> ::Effaces the screen with the flick of his hand, routing the 3D map onto the main screen.:: Status... nominal. No anomalous readings or unknown contacts. Er... Were you looking for something?

Jorahl -> @ ::to both:: Right now, we are simply looking.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::finally leaves her desk, unable to think straight, and opens the door::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Oh. Hello, Annisha.

Annisha -> :: Falls right in ::

Dacia Sandero -> ::looks at the reports and submits them to the appropriate channels after she finished looking at them::

Jorahl -> @ ::still to both:: At this point I believe we will only find what we are allowed to find.

Annisha -> :: stunned, picks herself up :: I did not know if you were here.

Chirakis -> Should I be looking for something? ::sip::

Lawliet -> @::nods:: Well, I have my report ready for Aegis.

mimipavilion -> ::finishes up her report and sends it in::

Amanda Davis PhD -> How long have you been here?

Jorahl -> @::folds arms, in thought::

Wes Roberts -> ::listening to the interplay...::

Annisha -> I just got here.

Jylliene -> ::sends a quick notification back to the Blue Heaven Lounge that the quantity of beverages ordered may take extra time to get::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::bends to her level:: Oh, good. Would you like to come in or take a walk?

Jorahl -> @::turns towards Lawliet:: ::nods:: Anything new to report?

Revon -> ::Shrugs with a smile.:: Sa. I'd say that's your call, mon Capitane. Aside from that, it's a nice, peaceful day on the home front.

Annisha -> JyJy spoke of seeing some kind of city and silent creatures in it.

Chirakis -> ::satisfied sigh:: Let's hope it stays that way.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Did she?

Amanda Davis PhD -> That is interesting, isn't it.

Jylliene -> ::drinks down more of the coffee::

Annisha -> :: shrugs :: I'm up for whatever.

Annisha -> I'd see Jy Jy, but she's working and dad is off on TK-111711...2?

Chirakis -> ::notes Jylliene out of the corner of her eye, wondering how much it takes for her to get wired::

Lawliet -> @ Nothing conclusive. I could only provide substantial facts with speculation on what we experienced.

Amanda Davis PhD -> TKR-117. Yes, I know. It must be lonely.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Let me grab my snack basket and we'll go to the arboretum.

Annisha -> :: Looks down :: A little.

Kallah Ramson -> * ::watching scanner data as it's collected. Comparing it to the extensive number of previous scans taken by the archaeologists.::

Jylliene -> ::gazes to the cup; to nobody in particular, mumbles:: Good brew.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Drinks her tea::

Jylliene -> ::drinks the rest in one fairly smooth motion::

Jorahl -> @::nods::

Chirakis -> ::motions to Lackey to get Jylliene another cup::

mimipavilion -> ::goes and checks around the four sections of sickbay::

Jylliene -> ((I somehow feel like I'm being experimented upon.))

Chirakis -> (Do you? What gives you that idea?)

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::comes back with her snack basket::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (( Well, Nijil has been.. nevermind ))

Jylliene -> (Iiiii dunno. Just some weird feeling)

Jorahl -> @ It seems whatever happened or did not happen has no effect on the new transporter system.

Amanda Davis PhD -> :;takes Annisha's hand:: Come on, then. Let's go for a picnic.

Lawliet -> @::sighs:: In retrospect it was much like the Nexus. I ended up calling it a, "Artifical-Temporal Focal Point."

Chirakis -> ::turns to Roberts, at his station:: Number One. ::slow pace towards him::

Jylliene -> ::receives cup, smiles at Lackey::

Chirakis -> Lackey> ::smiles back::

mimipavilion -> ::notes that all is well::

Kallah Ramson -> *::perks up as part of the scans shows new data::

Jylliene -> ::Turns back to reports, starts scanning through them a bit faster::

Wes Roberts -> Yes, Captain?

Annisha -> :: Tucks her padd in a pocket on her pack ::

Chirakis -> ::continues:: Have you decided anything about this... experience?

Jorahl -> @ Remove all test sensors and prep the transporter for normal operations.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::steps lightly out of the medical complex, waving as they pass:: We're going to the arboretum for a while.

mimipavilion -> ::stops where she is at and thinks for a moment::

Lawliet -> @::nods:: Understood.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Nods to the SubCommander :: Right away. :: walks to remove them

Wes Roberts -> I'm going to chalk it up either as a mass hallucination or something similar to the old "alien abduction" stories that were prevalent in the 20th Century.

Dacia Sandero -> ::tidies some things up and such::

Jylliene -> ::mumbles:: What does a floral shop need with a case of whiskey?

Jorahl -> @ Hopefully we can be out of here before the civilians get any ribbon cutting ceremonies into their heads.

Chirakis -> ::eyebrow:: Alien abduction I can understand. Mass hallucination needs explaining. I'm not familiar with that.

Jylliene -> (Pictures with the local chamber, etc.)

Annisha -> :: Walking along with Davis :: Davis, there's something I'm really liking to do, but I'm not sure daddy or Jy would like it. They'd think it's all dangerous or something.

Lawliet -> @::walks over to the terminal and preps systems::

Chirakis -> ::hers Jylliene, half turn:: Get security on it, Lieutenant.

Chirakis -> *hears

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Collects sensors and places them back in their case ::

Jylliene -> ::blinks, nods to the captain:: Right away.

Amanda Davis PhD -> And what would you like to do? ::enters the lift with her::

Chirakis -> ::mutters, pondering the strange Federation Standard phrase::

mimipavilion -> ::shakes off the idea::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::to the computer:: Arboretum.

Jylliene -> +SEC+ Ops to Security.

Revon -> ... ::Turns to Jyl, expressionless.:: Security to Ops.

Wes Roberts -> We were all affected by something, but without an external force

Jorahl -> @ ::Nijil:: Select a copilot. When the equipment is loaded return to the station on the Nei'rrh. The rest of the team will transport back. ::evil "no down time for them" thoughts::

Jylliene -> (oh. Sorry!)

Chirakis -> Without an external force?

Jylliene -> (I keep forgetting who's stationed on the CnC now)

Revon -> ::Cracks a smirk and waves it off.:: Hehe... Alright, alright. I'll get Cordelia's team on it within five. We're actually running a few operations, but we don't mind.

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ SubCommander. We have something interesting. Relaying to you now.

Wes Roberts -> Such as an illness

Jylliene -> ::blinks, looks at her coffee, then turns to Revon, beckons:: Blooms and Buds is ordering...yes. They're ordering several cases, in fact.

Lawliet -> @::finishes his programming:: Transporter systems are ready.

Chirakis -> ::listening to the conversation at OPS as well::

Jorahl -> @::pulls up the data stream::

Chirakis -> ::Roberts:: So, an illness gave us the same... dream?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gathers the last of the sensors and gives the case to another engineer who is loading an antigrav sled for the Nei'rrh.

Jylliene -> ::looks back to her coffee, then to the screen:: They're the new shop on level 72.

Chirakis -> Or something besides an illness gave us the same strange dream?

Annisha -> :: to Davis :: Fight.

Lawliet -> @::walks over to Jorahl to view the info::

Jylliene -> Nice roses in the window, but..::gestures idly:: Beside the point. Yes. Thank you.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::pauses half way out of the lift:: Fight?

Wes Roberts -> Something besides an illness gave us the same experience

mimipavilion -> ::the idea creeps back into her mind, while she's in her office::

Jylliene -> ::drinks more of the coffee::

Revon -> Copy that... ::Calls it in.:: They'll be there in ten.

Chirakis -> And what might that be?

Annisha -> Hand to hand... weapons. I've been...sneaking off to the holodeck and trying a bunch of programs.

Jylliene -> ::nods and smiles:: Thank you.

Jorahl -> @ ::looks to Lawliet, then back to the screen:: That passage and levels below here have not shown up on any other scans since the site was found.

Wes Roberts -> I'm no MD, just a simple privateer gone honest.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::finally realizes she is half in and half out of the lift, so she steps out::

Amanda Davis PhD -> and.. who is "we?"

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Walks up to Lawliet ::

Jylliene -> ::realizes she picked up the cold half-cup from before, shrugs, finishes that too.::

Chirakis -> Hm...

Chirakis -> ::sip::

Chirakis -> ::still pondering, she moves to her station::

Lawliet -> @ Perhaps they collapsed and the rock prevented us from picking them up.

Chirakis -> +MED+ Dr. Pavilion.

Jorahl -> @ ::Lawliet:: Check the soil scans for that.

Jylliene -> ::continues scanning through the reports.::

mimipavilion -> +Chirakis+ Pavilion here Captain.

Lawliet -> @ I'll have to get down there and take actual samples. It'll take me about 30 minutes to get back.

Chirakis -> +MED+ Doctor, investigate the possibility that a mass ...::looks to Roberts:: hallucination? was the cause of our... experience.

Annisha -> :: Steps out with Davis :: I really like it. That Klingon shop keep says he's going to get me a bat'leth, but it's as tall as I am.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Arrives with two ensigns on the scene. Strides on in to address the shopkeeper.:: Now, normally we'd turn a blind eye, but the higher-ups ordered us to probe around. Plannin' on throwing a party?

Jorahl -> @ ::Nijil:: Check the sensor logs and see if there's any sign that the old scans were altered to hide this.

mimipavilion -> +Chirakis+ I will do that. Is there anything you would like me to look into?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::stops to face Annisha;: Annisha, the Klingon shopkeeper is teaching you to fight?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Nods as he gets his padd out :: Right away ::

Jorahl -> @ ::Lawliet:: Do not go alone. Wait a moment.

Jorahl -> @ +COM+ Transport site to Aegis.

Lawliet -> @::nods:: Of course. I'll get the gear ready.

Chirakis -> +MED+ Anything that would explain why we left but did not leave.

Dacia Sandero -> ::Rubs chin, overhearing the comm::

mimipavilion -> +Chirakis+ Understood.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> Yes - grand opening. It helps... encourage the shoppers.

Jylliene -> (To cordelia.)

Annisha -> Not yet. Just singing and taking care of Targs when you don't want to eat them.

Chirakis -> ::sighs, realizing how odd that sounds::

Lawliet -> @::walks over to the storage containers and pulls out the climbing gear and science equipment::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> (to cordelia) Also, a little nip in the vases really perks up the blossoms.

Amanda Davis PhD -> But he wants to teach you?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Checking the old sensors logs, looking for altered modication time stamps ::

Chirakis -> (are you speaking from experience, Jylliene?)

Jylliene -> (I have nooooo idea)

Annisha -> He says he would, but just meditation dances first

Jylliene -> (making stuff up at this point)

Jylliene -> +Jorahl+ Aegis here.

Annisha -> I'm only doing blunt weapons... sticks.

Annisha -> Do you think they would be mad?

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::smiles at Cordelia:: Is there a problem with the plans? I can alter them if it's necessary...

Jorahl -> @+Aegis+ Relay this scan to the Captain. ::sends data link::

Annisha -> :: Takes a wide stance and waves her arms back and forth ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::becoming concerned:: I think, Annisha, that since they are your parents you must consult them first.

mimipavilion -> ::pulls up the latest neural scans, only the neural scans, of everyone affected, and compares them to the previous neural scans::

Lawliet -> @::gathers everything and walks back to Jorahl::

Jylliene -> +Jorahl+ Acknowledged. ::relays:: Scan coming to you, Captain. From the site.

Dacia Sandero -> An interesting theory. That's what I'm thinking happened to us. ::begins assisting with the investigation:: Seems logical.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Rubs her forehead, genuinely puzzled.:: I mean, I'd throw a party for my grand opening too, but... Whiskey? ::Eyes her closely, an awkward smirk tugging at her lips.:: If you're gonna drink it yourself, just be honest. I ain't gonna hold it against you.

Chirakis -> ::relaxing in her chair, cup in hand::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Gets a notification on his PADD that the Nei'rrh will soon be loaded and ready to go ::

Chirakis -> (::pastes a @ on tr'Korjata's forehead::)

Nijil tr'Korjata -> (I'm that fast)

Revon -> Just envisioning that makes me smile. ]]

Jylliene -> Ynneth> It was what my grandfather always recommended. It can be mixed, served straight - very flexible. Admittedly, he really liked whiskey, but...

mimipavilion -> ::takes notes of each comparison on each person that was taken but not taken::

Annisha -> It's a dangerous universe out there. Daddy told me that.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Yes, Annisha, it is.

Jorahl -> @::Lawliet:: Take one of our team and find one of the site managers to take you where you need to go. Do not go any further into the tunnels than is on previous scans.

Jylliene -> +Jorahl+ Anything more I can do for you, SubCommander?

Jylliene -> ::scans go to the Captain's console::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Tell you what. If you would like me to help you discuss this, I can, but you must promise to ask their permission.

Chirakis -> ::her console beeps::

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: gets up :: Jorahl, I am not seeing any discrepancy in the old scan logs yet, but I'm running it through longer checks.

Jorahl -> @+Aegis+ Just tell the Captain we found a new area on the scans that she might be interested in.

Chirakis -> ::putting the cup aside, she takes a look::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> If you'd like to come by, by all means. ::shows the advertisement for the grand opening::

Lawliet -> @::Jorahl:: I'll just gather data from one of the "branches". ::takes one of the crewman and heads over to the site manages office::

Jorahl -> @ ::nods to Nijil::

Annisha -> :: frowny face :: yeah...

Chirakis -> ::straightens up::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Looks to one ensign: Shrug. The other: Another shrug. And finally, a shrug herself.:: Jeez... Times like these I wish I didn't forget morning coffee.

Amanda Davis PhD -> Good girl. Now, let's have a picnic. You lead where you want to go.

Jorahl -> @ While that is running, make sure the trasporter is ready to receive travelers.

Chirakis -> ::running through the scans:: Number One, examine the scans I'm sending you.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> Grandfather always said that if you make people happy at their first visit to the shop, you'll have business for a while.

Annisha -> :: Runs a bit ahead, does a summersault as she looks for a place ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::skipping to keep up::

Lawliet -> @::bumps into one of the managers and walks down the way towards the caves::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> He ran a jewelry shop, not a florist... that may have had something to do with the quantity he made available to his clients.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::ponders that::

mimipavilion -> ::starts to see a similar pattern in the neural scans: there are two memory implants, one strong and one extremely weak::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::shrugs::

Annisha -> How about here? :: points :: This is where Nijil gave a ring to Jylliene.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::Smiles to Cordelia and team::

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ We've reached the limit of our scans. Anything beyond that is blocked by mineral content or radiation pockets.

mimipavilion -> ::digs deeper into the memory implants::

Annisha -> Well, it can't be, but it looks like it

Dacia Sandero -> ::assists in what way she can::

Amanda Davis PhD -> That's a perfect place.

Chirakis -> It's strange... very strange. And now I realize why everything looked familiar.

Revon -> Cordelia > Well... This is our first visit after all. How's about you give us a bottle for the way?

mimipavilion -> ::Dacia:: You are seeing this right?

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::glad she's not running anymore::

Lawliet -> @::arrives at the cave system and is guided down the tunnels::

Revon -> Cordelia > After all, we will be back later, right? ::The first ensign nodded. After a little convincing, so did the second.::

Dacia Sandero -> Yeah, I am as well. Very interesting, yeah?

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::puzzled:: I'm just now making the requisition. It's not here yet.

Annisha -> :: Sits :: How long do these... what is that word... uhmmm

Jorahl -> @+Aegean+ Understood. Standby in orbit. I will be beaming up within the hour.

Annisha -> Engagement! How long to they take?

Jylliene -> Ynneth> I have coffee in the back, though.

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::snaps out a large tablecloth to spread on the ground:: I'm not sure Annisha.

mimipavilion -> It seems that the strong memory is the one we all have, being on the planet or wherever it was; but the second one is... well... faint.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> And some brandy. But only half a bottle.

Amanda Davis PhD -> It depends on what they decide.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Arches a brow.:: We'll take the coffee. ::And by the dark circles under her eyes, something told her she'd need it.::

Kallah Ramson -> *+Jorahl+ Understood.

Chirakis -> ::looks up:: Number One? The scans. What do you make of them?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> Jorahl, the Nei'rrh is ready to leave. Ensign Trunav will be my copilot.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> My pleasure. Come on in, I'll pour you one. Do your friends need some as well?

Chirakis -> (::using a stapler this time::)

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm.. that alien?

mimipavilion -> ::looks at Dacia:: Possibly.

Lawliet -> @::along with the crewman and guide, the group heads deeper into the cave system and reaches one of the indicated "new" paths:: Alright. Let's see if I can still communicate down here. +Jorahl+ Lawliet to Jorahl.

Wes Roberts -> ((I've got the nailgun handy if you need it))

Chirakis -> (That is the next step.)

Dacia Sandero -> Hmm.

Annisha -> They should hurry up.

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::pours a few cups:: Feel free to keep the mug. I have far too many anyways.

Annisha -> I just want a family... a whole family

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::tea, sandwiches, cookies, milk, cups and plates:: Here we go.

Jorahl -> @::Nijil:: Once everything here is secure, you may depart.

Jorahl -> @+Lawliet+ Go ahead.

Jylliene -> Ynneth>::presents cups to Cordelia and the others::

Amanda Davis PhD -> Of course you do. But there are so many things they need to do before the wedding. Or bonding.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> :: Nods and takes his leave ::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::settles in::

mimipavilion -> ::copies her neural scans onto a PADD:: I think may help us all find out what happened. I'm going to the C&C to show the Captain and Mr. Roberts what we have found. You have sickbay and keep looking ok.

Chirakis -> (::reach for the nail gun::)

Lawliet -> @+Jorahl+::slightly static:: We've reached one of the "new" branches. I'll be gathering samples now.

Revon -> Cordelia > ::All three take deep swigs.:: O, sweet, savoury elixir of life... ::For the first time, Cordelia regarded her with a genuine smile.:: I should really learn how to kick back from time to time.

Dacia Sandero -> All right. Will do.

mimipavilion -> ::hustles out of her office and into the tl, ordering it to the CNC::

Chirakis -> ::stands, moving toward Roberts::

mimipavilion -> ::arrives at the C&C and steps onto the deck::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> It makes life worth living. ::grins::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::pours tea for Annisha, then sets it on a plate with her goodies::

Lawliet -> @::kneels down the begins taking sensor readings whil the crewman gathers soil samples::

Amanda Davis PhD -> ::hands it to her::

Wes Roberts -> Yes Captain?

Annisha -> :: smiles ::

Chirakis -> The scans. ::irritated:: Have you looked at the scans?

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Approaches the Nei'rrh and enters ::

Chirakis -> (He can be taught.)

Wes Roberts -> Large chamber? Statue-like structure at one end?

Chirakis -> ::snaps:: Yes.

Lawliet -> @::looks up while taking his scans:: I wonder what's down there?

Jorahl -> @ +Lawliet+ Mark all samples by the site standards. Remember the protocals in place. This is still a protected site. Nothing leaves the planet.

mimipavilion -> ::stands back waiting for the Captain and Mr. Robers to finish::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Paws a flower softly, appreciating its velvet petals.:: Commander Harada - You know him, right? - Either way, he's been involving our section in yet another of his little personal projects.

Nijil tr'Korjata -> @ :: Takes the pilot seat. The Nei'rrh powers up and ascends ::

Wes Roberts -> And a stairway that's blocked by debris?

Jylliene -> Ynneth> I've heard of him, yes. ::leans against a counter::

Chirakis -> ..and a stairway that is blocked by debris.

Annisha -> :: Drinks her tea ::

Jylliene -> ::picks up her empty mug and starts to take a drink from it, gazes quizzically at it when nothing comes out:: Oh.

Chirakis -> Is that what you saw in your travels?

Lawliet -> @+Jorahl+ Noted SubCommander. So far, I can confirm the rockface was interfering with our standard scans...the reason why this tunnel wasn't discovered is still beyond me.

Chirakis -> Lackey> ::right there, with another cup::

Wes Roberts -> Vaguely

Jylliene -> Ynneth> Is there some way I can help?

Jylliene -> ::accepts, smiles at the Ensign::

Chirakis -> ::straightens up::

Revon -> Cordelia > Something about a "CIWS"... At least, that's the acronym he used. Says it's a forgotten component in naval warfare. ::Shrug.:: I personally haven't had the time to delve into the history books, though...

Chirakis -> ::not sure what to think::

mimipavilion -> ::coughs::

Jylliene -> Ynneth> ::nods to Cordelia::

Revon -> Cordelia > ::Smiles, shakes her head.:: ... I'm sorry. How much are these tulips?

Wes Roberts -> Doctor's here...

Jylliene -> Ynneth> 15 per dozen

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> 5/30/14

Chirakis -> =/\==/\=PAUSE SIM=/\==/\=

Chirakis -> Thank you.

Chirakis -> Well played.

Chirakis -> Doctor, your captain is obviously distracted.

mimipavilion -> I forgive you.

Chirakis -> A log would be good to wrap that up.

Wes Roberts -> I think our Captain needs a vacation.

Chirakis -> I thank you for that.

Wes Roberts -> Someplace tropical

Chirakis -> I think our captain definitely needs something.

Chirakis -> So... TBS will be 4 hours, which will bring us to noon - approximately.

Chirakis -> Acceptable?

Chirakis -> Questions, comments?

Chirakis -> Very well, crew *dismiss*

Chirakis -> Have a good weekend.

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