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Drae Shelton

Considering Jaenke

T + 3:00 and counting. Drae kicked back from his screen and folded his arms across his chest in disgust. What had happened to Jaenke had gotten him so worked up he had to settle down before actually sending his report. Think through things. Make sure what he wrote was accurate. Make sure nothing else factored into the discharge that sent Jaenke to sick bay other than LtCdr Supergeek messing with the console and not listening to a word one.


Taking a deep breath, Drae began to read:



To: Lt Cdr Vilanne Chalice, Chief Medical Officer, USS Manticore

C: Captain Sovak, Executive Officer, USS Manticore

From: Ensign D.M. Shelton, Engineer, USS Manticore

RE: Engineering Accident Involving Ltjg E. Jaenke, Engineer, USS Manticore


On Stardate 51307.01 at 2217, Ltjg Jaenke and Ens Shelton were in main engineering attempting to access data markers from the computer cores taken from the Kumquat and the Daventry per the orders of Admiral Atragon. Present also was Chief Science Officer LtCdr M.C. Escher. Ltjg Jaenke was the Officer in Charge.


At 2232, on the orders of OIC Jaenke, Ens Shelton initiated a power up of the designated core. As per SOP, Ens Shelton reset his station and began a slow power buildup as specified. When a power buildup is initiated, SOP is to increase voltage while keeping the amperage low for the protection of all personnel involved. Following SOP Ens Shelton closely monitored all aspects of the power-up procedure.


At 2235, while Ltjg Jaenke and Ens Shelton collaborated on the parameters of the procedure, LtCdr Escher bypassed protocol and, without consulting OIC Jaenke, LtCdr Escher attempted to access the core via a nearby console. This increased the amperage exponentially and the direct current power source built up a discharge. The discharge produced jumped from the power source to Ltjg Jaenke. It knocked him from his chair, into the air, and across the room. At that point emergency switches engaged and shut down the power. Ens Shelton immediately called for medical assistance.


According to engineering records, at the time of the discharge, power was approaching 50 volts, which should have produced a negligible effect. It is the professional opinion of Ens Shelton that LtCdr Escher’s manipulations produced an amperage buildup exceeding the safety limitations required during a routine power up. Ens Shelton also noted that his shout to stop was ignored by LtCdr Escher. LtCdr Escher continued to work at the console and remarked, “That shouldn’t have happened; let me know if he’s okay,” then continued on as if nothing had happened.


At 2240, Ens Shelton called for emergency medical assistance. At 2247 medical assistance arrived and Ltjg Jaenke was remanded to their care.



Ensign Drae Montgomery Shelton, Engineer, USS Manticore



“It’s a game-changer for sure,” said Groginsky, who, along with a few other engineers, had been reading over Drae’s shoulder.


“Yeah. Career ender, too.”


Marty rounded the chair to face him and leaned up against the console frame. “So... what you waiting for? You going to send it?”


“Maybe. Maybe not,” Drae countered, still staring at the screen.




“Doc said I have to send it within five minutes, Gro, but....”


“What do you mean, but? Anything in there not happen?” Marty pressed, pushing off from the counter to tap Drae’s screen, “anything not true?”


“It’s true. All right there...” Drae waved a hand at the console he used to review the video footage, “...but the guy’s Chief Science Officer, a LtCdr, and, like I said, it’s a career-ender.”


“Hey! Drae! Look at me, man.”


Drae finally pulled his stare away from the screen.


“You want that guy to come in here and do something like that again? Bypass protocol? Ignore what’s happening around him? Ignore the officer in charge? Maybe get someone killed next time?”


By then they’d drawn a big crowd. Drae didn't answer.


“Drae,” Marty continued, his face flushed, “you angry about this or not?”


“Damn right I am, Gro!” Marty’s remark drew him out of his chair. “Hell, Erich’s up there in sick bay, no idea what his condition is....”


“Then send the damn thing!”


At exactly T + 4:59, Ensign Shelton’s report appeared at the main console in sick bay.

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