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Lerak trPexil

Temarr in a Bottle

Temarr in a Bottle


Lerak tr’Pexil set foot in the shield generator room after completing the repairs to the worker bot. The room was compact, but no surprise given the size of the Stinger. As the shields garnered hits the generator, used to defect beam and projectile weapon fire, heats up. Plenty of buffers allowed the generator to take a tremendous amount of damage. The cost was an enormous amount of repairs. While the work would be tedious, an immediate issue was on his mind.




Hearing t’Ksa mutter those words over Laehval’s communicator troubled him. It felt like a dagger to the gut. Losing her from a self-inflicted impalement would be devastating. Losing her to another love: unimaginable.


“Computer, seal this room and alert me if someone attempts to enter.”


A beep chirped overhead. “Acknowledged, room sealed.”


He removed his personal haudet and placed it on the nearest console surface. The generator sat in the middle of the room, no doubt needing internal repairs. Like Galae designs, the internals were easy to access. The main panel needed more force than first thought, but after a minute Lerak placed it along a wall. He stood in front of the exposed generator, seeing which part needed replaced. However, another long overdue task picked at his attention.


“Haudet, create a new message addressed to Laehval t’Temarr.” The tiny device beeped in compliance. “Start dictation.”




“My e’lev..”


He shook his head. “Stop, strike that.”


“My dearest Laehval, h'levreinnye.”


He stopped his repair. “Stop, strike that.” Lerak looked up at the ceiling, wondering if any of the tiles there could fall.


“Laehval. First, rest assured repair of the shield generator is proceeding. However, hearing the earlier communication request from the
sent a chill through me.. Fear is a powerful force, often to ill ends, but at times, it pushes us to do the right thing and say what needs said. This is one of those times.”


Lerak paused and remained silent while detaching a part. He took a deep breath and exhaled.


“Let me not mince words or speak in double-talk: I-jol au and have for a long time. No day passes where I do not think of you. No hour passes where your name does not cross my mind. No second passes where I do not miss you.”


Again, he stopped talking for some seconds.


”It’s laughable, or tragic, after all this time I truly confess this into all things, a haudet. Hearing t’Ksa’s communication made me realize our time is running out. I should have expressed this long ago. Perhaps the dagger through your belly would have never occurred. Perhaps our intimacy may have flourished, but like the seasons, people change. Time moves on.”


Lerak found himself paused in thought again. With the components replaced, a portion of the generator’s computer code needed looked over. The words to Laehval flowed with ease, but the emotions behind them churned in the rocks.. Lerak swallowed the raw emotion back as he needed to complete the work. Having an episode or breakdown was not an option. Minutes later the program alterations were complete. The letter continued.


“I hope the elements that our relationship is not in the harsh winter season. While we have pressed forward in different paths, parsecs do not separate us. I find comfort in that, but even touching is not always enough. I will not lie; the offer for dinner does have ulterior motives attached. It was, or will be, my attempt to warm au up as oft your exterior is icy cold. I once feared this in you, but now know your soul is
but frigid. I guess this letter expressed this for me. Either way, please accept my invitation, even just for the company. While I am here with my foolish heart, let me ask for your time when we return to ch’Rihan. My parents and sister are interested in meeting the woman I’ve spoken of so much and highly.”


Lerak closed up the panel. The remaining repairs were on the outer shield grid. The worker bot would see where. He needed to finish the letter. In a spark of inspiration, he’d added some wine to the mix and put the words to actual paper.


“Take this bottle from the Pexil family winery as a reminder of our shore leave years ago. Walking on the beach, seeing au smiling and relaxed is perhaps my most cherished memory. All I ask is au na drink this alone. If not, well...
, then someone for whom au deeply care. I’ll make this brief as it needs to be. I hope this message meets au well. If there is any fallout from this heartfelt exp
ression of my affection for you, I welcome it. I accept your discipline gladly, knowing I did not leave my biggest regret behind.”


“My love throughout time, Lerak.”


Lerak grabbed his kit and exited the shield generator room, wondering if any of this was a good idea. It was not, of course, but this never stopped him before. Now he'd have to get another engineer to deliver the printed letter and bottle of wine to Laehval's quarters without being seen. By then it might be too late. There he goes again: self-doubt. He would bring it to her on the Stinger, but the bottle of wine is in a Talon cargo bay. Details...details.

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Wow Pexil....great log. Now....she's either going to melt and give in to your charms, look at you deadpan and laugh, or.....she might just kill you. I'll be taking wagers at 10 til the hour!


Seriously though, great job!

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