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2013 Silver Merit Award
Knowing Your Place



Tak grumbled as he walked along the deck of the cargo ship. He hadn't left a stable job on Ferenginar for this! What did he know about repairing a drill head anyways. "Find someone to teach you," said his Uncle! Like who? Those crooks he called his crew wanted 10 strips just to show him where the access port cover was. Now he was searching this massive ship for someone who could just take care of it for him. The same company who contracted his Uncles had hired this ship. It was really their responsibility to see that everything was working properly.


"By the hinges of the Great Vault, this ship is big!" Tak wasn't sure where he was now. Well, he knew he was still in the cargo hold. Where though?! Nothing but one identical container after another filled his view. As he spun around which way he had even come from was lost to him. They weren't wasting any power on lights, that's for sure. Every direction was a shadow. The clash of metal on metal called suddenly out to him. As the only signal that anything else still existed in the universe, he followed the sounds through the labyrinth of cargo.


He almost ran into the small craft before he saw it. The sounds were coming from the other end and as he felt his way around a faint glow could be seen near the nacelles at the aft. "Hello!" Tak bellowed into the dark. The pounding stopped.


With a snap the exterior lighting of the craft lit the area up. Tak shielded his eyes but adjusted quickly. He could see the ship quite well now. He'd never seen a design like it. Probably Catullan, same as the cargo ship they both were on. A hatch at the bottom of the vessel opened and a figured dropped to the deck. Yep, Catullan. He wore the overalls he'd seen of the ships maintenance crews as well. Finally, someone to do his job for him.


"Hey you! You need to go fix the drill head over there." Tak said firmly, folding his arms. Act like the boss, be the boss, rule of acquisition...um, ummm, well it was in there somewhere.


The figure stood as he cleared the underbelly of the craft and stepped towards Tak. "And why do I need to do something like that?"


"Not your place to ask! You work for this ship. Repairs were part of the deal, now get over there." Tak pointed to the distance then glanced around as he had no real idea where he'd come from.


"I take care of my ship, you take care of your drill. That's the only deal made." He glared at the Ferengi now.


"You can work on this shuttle on your own time! I need that drill running in 4 hours." Tak stayed firm though his fingers started to twitch nervously. The Catullan was dressed as a mechanic so he had to be crew. Right? Did the crew have their own shuttles? Oh no, what if he was another passenger? What business contact was he ruining!


"I was talking about the one you're standing on." The Catullan, named Rov stared unblinkingly at Tak.


Tak's mouth dropped open. Sudden realization washed over him. He'd paid more attention to the fine clothes this man was wearing last time they met than his face. "Yo...you.... are..."


"TAK!" Malk yelled. "What are you doing?!" He marched up quickly and grabbed his nephew by the shoulder.


Rov spoke with a dark tone," He was informing me of why I needed to fix your drill, personally."


No combination of syllables could represent the warble of fear and shock that came out of the older Ferengie's mouth. The closest equivalent would have been a moose trying to imitate a kitten. He turned and smacked Tak across the head. "You idiot!" Malk quickly then turned back to Rov, "The boy is an idiot. I told him to take care of that by himself."


"If you have idiots in charge of drill repair, maybe I hired the wrong firm." Rov folded his arms.


"No NO!! It's a minor fault. Nothing really. I have the best team there is. I was just trying to teach the boy." Malk's fingers dug deep into Tak's shoulder, causing the younger to wince and cry in pain.


"Then it would be best to go teach him a few more things." Rov turned to take a scanner from the nearby work tray then returned to the shuttle.


Tak continued to wince and cry as his Uncle drug him back across the cargo hold's deck. "You fool! You have no idea what you did! He's funding most of this venture! And be happy, be so so happy you didn't try that back when I first met him. He would have shot you where you stood. He still might!" The two receded into the darkness of the bay.


Shot him, indeed. Still might, too. Memories of doing just that filled Rov's head and darkened his mood. His concentration lost he set the scanner back down, secured the craft, and returned to his quarters. Perhaps sleep would clear his mind, or simply brood more demons.

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