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Where the Wild Nijil's Are

Where the Wild Nijil’s Are

(Apologies to Maurice Sendak and those that love children’s literature. Also to Nijil, who does not yet know the dangers he will face.)


The night Nijil wore his uniform and made repairs to the Nei’rrh of one kind


And another


His e’lev called “Dinner’s ready!”

And Nijil said “I’ll eat when I’m finished with the shuttle!”

So she went to bed without cooking him anything.


That very night as Nijil slept in the Nei’rrh, a coldness grew


And grew –


And grew until its ceiling hung with ice

And the bulkheads became the world around


And an airlock appeared with a private shuttle for Nijil

And he flew off through night and day


And in and out of nebula

And almost over a sector

To where Annisha was


And when he came to the place where Annisha was

Her masters fired their terrible guns and slashed their terrible knifes

and shocked with their terrible implants and showed no mercy


till Nijil said “Give me back Annisha!”

and phased them with the hat trick

of transporting them high into the air and they shrieked as they fell to their deaths


and they grudgingly gave up Annisha and all others


“And now,” cried Nijil, “let the revenge start!”


::: Shooting, stabbing... ::


“No more!” Nijil said and sent off the masters without their starship. But Nijil, now beaten down was dying and wanted to be somewhere where someone could heal him best of all.


Then over his comm from high above the Nei’rrh signaled it was close and cloaked, so he gave up his thirst for revenge.


But the masters cried “You have nowhere to go-- we will rip you up-- we hate you so!”


and Nijil said “No!”


Her masters fired their terrible guns and slashed their terrible knifes

and shocked with their terrible implants and showed no mercy


but Nijil crawled into the decloaked Nei’rrh and waved goodbye


And almost over a sector

And in and out of nebula

And through night and day


and into the sickbay of Sky Harbor Aegis

where he found his e’lev waiting for him


and she was still hot.

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