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And Through It All, Keeping An Eye On The Prize



"Fvaht!!! Fvaht!!! Fvaht!!!" as he slammed his fist three times into the console before him, punctuating each expletive with raw emotion. Anger flowed through him as thoroughly did the pain now lancing up through his now throbbing hand, which he immediately shook, as if doing so, he could shake off the results of his sudden outburst.


The few crewmen on the small vessel kept their eyes to their stations, knowing it was na their place to make comment on their commander's anger.


"How!? Someone tell me how!? How did they find us yet again!?" He almost punched the console again, but stopped himself just short in time to remember the pain he had just inflicted upon himself already.


Again, the crew knew better than to try to authen what was clearly a rhetorical question, or one that would get them relieved of duty, very likely…relieved permanently if tr'Gilas felt that someone's particular failure had ruined his plans. And assuming that they managed to survive his anger, there would yet be the wrath of tr'Gilas's great uncle, Deihu tr'Tronius. The Deihu na only oversaw command operations of the Othan Fleet, was also the standing Deihu of Othan Prime, and speaker for the outer colonies back on the homeworld hrrau the Senate.


It was felt by many of those in the Othan sector of space that it was time for their worlds to receive the recognition which they deserved. So many of their people and resources were constantly filtered back to ch'Rihan and for what? To be used to supplement crews and workforces so the affluent back home need not be bothered, to supply ores, fuel and food sources, yet more or less ignored unless the frequent attacks on their worlds by Klingons, Nausican's or other invaders were deemed to endanger any of the supplies the homeworld deemed essential to protect. Only then would they seem to obtain the help or difficult to obtain supplies they requested.


Many out in these outer reaches felt that if anyone could and the time was right, that Deihu tr'Tronius might well be the io poised to stage a coup and either wrest away the power of ch'Rihan or break away from it entirely taking with them their own portion of it and rule himself. As it were, the Othan Sector had been infusing the economy rhea ch'Rihan quite heavily following the Dominion War and several other failed ventures, many of which were not even known to the populace, only that many ships had ended up missing. Had they known of the alternate universe that the Talon helped seal the gateway too, many of these thoughts of independence could either be honed or abandoned wholesale.


"Course heading. Directly to Othan Prime, maximum speed. I intend to deliver our prize before we end up being caught by those veruuls rhea 'the Talon'…." the word dripping from his mouth as so much venom from a serpent.


"Course and speed set Rekkhai. Engaging rhea au order," the helmsman replied, still averting his gaze from direct eye contact with the angry man hrrau the center seat.


"Make best speed and do na let them find us again, if au value au lives. Send word ahead to my uncle, that we have returned and that I bring him a great prize."


He sat watching the view screen, finally allowing himself a thin line of a slight smile, thinking of the subdued woman who lay unconscious in the hold below. Ie, a great prize if we can determine how her maenak was able to operate these…nanogenes. And if na, her yy'a will be a blow against the very head of Galae himself. If it did na personally crush him, the populace was bound to lose faith hrrau io that could na even protect his own bondmate. Either way, the Tal Shiar would have come out ahead in this matter, and be rid of a long time thorn in its side as well. In the end, he'd na only show his uncle his worth to the Othan, but he should rise well within the new ranks of the Othan Tal Shiar once the clone was disposed of.

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