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Night Of The Happy Doctor (Part 2)

Assistant Medical Officer's Personal Log


An alarm went off Victor rolled over in bed, the empty cocktail glass he was clutching fell to the floor. He groaned. His head was pounding like a pogo stick rally was being held in it. What he really wanted to do with every fibre of his body was to fall back to sleep but his duties for the day pecked at him like that god awful alarm was poking at his brain. He kept reaching for the off button and succeeded on the third try, however he also fell on the floor where he groaned an even bigger groan. After about a minute just lying there he slowly crawled up to his feet and made his way to the bathroom. When he finally hobbled in there he gave a look at himself.


The bags under his eyes were big, a layer of stubble had grown through the night, he smelled like a brewery, the lipstick on his collar was still there, he-


Lipstick on his collar? Victor was a bit hazy on what had happened. It was then that he decided to hear any messages that he had been left. He pressed some buttons on a console and listened to them.


“Doctor Images. This is the personnel office; we have left your new pip on your side table so you can collect it for duty tomorrow. Congratulations.”


Victor leaned outside the bathroom and saw the small pip sitting on a small piece of soft material with the Starfleet insignia on it. Victor kept his ears open for the next message.


“Hey doc, this is Ensign Daphne Martinez, I had a lot of fun with you last night in Drankums, contact me, we’ll have dinner sometime.”


“Hmmm, obviously that was the source of the lipstick” he said to himself grinning and rubbing his chin as he tried to recap the events of the night. He’d been very happy at getting his promotion so he’d gone out for a lark. He’d gone straight down to Drankums and started an impromptu party with everyone in there, getting drinks for everyone and putting the music on loud. That’s when he met a group of good looking girls from engineering. Victor smiled, the night had obviously gone very well indeed…But just then Victor noticed that there was still one last message left to come.


“Hello Victor, Helen Shalworth here, you’re quite cute, I’d like to see you again very soon”


He continued to remember what he’d done next. Yes when Daphne and a couple of the other girls had left he’d started talking to Helen and…


He covered his eyes. “Oh dear” he mumbled. He’d obviously done a little more celebrating then he’d planned on. These two girls worked in the same department. Now it seemed that Victor would have to keep hidden for a while, probably till the end of the next century.


But surprisingly, the doctor suddenly became a bit more preoccupied with something else. He was supposed to be going to the hearing this morning and yet at this moment he resembled the wild man of Borneo. Images opened his medicine cabinet and took some painkillers. Victor rarely ever got hangovers, but he got a small headache or two when he touched something heavy like Romulan Ale. However the miracles of modern medicine could fix that quickly and within minutes he could easily get fit and ready for duty.  He showered, shaved and when he looked in the mirror a second time he looked incredibly different and after he got dressed into another dress uniform he was quite striking. This time though he had fixed on his new second pip. He then had a cup of tea and a light breakfast of toast and scrambled eggs. He was just about to leave, when the doorbell to his room rang.


Victor got up and walked to the door, he opened it with a bright cheery smile. Two attractive women were standing in the hallway, one a blonde, the other a brunette.


“Can I help you ladies?” he said in his most charming James Bond voice.


It was then that Victor noticed that both were wearing yellow engineering uniforms, both seemed familiar and both giving him death stares. And coincidentally both swung a punch at his face. The doctor quickly ducked from the blows and ran away faster then he had ever run before. Victor’s first day as a Junior lieutenant was off to a very odd start.

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