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Ghosts of the Past

The corridor at the library was quiet. Jylliene loved it here; shelves upon shelves of books, information waiting for any willing mind to partake. It’s where she had first met Craith, and where they still liked to meet before going out to a park, to a concert, or wherever they chose. They had grown closer, and Craith had suggested a trip out during this coming break in studies to a quiet lake house his family owned. She had been hesitant, but over the past few days had finally decided that she’d agree to the plan, and came here expecting to find him.


Which she did.


What she did NOT expect, however, was to see him whispering to another young woman. As his back was to Jylliene, he didn’t see her, but Jylliene did see the woman blush and smile at whatever it was he was saying. She thought she heard “lake”, but the surprise was too much for her to register much more before she spun on her heel and fled.


A couple of years later, Jylliene had let herself become close to someone again. Daniores was affectionate and warm, and Jyll found herself imagining what a life together with him might be like. They had an evening planned in just a few days, and she thought she might mention the future. It was as they were choosing a restaurant to meet at that the call came in for Daniores - he was the next up on the list for joining, and a host was being brought in on life support. The symbiont would need to be transferred quickly. Daniores and Jylliene shared a quick kiss before he hurried off.


When she met him next, she barely recognized him. Sure, he looked the same - but the change in his disposition, his character, were indescribably different. They had been taught, as all preparing for joining had, that there’d be some change from the union of the two personalities; but this wasn’t just “some change”, this was more like a takeover of one person by another. Jylliene left the program the next day and did not see Daniores again.


And now..? She sat in her quarters on the couch, curled up against the same armrest Nijil had slept against the previous night, the blanket pulled up around her as she cradled an empty teacup in her hands. She stared at it, wondering what fate awaited them as the mission hung looming overhead.


Jylliene’s head drooped; she felt Nijil’s arms around her, not knowing when he had arrived. He pulled her towards him...


..and she awoke abruptly, the cup still in her hands. Placing it on the table, she rose, and left her quarters.

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