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Restriction and Possible Discovery

At least they had loosened the restraining field that had been holding her. It had been maddeningly constrictive, enough to put one into a panic finding oneself totally constricted upon awakening. However, she was still confused by the game these others were playing. At best she could guess, it was some attempt to brainwash her into doing something insidious against Galae or someone that would or could trust her. She must not believe anything they try telling her about the few that she cared about. It could only be a trap. And what had the woman meant, when she threatened that her house name was na longer hers. The only thing that could have caused that that she knew of, was if her bondmate, several years yy'a at this point, had done something that had just recently been discovered.................unless..................unless............No. No! Could it be that someone had discovered her dark secret. What if someone had found out, and N'vrak's family had done something to anull the bonding? Fvaht....... it couldn't have come to that, had it? If she had been found out, who could she face? Na even io of her only friends, na even Var'lon tr'Vatrix, who had been her bondmate's best friend. What would he think of her? Surely he'd strip her of her command and .........possibly.......imprison..... She stopped a siuren and looked around at her imprisonment. That must be it. I've been stripped of house and command. Well, I will na let them bend me to their plans............I will na...

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