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Major Complications ...

Having escorted Lieutenant T’Aral to medical exam room 3, Ensign T’Shia Khora paged Captain Calestorm to the Medical bay, before pacing nervously. She tried to remember everything her parents taught her about emotional control and the need for logic, even if she was an emotional human. She was going to be addressing a superior officer, the captain of the ship, to brief her on a sensitive matter. She needed to be respectful and polite at all times; T’Aral would be most disappointed if she were to prove otherwise.


She waited as patiently as she could, constantly watching the bay entrance until the Captain finally arrived - at which point she immediately straightened. “Thank you for coming, Captain. All initial scans verify our findings on the bridge; Lieutenant T’Aral is in fine health. If you will come with me to the doctor’s office, I will attempt to explain the incident on the bridge.” Her voice was steady and pleasant, with an even meter that was not at all rushed. T’Shia couldn’t help but be proud of herself, hoping that T’Aral could hear her. A good performance would honor T’Aral, and further honor the Vulcans who raised her.


The older woman regarded the newbie medical assistant, mentally noting on a subconscious level that she’d been assigned for several weeks now. Khora, several postings previously, human by birth and raised by Vulcans.


Calestorm nodded, indicating she proceed with the report. “Ensign, what’cha got for me?”


Khora began as she led the Captain. “Lieutenant T’Aral suffered a momentary loss of blood pressure in her upper body, the result of turbolift acceleration. As a former pilot, I am sure you are familiar with blackout due to acceleration. Turbolift acceleration is minor by comparison, and is commonly compensated for in most species internally and is unnoticed...” She waited until the Captain had entered the office and the door had closed before continuing. “... unless the body is operating with an alternative set of priorities. When the body has a condition which takes priority, that condition is maintained and other functions are subordinate.”


“A condition? Is the Doctor alright?” A tinge of concern colored the words.


Khora took a deep breath. “I hope the Captain will pardon me, but I feel it’s important to brief you privately before going further. There are conditions among the Vulcans which need to be handled ... well, delicately. Situations which involve their personal lives are especially sensitive. If such a situation is approached indelicately, the result is an infuriated Vulcan.” She raised her hands slightly to emphasize. “I’ve seen it happen - it isn’t pretty!”


Cale’s eyebrows shot towards her hairline. “I’d imagine not, nope...”


Khora breathed again, finding it difficult to get to the point. “Vulcans have a way of handling personal matters in a way that is orderly and logical. When their homeworld was destroyed, it pretty much threw their way of life into chaos. They’re trying to rebuild, but reorganizing such an ordered and disciplined society takes time. In the meantime Vulcans are suffering as they try to deal with ...” She stopped, knowing that she was doing this badly. Her parents wouldn’t approve, and T’Aral wouldn’t approve. The Captain didn’t need a lecture, she needed Khora to get to the point. She winced slightly, deciding it was best to just blurt it out.


“Lieutenant T’Aral is pregnant.”


Covert rescue missions. A vampire cloud-being that had jumped from body to body. A zombie virus. The Orion Cartel. The Grayson political situation. The Jericho Colony evacuation. Crash had seen and done a lot in her career and not much surprised her anymore, but she definitely wasn’t expecting to hear this tidbit of news




As soon as the question left her lips, the Captain pointed a finger and waved it almost comically in the general direction where Khora stood as she amended, “Waitaminute, ferget I said that. I *know* how it happened...”


The Captain’s statement came as a relief to Khora, as she was not at all certain how Vulcan society would view her explaining the mechanics of Vulcan biology. Instead she simply nodded to the Captain. “The fundamentals are typical for sapien-type life forms, though the particular circumstances have not progressed in the traditional Vulcan manner.”


Starfleet had policies regarding fraternization and pregnancy but generally left up to the discretion of the command staff to enforce the rules in the manner that they saw fit and the Comanche Creek was no exception. Officers and crew were not strung up for engaging in relationships and Calestorm and Wesley expected only discretion and respect in return.


Still, this was a delicate situation and Crash was way more comfortable zipping around the galaxy in a starfighter. “I gotta sit down.” She half-sat on the edge of the office desk, leaning her weight on the supported leg. “Does the Doctor realize?”


Khora nodded.“She is aware of the situation; the tricorder readings taken on the bridge left little doubt, and bio-bed scans have confirmed. Currently, she is considering her options.”


“So, basically what yer tellin’ me here is there was a...situation? And in order to handle it properly and privately ‘cause of Vulcan beliefs, it necessitated a pregnancy?”


“Mmm ...” Khora considered carefully. “... that is mostly correct except for the last part. The pregnancy was unanticipated, which is proving curious. Factors in Vulcan physiology have historically made such surprises non-existent.” Khora straightened. “However, that is unimportant. What matters now is helping the Lieutenant get through this with her dignity. Pregnant Vulcans are much like pregnant Humans: periodically moody due to the hormonal changes they are undergoing. Her mental disciplines will be under stress, so we need to keep things strictly business to help her maintain her composure.”


Calestorm made a mental note that the pregnancy was a surprise but chose not to comment and she wasn’t an expert in Vulcan biology, but an educated guess she could do.


“Ensign Khora, surprises may be the new normal with regard to Vulcans especially without the homeworld as an anchor - spiritual, emotional, physical...are you able to help her if she should have any lapses in control?”


Khora bit her lip in a moment of complete honesty. “Other than to try and isolate her for some alone-time ... no. Hopefully that will be all she requires, for there’s little else anyone can do. It’s the kind of thing that just has to be allowed to run its course. Attempting anything more would pose a threat to the Lieutenant, her child, or both.”


She trailed off, not sure of what else to say and cleared her throat. “I’ll be discreet and you can assure the Doc that it’ll be business as usual much as she needs it to be. I suggest you inform Commander Wesley if the Doctor isn’t up to the conversation.”


“Yes Ma’am.” Khora very much hoped that T’Aral would be feeling up to bringing the matter up with the Commander personally. Among a wide variety of things that scared Ensign Khora were Orions and Command Officers; Commander Wesley was both. “T’Aral would like to speak with you, if you can spare the time.”


Removing herself from the seated position on the edge of the desk, the Captain indicated with a gesture that the young medical officer lead the way. Khora guided her to exam room 3 where T’Aral was reclining, stepping out of the room and closing the door as soon as Cale had entered.


Seeing the Captain enter, she straightened and sat up immediately. “Captain - I expect the Ensign has provided you with the necessary details. I apologize for this situation, and am curious regarding your views. What would your recommendation be regarding my continued service? I have, after all, made a commitment to the ship, however I would prefer not to adversely effect the good order of the ship’s activities.”


Calestorm leaned a hip against the edge of the bed and half-sat, respectful of TAral’s personal space; there was a time and place for formality and this wasn’t one of them. She crossed her arms over her chest and regarded the CMO with open honesty. “Yep, the Ensign briefed me and ah see no problems with you maintaining your duties as CMO as you’re able. A leave of absence can be arranged when needed.”


T’Aral nodded. “Thank you, Captain. I ... wish to make a request.” She breathed deeply, only once. “It is customary among Vulcans that the course of a pregnancy be attended by a single trusted caregiver. As I will be continuing to serve for some time, I respectfully request that arrangements be made to allow Ensign Khora a similar leave of absence when that becomes necessary.”


“No problem, Doc.” The answer was immediate and without hesitation. “And when the time comes, myself and the Commander will handle the necessary paperwork. I wish you the best and congratulations are in order, Lieutenant.” Crash offered a hand to TAral with a half-smile and a roguish wink. “Can’t be letting the father take all the credit now, can we?”


T’Aral accepted Cale’s hand - not shaking, not moving, but just holding. “There will be no ‘credit’ taken, Captain, nor is there a desire for congratulations. As the Ensign’s efforts were clearly not entirely successful, I must explain further. This situation is ... an embarrassment. Such a disruption in the good order of the ship is not excusable. An unplanned pregnancy is an undesired situation, at best tolerated for the greater good of restoring the Vulcan race. The father will likely not wish to be identified, as that would open more questions than he would wish to answer.”


T’Aral released Cale’s hand. “It is my hope that you will understand - or if failing to understand, that you will accept what I am saying. The situation is accepted, but it is not one I have sought.”


Crash sobered, but not from anger. She cocked her head to one side and regarded the Chief Medical Officer, a gentle ghost of a smile remaining on her lips. “Then how ‘bout we both view this as restoration to the Vulcan race? As for embarrassment, that’s somethin’ that you need to work out yerself...it ain’t real healthy to dwell on this for an extended period of time, just my opinion...y’all hear me now T’Aral?”


The doctor cocked an eyebrow. “You are sufficiently audible; a trait you consistently demonstrate.” Withdrawing her hand, she looked to the bed monitors before setting her hands upon the bed edge. “My readings have sufficiently stabilized. If I were anyone else, I would be discharged. As it stands, I am notifying you of my intent to return to my duties.”


An eye squinted in amusement at the ‘audible’ comment and then Calestorm nodded her assent. “Notification is...noted. Intent is accepted. I expect your physical condition to be monitored for the next few hours by someone besides yourself to avoid a repeat of the episode on the bridge.” This last part was more an order then suggestion.


“As my duties require me to remain in the Medical bay for the next several hours, I am quite certain I will be adequately watched.” Although her expression had not changed, there was a subtle tonal shift which accompanied her words which suggested that her patience was beginning to strain. “If there is nothing more, I have a considerable amount of work to do.”


Do not annoy a pregnant woman. Ever! Didn’t matter the species. Captain Calestorm offered a nod and retreated out of the private room.


In truth there was little department work needed. T’Aral’s concerns were far more practical. She needed to contact the Vulcan colony to determine if any recognizable names among her clan had survived. She would require assistance in the later months, and it would not be advisable to seek help among the priesthood. What she had done was necessary, but controversial. Becoming pregnant would make it moreso; it would be best if she were to quickly vanish upon arrival at the colony.

Edited by T'aral

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