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"Pegasus, clearance denied."

::Sitting in the pilot seat of the Pegasus, Atragon looks, stunned, at the control panel where the speaker grill just finished vibrating with the refusal of his landing request to his home::

+COM+ Ohh-kay, let me try this again, this is Admiral Atragon-9, Commander of Starfleet's Special Operations Division. I am requesting landing clearance to the main Titan spaceport.

TITAN+ Yes, Admiral, we verified the source of Pegasus, but we still must deny your clearance.

::A9 does his best fish-flopping-on-the-deck impression in disbelief. He follows up with a double take for no one's benefit and focuses on the control panel in earnest::

+COM+ Please connect me with the Port's commanding officer... Immediately.

TITAN+ I ... Yes, uhh, Admiral, right away. ::the comm is silent for 45 seconds and then a new voice is heard on the speaker::

TITAN+ This is Commodore Persus, commander of port operations. Is this Admiral Atragon-9 of the USS Manticore?

+COM+ Yes, Commodore, it is. Why am I being refused landing permissions to your public bays? I grew up here and wish to visit friends and family.

TITAN+ Admiral, the port is closed to all ships, due to security concerns. We are hopeful the issue will be resolved within a day.

+COM+ Security? Do you realize what my purview... ::slams his mouth shut, realizing he won't win this with a frontal assault:: Ahem, thank you, Commodore. Pegasus out.

::He cuts the com channel and brings up sensors to try and see what's happening in the moon base below. Looking over the readouts, he doesn't see any recent radiation or energy signatures, no new heat sources and no increase in security services in public sections::

(w) What the devil is going on down there, and how do I get there to find out the real story? Aww Frak, it's time to just bully my way through, I suppose. Okay, gotta make it look good.

::He pilots the Pegasus away from Titan base until it is out of sensor range. Then he engages the ship's cloak and adjusts the grav system to Titan Standard, 0.3 Earth gravity. He slips out of his uniform and exoskeleton suit. Finally, he puts on some of his old Titanian clothing, finishing the outfit with a type 1 phaser on his belt and a personal cloaking device clipped to his collar. He pilots the Pegasus back to Titan and parks it out of range of base sensors. Stepping to the transporter pad, he punches in the coordinates for a location in the warehouse district, to a self-storage facility that he owns and beams himself down. Looking around, everything seems in order, so he engages the personal cloak and steps outside the storage unit.::

::He moves to the nearest tram station and slips into a car just as the doors are closing, watching the passengers for anyone who might notice the personal cloak's immediate shimmer effect, but it seems like he is remaining undetected. He relaxes and enjoys the sights of home as the tram moves toward Titan City center, thinking that the place to start looking for unusual behavior is City Square. He exits the tram downtown and walks carefully among the locals, noting a very regular day:: (w) What the frak...

::He wanders closer to the public assembly stage when he hears the startup sound of an energy weapon, right behind him. He turns and reaches for his phaser just as he faces one main with a disruptor and two others moving in from either side. They all have monocular rigs on and are staring directly at him, even though his cloak is fully engaged.::

"Take it easy, Citizen, Keep your hand off the phaser and we can all walk out of here alive... Last Warning"

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