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Herbert ...

Lieutenant T’Aral walked steadily through the Caduceus, having grown accustomed to any facility of significance being a carrier or submarine of some form. The planet’s medical vessel was no exception; a submarine of fairly ordinary make, other than being painted a gleaming white and being substantially larger than even most of the research vessels. The enclosed design allowed the ship to ride out the planet’s storms in the relative tranquility of deep sea, which was imperfect but considerably better than being on the surface.


As she made her way past the conning tower receiving area, she was met with an attendant. “Thank you for arriving so quickly, Doctor. While our staff excels at dealing with local issues of all kinds, it is preferable to have an expert in xenopathology to examine these patients.”


T’Aral nodded. “A pirate crew, I gather?”


“No, Doctor – they are best described as ‘illegal immigrants, though beyond that they’re … well, best that you see for yourself.”


T’Aral stepped through a bulkhead door to enter the examination room to find herself surrounded with a dozen brightly-dressed young adults of various races. Their elbows were locked together in a clear gesture of defiance, with their fingers templed into an ‘o’ pattern in front of their faces. Their circle was exceptionally tight – their bodies pressed back to back against each other. She stepped around the group steadily, observing their expressions and eye movements until she identified one which stood out; a young male, shorter than the others but with an unmistakable air of capable defiance. Kneeling before him, she nodded in greeting. “I am required to conduct a series of medical examinations on yourself and your associates. It is my recommendation that you all co-operate, as this will make the experience less unpleasant.”


“No go, Herbert!” shouted one from the far side of the circle. T’Aral ignored him, her eyes locked with the young man in front of her. He was a minor follower, showing off for his comrades. She needed to reason with the Alpha of the group – his compliance would give her the co-operation of the others.


The young man’s gaze matched hers. She could sense his inner strength; if this became a battle of wills she would lose. “You heard our decision, Herbert – no go.”


T’Aral’s composure was completely unaffected. This would not be a battle of wills, but a simple exercise in logic. “Allow me to fully explain your situation. You are on this planet illegally …”


“We do not recognize your laws or your authority over nature. We recognize only ourselves.” His face was tight and his gaze was firm. T’Aral was impressed with his composure, for the tone of his voice had not raised nor had the volume. His discipline was admirable.


“The authority behind the laws you have broken is based on the fact that there are guards around you who currently possess phasers. Whether you recognize their authority or not is irrelevant – it is their understanding that they are in authority, and they will exercise that belief if it is opposed.” The young man’s expression softened almost imperceptibly, but it was enough. “As they have apparently not engaged in such activity as of yet, it is my belief that they have no particular desire to do so. It is my recommendation that you do not encourage them otherwise. There are medical examinations which need to be performed; please co-operate so that they may end quickly and without incident.”


His face hardened again. “We do not accept your authority, Herbert.”


T’Aral stood, her face passive. “Then you shall be stunned, lifted by strong orderlies, then strapped to a series of gurneys. The examinations will take place – I only sought to spare you discomfort.” She stepped back, gesturing to the guards who promptly took aim.


“Wait …” The young man lowered his head slightly, unlocked himself from the others, and stood. T’Aral gestured to a bio-bed for him to approach. As she anticipated, his obedience was reflected in the others. The fact that they were scowling at her was of no interest to her, nor was the fact that they sat cross-legged with their hands in the ‘o’ pattern. The examinations could proceed.


“You are a collective of some form?” T’Aral’s initial examinations found no major or minor injuries, which was preferable. It was apparent that the local security officers understood the concept of restraint on many levels.


“We are One.” The response was an absolute statement of belief, which carried a tone and manner that T’Aral was familiar with.


She proceeded to scan his circulatory flow, which was in satisfactory condition though slightly anemic. “Such statements only convey significance when they are understood.”


He sneered slightly. “Of course you do not understand – you are Herbert.”


“To convey an insult also requires comprehension. I cannot be insulted by you until we share a common frame of reference.” His skeletal system was in fair condition, though lacking in some nutrients. She closed her tricorder. “You are in reasonable health, and you carry no sign of unacceptable pathogens. I anticipate that your companions will test similarly, as I expect that you have been in close proximity with each other for some time. You also show signs of malnourishment – most likely the result of an underdeveloped vegan diet.” She entered her findings and closed the computer terminal. “I will develop a series of recommendations to improve the effectiveness of your dietary options.”


The young man stared at her. “You’re … going to help?”


“It is illogical for a medical practitioner to withhold beneficial information. While the most sensible course of action would be for you to reassess your current dietary habits in favor of something more particular to your species, I expect that you will not do so. Therefore I will endeavor to improve your condition through more acceptable techniques.”


“That’s friendly of you – maybe you are not Herbert.” He folded himself on the bio-bed with a slight smile, his hands held before him still in the templed ‘o’.


T’Aral stepped over to the next bed. The young man’s comments were irrelevant; all that mattered was that there were eleven more subjects for examination …


“Hey Herbert – how do you breathe in those clothes?”


… and apparently each one was going to provide its own challenges.

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