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Stationary Orbit

Jylliene stepped out of the shower.


That worked better than anticipated, she thought. Even the one thing she thought would be most difficult, washing her hair, went relatively smoothly. Not *easily*, but it worked. It did help that she had her hair cut - just shoulder-length now, which seemed to her like it would be simpler. Easier to comb, definitely.


All kinds of thoughts had been passing through her mind about dealing with the next couple of weeks. Admittedly, the chance that maybe she’d actually need to ask Nijil for a little help with bathing had not *exactly* been an unpleasant idea. She paused.


Stop it, stop it, stop it. Jylliene changed into her pajamas - NOT the Trill equine ones this time. Solid color. Safe.


Safe, she thought to herself as she got a cup of tea.


His quarters were just a few doors down.


And here she sat, safe on her safe couch in her safe quarters. The same safe couch that he’d slept on each time he’d been there overnight. Sure, it had been a bit soon to risk more by sharing a bed instead.


But would they, in another month, in another year, still be safely holding to status quo?


She looked at her tea. Her nice safe tea.


I could use some of that ale right now, she thought inwardly.

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