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Crash Calestorm

Ron Tracey Removed
Changes on the Wind

The following log takes place just prior to the 02.04.13 Sim…


USS Comanche Creek

Aquarius Major Orbital

Executive Officers Quarters


The assignment to Aquarius Major continued to go by the book with the exploration and infrastructure assistance parameters moving forward. Unfortunately, Ron Tracey had in fact been involved with the local smuggler sub-culture as a quiet investigation uncovered, and the resulting fallout was in full swing.


With a bit of a heavy heart, Commander Calestorm gave a verbal report on the incident to the Commanding Officer of the First Threat Response Program, Rear Admiral Shauna Coyote.


“…Captain Ron Tracey was taken into custody this morning at oh nine hundred along with his Chief Medical Officer, Commander Moira Pulaski. The responding team consisted of representatives from our Security and Marine Detachment squads as well as the CSEC from the James Walking Bear*.”




“Negative. Executive Officer Stiles took temporary command of the vessel pending permanent approval from you and Brigadier General Tigard*.”


“How far did their influence extend?”


“Pulaski and Ron’s influence hadn’t expanded much beyond the planetary sector or the local fence contacts. I expect Captain Wesley’s full report on the matter land in your inbox within the next hour if the document isn’t sent already.”


“Congratulations, Commander.”


“Wasn’t just me. I had Audraya, volunteer crew and several lead officers help with the overall investigation into the smuggling subculture that’s been a continual problem here at Aquarius. And I’d like to directly state and be quoted that I ain’t too thrilled with the outcome…Ron deserves better.”


“I understand your feelings and your loyalty to Ron. Your crew will be acknowledged for their efforts, of course. What’s your general assessment regarding Commander Pulaski and Captain Tracey?”


“They got careless? Ron’s a Fleet veteran who should’ve known better. Yeah, he’s bitter about the Battle of Vulcan, so are a lot of folks. With the proper attention to his condition he may return to Starfleet in some capacity, but I’m no expert. Pulaski? She’s a straight greedy little so and so. I’ve no doubt she picked up on Ron’s symptoms but instead decided to go along for the money ride. In my opinion she should have her license yanked.”


“We’ll be taking your comments as well as Captain Wesley’s into consideration.”


“All I ask is the FTR Inquiry Board consider Ron’s command record.”


“We will. And speaking of records, you’re coming up on nine month’s probation. I know the original duration was for one year, but I wanted to let you know that you’ll be reinstated to Captain as well as the position of commanding officer when the paperwork is cleared.”


Crash cocked her head to one side and raised a cautioning hand, the gesture clear across the wireless visual feed. “I did the time, I don’t regret it. But, I want the Comanche Creekduration command time inserted on Audraya’s record before I’m reinstated.”


“Already done.”


“Good. Scooter’s a good one, definitely on the fast track for her own command one day. I’ll give my full recommendation for either line command of a starship or starbase commandant command.”


“Agreed. Now, how are you?”


Oh, Great Bird. “Admiral Coyote, are you worried about me?” Calestorm was teasing, but she also knew her friend well.


Coyote as per usual was determined to play the straight man. The raven haired Old-Americas Indian woman answered the inquiry with a serious, “You haven’t embarked on any cloak and dagger meetings or interfered with any pre-contact societies.”




“You’ve been very well behaved lately. It makes me nervous.”


Crash snickered good naturedly. “Look, Shauna, talk with Captain Wesley if you’re thatconcerned about me. I’ve been buzzing the bridge module every chance I get.”


“I see.” A smile quirked at one corner of her mouth, softening the straight expression and bringing out the subtle crow’s feet forming at the corners of the Admiral’s almond shaped eyes. “Well, it’s good to hear you’re not completely well behaved.”


“Perish the thought!” Crash’s demeanor sobered but a slight smile remained, matching Shauna’s. “Look, Shauna? I know I ticked off the high command types. Starfleet has political firestorms flaring due to the fallout from the Battle of Vulcan. Personnel replacement is slow. I wasn’t thrilled regarding the demotion or probation, but,” Cale shrugged one shoulder, “I get it. You did what you had to do and busted me down.”


“I would prefer not to do it again.”


“Uh, I would prefer you not do it again either, Admiral Sir.”


Coyote’s smile broadened. “Safe mission, Crash. Wile E. Coyote out.”


Personnel and Ship Notes:

*USS James Walking Bear, First Threat Response Program Medical Vessel, formerly under the command of Captain Ron Tracey.

*Craig Tigard, SFMC, Commanding Officer First Threat Response Ground Operations & Second-in Command of First Threat Response Program Operations.

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