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A Davis

Between the Lines

Between the Lines

Captain Chirakis and Counselor Davis


“Tell me, Doctor, what you think of the child, Annisha.”


Abrupt, as usual. Definitely not mincing words. Cutting to the chase. It amazed Amanda the number of trite expressions that popped into her mind when the captain spoke.


“Well,” she began as the captain paused the command lift for privacy. “She is definitely capable.”


“Only capable?”


The head-tilt, the piercing eyes, the crossed arms - all called for something more, perhaps something different? “What, exactly are you looking for?”


“I am looking for your professional assessment of the abilities of the child, Annisha, who presently resides in the orphanage, whose house is not known, whose origins are not known, who has been claimed for adoption, and whose abilities you have just witnessed via my personal viewscreen.”


And now the captain was angry. At what? Amanda watched her a minute, thought a minute, and then straightened up, meeting the captain’s eyes for probably the first time since she’d come aboard. “May I be frank, Captain?”


The piercing gaze remained. “Why should you not be frank, Counselor?”


“Well, because... you can be very intimidating, and... frankly...” she took a deep breath, trying not to lose her temper, “I’ve had enough intimidation.”


Kirel held her gaze for a moment, then restarted the lift with, “Computer, my office. Direct.”


Amanda remained facing her, unyielding. Kirel, on the other hand, relaxed. Her arms were still crossed, but she stared thoughtfully at the ceiling, then stepped out, leading Amanda into her office.


“Please, Counselor, make yourself comfortable while I make tea.”


“Tea?” Amanda wasn’t quite sure she wanted tea at this point.


“Darjeeling,” came the calm reply from the bar not far from the settee, “one lump, correct?”


Amanda perched on the edge of the settee. In a moment the captain returned with a... tea tray?


“One lump?” The captain repeated after setting the tray on the coffee table.


“Yes. One,” Amanda replied, her face still flushed, “thank you.”


There followed a few minutes of silence. They faced each other, Amanda on the settee and Captain Chirakis in a chair, not exactly facing her, not exactly turned away. It was a comfortable angle. Amanda took a tentative sip of her tea.


“Intimidate,” Kirel began pensively. “Correct me if I’m wrong, but it means ‘to frighten or overawe in order to gain control.’”




She seemed to mull that over a second. “And I intimidate you.”


“Yes. Yes, you do. Not... all the time, but most of the time.”


“Then I have accomplished my goal.” Kirel sipped her tea.


“Beg your pardon?”


The warm fragrance of Darjeeling filled the silenced room. Amanda relaxed a bit more as the captain settled comfortably against the back of her chair, cup in hand. Her expression and tone softened but her delivery remained direct, and her words were measured.


“Counselor, this station sits on the edge of hostile territory, much of it completely unknown. The dangers we face here are unlike any among the allied powers, and much unlike any I have ever encountered. To survive one must be physically and mentally strong. One must be able to judge swiftly and accurately friend or foe, and be able to face a foe... or a danger... without succumbing to fear.”


The captain put her cup aside. “Since I came aboard this station I have sensed your fear, Doctor Davis, especially your fear of me. To be effective, whether you are counseling civilian support, crew, or command... and you will have occasion to counsel command... you must display the same approach to fear that you desire to instill in them. You cannot succumb to fear. To that end, I have pushed you to your limit of endurance. You have confronted your fear, conquered it by confronting me, and are now ready to be effective in your role as counselor. I have achieved my goal.”


Amanda sat staring, at a loss for words.


“Now. Do I intimidate you, Counselor?”


“No, you do not,” she replied timidly.


“Counselor,” the captain repeated, leaning into her words, “do I intimidate you?”


Amanda jerked up. “No,” she exclaimed. “Certainly not!”


“Good.” Kirel leaned back, picking up her cup, “Tell me about Annisha.”

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