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A Fine Mess, Part V

(Log events take place shortly before "A Long and Winding Request")


Jylliene walked towards Nijil’s quarters. She had received the package he left for her just a few days ago, and wanted to thank him, but their anticipated tea had been delayed by his injury in the Klingon incident on the Midway. Eh well - in a way, it would be more interesting seeing him now that she’d had a chance to try on a few of the garments. She had decided to wear the lovely deep green dress for the visit. Admittedly, it WAS nice to have something a bit more, well, feminine to wear.


She paused at the door and rang the chime.


Nijil had been only resting for a few moments, but it was the first time since his injury he felt able to close his eyelids. “Ugh,” he went in his head. “What?” He got up out of the bed and walked slowly to the door. “What could you want,” he asked? The door hissed open.


Jylliene had been smiling, until the door opened. Recovered enough for release to quarters, he may have been, but he looked exhausted, and she immediately realized she may have woken him.


She babbled, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to wake you. Did I wake you? Should I go? Wait, do you want to come with me? You never did get a proper bed, did you? That’s gotta be hard on the back. I...” she paused, took a breath, and began again. “Good to see you. Thank you -”


Before she could ramble on any more he grabbed her and pulled her into his quarters. The door closed behind her. He took a step back and looked her up and down. He paused some more. “I guess you got that package.”


“I did, yes. I came over to thank you,” she said, smiling. “But I really don’t want to keep you up if you should be resting.”


“No! No. It’s alright. Please sit in my...closet.” He waved a hand to indicate his room. All of it.


“It’s cozy,” she said, looking for a place to sit.


“I just sit here.” Nijil sat on the bed. Normally he just moved the pillows along the long side and it magically turned into a couch. He kept on looking at her. “My elements. You look great. Did they fit? It sure looks so.” He turned a little green at his own enthusiasm.


Jylliene grinned. “Yes, they did. Very well. And thank you,” she added, reaching out and touching his cheek. “But where did you get them?”


Greener, he answered. “They were in that small cargo container sent here from my folks. I’m guessing the clothing were my sister’s. A thing for clothes. Sorry if that’s a bit weird, but I had not planned on wearing them.”


“Well, I imagine the dress wouldn’t really suit your frame...I hope it’s not, well, awkward, my wearing her clothes? Maybe I should have asked before I just impulsively decided to wear this over here.”


“I’ve not seen most of them. And believe me, you don’t remind me of my sister either.” Nijil did not know when to shut up. “Tea?”


“Tea would be wonderful.” She sat down on the edge of the bed.


Nijil got up and heading to the small replicator. He ordered two hot teas in his native language. Moments later he sat her cup and saucer on the table next to her. “Just as you like it.”


Jylliene cradled the cup in her hands and took a sip. “Perfect,” she said.


His smile was a light year across. He sipped his own brew. “So did you see the brawl on the midway?”


She nodded. “We were watching from the CT. Had it up on the main display. It was quite a sight. Speaking of that, how is your back doing?”


“It’s stiff and a little sore. I’ve had trouble sleeping. I was just drifting off when you knocked.” He had a thought of Jylliene making one heck of a Romulan.


“I’m sorry. I really didn’t mean to interrupt. But...I imagine this isn’t the most comfortable place to be recovering. Would you prefer to come over? I can try to firm up the couch a bit, or you’d be welcome to take the bed. Or...I could run by medical, pick up something to help you sleep.”


“I think I’m medicated enough. That couch thing may do the trick.” Nijil thought for a moment. “People are probably thinking something is going on between us.” He did not learn to shut up.


Jylliene grinned. “I’d be happy to have you. Even if you end up sleeping most of the time away while you recover. And as far as what they think, well...let ‘em.” She paused, then continued, “They may be half-right anyhow.”


Nijil swallowed and did not answer. “Let me get a few things.” An image of Annisha flashed on one of the monitors. His computers were searching the subspace waves for news of the girl or her parents. The search expanded to images and where available holograms.


Jylliene glanced at the screen. “That was one of the children caught in the middle of the fight, wasn’t she?”


“Yes, the one I deflected the knife with using my back. She lost her parents as far as she knows. She remains on the station for the time being.” The pack was full of clothes and a few PADDs.


“When we get back to my quarters, I can link my computer in, if you’d like. You can continue your search,” she added.


“Ready to go and thanks. I’ve thought about hacking into the station’s core for even more processing power, but I can’t get around the firewalls. So don’t let me around your ops station.” He stood up and opened the door.


Jylliene grinned and stood. “We’ll be off, then. See if we can’t get you rested properly.”


She led him along the way to her quarters, and as they walked, it did seem like Nijil was right - there were some glances directed at them. Admittedly, it could just be from seeing them out of uniform, or perhaps the dress not being typical among the civilian attire seen on the station. Jyll really didn’t care much one way or the other, all told, though the thought occurred to her that with the increased surveillance, they could be seen on who knows what screens right now. Probably security’s, regardless, knowing the SubCommander, though she imagined he had far more important things to be focused on at the moment. They finally arrived at her quarters and entered.


As the doors slid shut, she stepped back towards Nijil and leaned closer...

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