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STSF Jumper

It Means A Lot
Half The Pilot (Part 2)

Crash Calestorm -> Hanger Bay> ::exiting the cockpit of Hornet 13 after completing a patrol run and buzzing the bridge module again, of *course*::

Shalin -> :: Sighs :: She never gets tired of that.

STSF_Scooter -> Apparently not.

STSF_Scooter -> One of these days Jumper is going to have to ground her

- 03.18.13 Comanche Creek Chat


= = = =

Jumper Honor-Scar currently lurked on the other side of the lockers from Captain Calestorm. Yes, she was lurking and she freely admitted it. Totally lurking, yes she was! Cowardly even!


The golden furred Caitian had gone head to head against pirates, flown a starfighter against Klingon border hoppers and fought scruffy nerph herders in a bar fight. She’d grown up in a professional Caitian mercenary clan. She’d worked her way up to squad leader and then ACAG of the Comanche Creek.


So…yeah. If she could handle those situations, she could handle this one with Crash Calestorm. Third flyby in two weeks and that was a little too maverick, even in Honor-Scars book. Heh.


Screwing up her courage, Honor-Scar took a breath, puffed out her chest and walked around the separation between the locker areas.




Calestorm glanced quickly over her shoulder and then turned back to continue re-arranging items in her assigned locker. “Aye Jumper what can I do ya for?”


“Official business, Sir. I’d like to talk with you in private.”


The clipped delivery in the Caitian's purring tone caught Cale’s attention and she turned her head to eye the ACAG. Still outfitted in the ‘Creek flight suit, the ships ‘USS Comanche Creek’ crest and ‘214 Black Sheep’ patches prominently displayed and helmet tucked under one arm, the felinoid gestured slightly with her free paw towards a free office set across the access corridor from the main locker room area.


Tugging her gold command tunic into place, the Captain nodded at the summons. “Lead the way Lieutenant.”


= = = =

The office was neat and clean, typically used by the Deck Chief to store extra equipment and hardcopy files. Placing her helmet on the desktop surface, Honor-Scar took the chair behind the desk while indicating Calestorm take one of the two visitors chairs set across from her.


Once they had settled in, she wasted no time in getting down to business. “Captain, you’re grounded.”


Kid you definitely need to work on the delivery if not your form, but that’ll do for now. Calestorm cleared her throat and genially asked, “Excuse me Lieutenant?”


“Sir, I’m all for having a little adventure every now and then, but you’ve done three flybys of the bridge module in the past two weeks. I know that’s your ‘thing’ as you Humans say but three in a row is unacceptable and you need to calm yourself down for a little bit.”


“I see…” she kept her voice carefully neutral.


“I will be forwarding an update to inform Commander Wesley of the sanction, per regulations.”


“Of course.” Again, the voice was neutral.


The felinoid junior officer continued, sounding a bit rushed as if she wanted this all over with quickly. “You’ll be grounded for the remainder of our travel time to Cold Station 13 as well as our return trip to New Topeka. You’ll not be permitted any flight time for up to a total of three weeks unless there’s an emergency.”


“An emergency? Such as vampiric flying pixies attacking?”


Honor-Scar gave a low growl and her yellow eyes flashed with annoyance. “Sir, this is no time for jokes and I suggest you pull back the sarcasm. While I admire your particular sarcastic humor, now is not the time unless you want to help the deck hands clean the muck out the starfighter engines.”


What Crash thought was - you go on with your hard ass officer-self Kid! - and what she said was, “You’re right Lieutenant, my apologies and I’ll of course abide by y’all’s decision.”


The Lieutenant flipped an ear back, most likely at the ‘y’all’ and then nodded. “Good. I’d prefer not to have this conversation again, Captain.”


Gathering up her helmet, Honor-Scar nodded politely to the still seated Calestorm and then walked towards the doorway.




“Sir?” She turned to face the elder Human.


“You’re the lead pilot. You keep doing exactly what you did here. Doesn’t matter who flies under you, or their rank. Don’t ever forget that and don’t ever let yourself be intimidated.”


It was the sort of statement that Crash could make to someone such as Jumper and have the young feline truly understand the subtext, with the Lieutenant already being a few years into her chosen career. That understanding that only came with serving on the front lines with others right beside you.


The felinoid considered the statement for a few seconds, and then responded with, “Aye Sir. And watch out for those vampire pixies.”


Calestorm stood and saluted the ACAG, the crisp snap of her hand to temple almost audible. She meant the gesture wholeheartedly and Honor-Scar sensed the intended respect as well. Jumper nodded silently and then continued on her way out of the office, tail swishing.


A long, slow smile spread across Cale’s face after the feline officer had departed. She whispered, “That one is indeed coming along very nicely. Caitians always make some of the best CAGs…”

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