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Capt Rian Kwai

USS Republic - Dec 10 2012

STSF_BluRox -> USS Republic Mission Briefing Season 21 - 512.12.10 The high stakes, invitation only auction has begun bidding in the small gardens behind the southwest corner of the resort. Currently a laser light show is underway, which some hope, the show will hide the fact that they are demonstrating weapons and hide the flashes of light and noise into the sounds of the show. the remaining few away teams, having received messages to attend an auction that day, and purchase an item and return to the bar with it later that evening, our shipmates have been busy, and yet, maintaining themselves as something they are not, have totally fooled the auction sellers, that they are smugglers or weapons traders here to take part in the sale, as they totally do not look like tourists. Too rigid, but no seeming discipline, which would give them away as law enforcement or fleet or whatever......




LtCdrJohnson -> ::At the engineering station on the bridge, having gotten the mystery guest something to eat::

STSF_BluRox -> ((Whooo hoo!! Yea, Trepp)

ltcdrtrepp -> (( waves ))

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::watches the laser light show::

STSF_BluRox -> ::making her way with Heather towards the gardens::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::has ended up with Tory and Rue, watching a laser display at the hotel they hiked to::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::has to buy a weapon now, because August has one and he doesn’t::

Jameson Bardolph -> &:;still rather on edge and damp from the sprinkler system::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Looks up at the lights in the sky, leans on Will::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Also watching the laser light show with Kasuga ::

Rue Wydown -> & ::at the light show, seemingly easily distracted by bright shiny things:: Oooooooooh. Aaaaaaaaah

Tory Knight -> & ::still undercover as "Leia," with Bardolph and Rue, seated and watching the laser display::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Following the Admir... ah ah, almost thought it even ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::has shed his vest and is absently shaking his shirt, trying to dry it off::

Capt Rian Kwai -> ::is somewhere in the background of all of this::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::watching the crowd more than the lights::

STSF_BluRox -> ::pulls Heather to the side:: Ok....here's the deal......keep your eyes down, don’t' make eye contact.....look interested in things ...elsewhere...but what you are doing it making sure we don’t' have someone behind us that will shoot us in the back

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Whispers in Will's ear:: Keep your eyes open... someone can be using this as a distraction ::Bites his ear, playfully::

Rue Wydown -> & Oooh...look at that! Wow.

STSF_BluRox -> $ and......another thing.....

Tory Knight -> & ::soaked hair down, has dried in long, dark waves, her clothing still damp::

Heather Jamieson -> Yes?

Heather Jamieson -> :: eyes down ::

STSF_BluRox -> $ SF Intel intercepted the real agent that was assisting....let's just say....another group.....we have his ship, and I've supposedly taken his place.....::sees someone coming..:: Let's get a bit closer and I'll tell you more....

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::never shoots anyone in the back. Unless by accident. Or if the sun was in his eyes.::

Rue Wydown -> & ::wet t-shirt? What wet t-shirt?. Too enthralled to notice....or so it seems::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::rather impressed by the hair volume Tory was hiding in her updo::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Does a slow nod while looking down ::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> Aww, no popcorn.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::oooh! aaah! :: I am disappoint.

Jameson Bardolph -> &::and by the general wet clothing effect on either side of him; but is keeping his mind on the mission….mostly::

Tory Knight -> & ::catching movement out of the corner of her eye, is drawn out of the show, and turns her attention to the crowd::

Tory Knight -> & ::...without *looking* like she's turned her attention to the crowd::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() (w) should we head to the location for the meet?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::is at the auction already, if august cant remember::

LtCdrJohnson -> !@#$%^&*() Big Imposing Looking Guy>::waiting for the Robinson's by the fountain::

Heather Jamieson -> :: Keeping close to her, glancing behind ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::picking up on Tory's very slight attenuation to their left; turns his head slightly and leans over to whisper in her ear, for all the world as if he was teasing her about something:: Got something?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::behind the fountain, being cool and covert with the weird folks::

Rue Wydown -> &::taking a seat so she can better view the light show::

STSF_BluRox -> (well Since Ayumu stole my $, I'll now take the *_)

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::oh yeah... had a few to many drinks before::


STSF_BluRox -> Rep> ::Pilot finishes eating, checks chrono and then messages Dave that he has further instructions for him::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::ignoring the big boss kitty since she made that gesture at him::

Tory Knight -> & ::acting as though she was being teased, rolls eyes, quietly back:: I'm not sure. Maybe someone was just...shifting.

Christina_Nickles -> :: still on the Rep putting the final coat of paint on the remaining brig cell::

STSF_BluRox -> Rep> Pilot +Johnson+ This is Velasquez, I have another set of instructions for you from your Admiral, that I was to give you approximately 1 hour after their landing....Please meet me in your shuttle bay

STSF_BluRox -> Rep> Pilot> +Johnson+ Oh...and she said to tell you to bring the Green Brig Girl with you, if you have any clue what that means?

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Looks up at the big guy::

Tory Knight -> & ::using the opportunity to take a full look that way::

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: shows up at the auction ::

Christina_Nickles -> :: sighs making nice even strokes as not to leave paint stroke lines::

Rue Wydown -> & Suspicious lot, aren't you? Had a bit of a laugh with one of the other vacationing group and now you two are seeing shadows. ::keeping her eyes focused on the lasers::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Thinks the music choice is...interesting ::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Pilot+ No sir...no I don't, but I will attempt to find out

Jameson Bardolph -> &::draws back from Tory, giving Rue a look casually:: Eh?

STSF_BluRox -> * ::padding along with Heather:: Ok...Heather, this is what the training is all about. I know you failed....let's say, not just miserably, but spectacularly. However, you now get a chance to redeem yourself....cause if our Intel is right, if we mess up....there will be no second chance

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Simply nods ::

Christina_Nickles -> :: steps back looking at the walls::

LtCdrJohnson -> !@#$%^&*() BILP>::to Will:: So, are you interested in the items...

Christina_Nickles -> :: smiles and begins cleaning up the equipment::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::rubs chin::




Rue Wydown -> & ::fakes a long drawn out yawn....or appears to anyway:: (m)Okay, that's new this time.

ltcdrtrepp -> # OK that was interesting...

Tory Knight -> & ::gives a smirk, the smirk falling as she watches the extra fireworks::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() I may be interested.

Tory Knight -> & ::on her feet almost instantly::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::reads the message from the Admiral, heads into a TL:: Brig

ltcdrtrepp -> # Using the laser show to hide weapons demonstrations is rather a nice touch.

Tory Knight -> & ::gaze tracing the path back to the origin of the rocket::

STSF_BluRox -> Stankwick>::turns to the Andorian, a few of the Humans a Nausican and a few others...." And that is just a low setting…one of these in your arsenal, and you can cut right through those pesky bulkhead doors trying to keep you out

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() let see it ::Looks up at the Big guy::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick:: turns to Trepp:: Here...you try it....

Tory Knight -> & ::the resulting smoke trail barely visible in the ambient light::

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: was worried about fitting in at an illicit arms auction, but surprised to see most are tech heads with some assorted ruffians thrown in for god measure ::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick:: Handing the protolaser to Trepp

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Looks up through her hair at the spectacle ::

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: takes the laser ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::halfway up as well; a hand on Tory's arm, following her gaze along the trail of the rocket::

Rue Wydown -> &::isn't as quick to jump at the first sign of trouble, more apt to saunter that way, slowly rises like a dog stretching from a nap:: Came from over that-a-way, yes?

STSF_BluRox -> # Smith> ::watching Trepp.....hoping this one is going to be coming with him by the end of the night::

Tory Knight -> & ::nods:: ::looks to Bardolph:: Up for a bit of a walk, hon?

ltcdrtrepp -> # Strictly a laser? So no warp signature, huh?

STSF_BluRox -> (( Ok...I saw Bardolph type 'well' and my first thought was .....Lassie, go get help...Timmy is in the well)

Christina_Nickles -> :: cleans her buckets and rollers::

Jameson Bardolph -> ((lol))

ltcdrtrepp -> # I didn’t think anyone was working on these anymore. Rather ingenious...

Christina_Nickles -> ((LOL))

Jameson Bardolph -> &Guess so. ::laconically but eyes very alert:: Only vacation I've ever been on where I'm getting more exercise than at work.

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Looks :: That's something new.. :: points ::

Tory Knight -> & Laser guidance. A bit outdated, but effective.

STSF_BluRox -> Rep> Pilot:: hoping they don’t' take too long, if they do, it could be.......catastrophic to say the least

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Wow, bringing out the big guns now are they?

LtCdrJohnson -> ::arrives at the Brig::

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: looks it over :: Very nice... Gyro scoping refraction lens for aiming stability...

Tory Knight -> & ::smirks at Bardolph:: Just think of all the extra ale you can stomach without the gut.


STSF_BluRox -> # STankwick:: Turns to Trepp....now. Try it on that casing over there, housing the weather control station...pure duranium.....Slices like through butter, you can cut a hull, cut a tomato...even as fine as a penny

ltcdrtrepp -> # Dur... duranium? You got a LASER to shoot through duranium? ::actually very interested to try this out ::

Christina_Nickles -> ::looks up and she’s drying the equipment:: Hello Lt Cdr may help you?

ltcdrtrepp -> # ::aims at the duranium casing, notes the stabilization ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Hey, now. ::mildly:: You should see the physique I keep for working-days...

LtCdrJohnson -> ::de-activates the forcefield::

Tory Knight -> & ::arches a brow::

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: puts on his shielded glasses and fires it into the duranium casing ::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Big Green Woman:: Ma'am, I have been asked to escort you to our shuttlebay

Jameson Bardolph -> &::in a lower voice:: And outdated it might have been...but it made quite a good bang anyway. ::frowns slightly::

Rue Wydown -> & When you two are done flirting, I'll be over here looking for weapons of mass destruction.

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: not at all like slicing butter, but darn impressive ::

Christina_Nickles -> To the shuttle bay? OK As you wish; may I ask why?

Tory Knight -> & ::rolls eyes, patting "Han" in the chest with the back of her hand as she follows Rue::

Christina_Nickles -> ::setting the buckets and such aside::

STSF_BluRox -> * Ok Heather....do not....whatever you do, call me anything but Mreshh...if you do, we both will be dead....

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Rather interesting.. that burst of light, brighter than the others

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::gives Will The Look:::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::amused expression, falls into step behind Tory:: Rue> Yeah, yeah...we're right with you.

Heather Jamieson -> :: Watches the ground then behind :: Yes Mreshh.

Rue Wydown -> & ::mutters something about a Monk, Superman and Peter Pan as she wanders through the crowd towards the direction of the weapons display::

STSF_BluRox -> * We are trying to infiltrate a major weapons cartel, and steal a device that is going to be auctioned off from what Intel says

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks back at August:: Pricing could be an issue. Spectacular items though.

Christina_Nickles -> :: moves out to the lift in front of Johnson::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Pilot+ We're on our way sir

Christina_Nickles -> ::to Johnson:: Am I to paint the shuttle bay as part of my punishment as well?

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() Offer what we have left ::Shruggles::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Nickles:: I have been asked to escort you to our shuttlebay, nothing more. I'm not a security officer, or a member of the senior staff anyway

Christina_Nickles -> Aye :: continues to enter the lift waiting for him to follow::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::letting Rue lead th way, keeping his eyes out to try and pinpoint the areas of greatest activity::

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Looking around, taking in the information Mreshh passed to her ::


STSF_BluRox -> Rep> +Johnson+ Commander if you and the green person are unable to join me in the bay in the next 2 minutes, I'm going to have to leave without you ::Walks up to the south gardens, ignoring the show to the left for now.....Comes up to a pair of rather large men.::

Tory Knight -> & ::wondering how it is that her...friend...can do this on a regular basis::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::arrives in the bay with the green person::

STSF_BluRox -> (that was a big gun, bounced Trepp right out of the room!)

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: rather wants to buy the laser ::

Christina_Nickles -> :: exits the left and heads for the shuttle bay::

Tory Knight -> & ::not that it isn't exciting, or even rewarding... but certainly would take a great deal more practice::

ltcdrtrepp -> ( LOL )

Christina_Nickles -> :: makes her way to the shuttle:: Do I board the shuttle? Or am I painting it

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Glances behind them...does a double take at Trepp::: (m) couldn't be

Rue Wydown -> &::pausing just a moment as she reaches the thinned out edges of the crowd, now trying to figure out where in this complex they'd hide themselves to test a weapon from here:;

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::Grips Will's arm:: (w) hurry... I have a bad feeling

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Pilot:: Apologies for the delay sir, I needed to read the message from the Admiral

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Gets a bit closer to Kasuga ::

STSF_BluRox -> Rep> Pilot> ::sees the two of them:: What was the delay...get on the damned ship, we're going to be late

Jameson Bardolph -> &::points up in a direction vaguely opposite to where the smoke trail was:: Blast came from there.

Christina_Nickles -> :: enters the shuttle and buckles up still not knowing what’s going on::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::enters the shuttle, to Pilot:: Would you like me to fly sir?

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Made a note to avoid attention toward the Orion ::

Rue Wydown -> & I can see that, I'd think we'd want to go where they shot *from* instead of where they shot *at*

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::allows this, and gets closer as well. Need to keep their cover as a couple after all::

Christina_Nickles -> ::to Johnson:: May I ask what I am doing here? I was ordered to finish painting the brig

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: to the laser vendor :: How long does this thing hold a charge ?

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::wonders what has the wife spooked::

STSF_BluRox -> * Goes to move into the area where the auction is taking place but is stopped by several thugs:::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick> That weapon, is good for a full 25 minutes of direct firing…easy enough to get through several bulkheads

Jameson Bardolph -> ((that's what I meant, Rue :P ))

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Close to Mreshh ::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Nickles:: As I said Ma'am, I am just following my orders

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks at August:: Easy there. Sale's not over with yet.

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: to Kasuga :: This might have been funnier with a good ale.

Christina_Nickles -> I doubt I’m being brought along for a pretty face being all green and all.

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: is truly amazed at it ::Yeah, I'm in. Let me go get some credits.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ That's true.


STSF_BluRox -> * Let me through. I have an invite...

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: is glad he has some coin in savings because this thing is cool... :::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Speaking of ales, wanna head to the bar after the show?

Tory Knight -> & ::approaching perimeter of the launch site, begins giggling like she's a bit tipsy, hangs off "Han's" shoulder::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> Most definitely.

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: of course, he is officially buying it for purposes of retro-engineering and forensics analysis to determine those involved in manufacturing it ::

STSF_BluRox -> *# Guard> Nobody gets in without the proper invite, this is a staging area for the show. Sorry, no spectators...

Tory Knight -> & ::gaze dusting over a few guys who look very serious for a beach resort::

Rue Wydown -> & ::following the other two's lead as she seems to be the third wheel in this mess::

STSF_BluRox -> * Mreshh> I'm sure my Latium....speaks for itself...and any goods??

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Feels her heart rate quicken a tad ::

STSF_BluRox -> * Mreshh> ::holds out id chip identifying her for the auction::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick to Trepp:: Now. I’ve got something a bit more refined....

Jameson Bardolph -> &::supporting Tory's weight as she suddenly leans all of it on him:: ::grins:: Whoops, there...careful. ::taking the stumble opportunity to get the 180 view behind them::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::grips Will's arm tighter::

LtCdrJohnson -> +Bridge+ Johnson to the Bridge, please open the shuttle bay doors

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Sees the chip held out ::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stanknwick> Come look at this...we'll begin bidding in a moment.... ::opens a case:: It's a second generation custom made remake of the Varon-T disruptor. Small, compact, and will take care of virtually anything that gets in your way...

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::Still taking in the light show::

STSF_BluRox -> # Berkazi> ::stands in protest:: I thought that was pre-negotiated?! You already received the down payment on the merchandise

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick> That...was a deposit, pending a higher bid...

STSF_BluRox -> * Mreshh> ::pushes through, and makes way to peruse some of the weapons, and trying to note those around her....

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Hope they do go out for ales, not a big fan of large crowds though ::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() :::Glances around again, spooked::

STSF_BluRox -> *# ::leans over to Heather:: Let me know, if you see a metal case, about 2' x 2'

Christina_Nickles -> ::to the pilot:: Where are we going?


ltcdrtrepp -> # It's all good. I'm not interested in a Varon T. If I need someone dead, I need them dead now, not 5 agonizing seconds later.

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::thinks maybe his wife is not as good at covert ops as he thought, or she shouldn’t have had all those drinks like he said::

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Follows Mreshh, listens :: Yes.

LtCdrJohnson -> ::watches as the shuttle bay doors are opened::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Then, do you want to head there now? There's not as much people there and there is here, and you do still get a fairly good view of the show


ltcdrtrepp -> # :: pushes the case back to the vendor :: I'm not into torture.

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::thinks Will thinks dopy things to much::

Rue Wydown -> & You blood bonders need to learn to hold your ::hiccup:: sauce.

STSF_BluRox -> Pilot> ::turns to Johnson and Christina:: You and I are beaming down to the shuttle that the Admiral just took down to the planet...once there, you will go find her, she will be in the resort gardens…and she told me to tell you, speak to nobody. ::hands Christina a padd::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> Thinking of my ale choice now. Weren't we told to watch this?

Tory Knight -> & ::snerks:: 'o says I can't hold m'sauce? 'll have you know I've got an Irish tolerance. On m'mum's side...

STSF_BluRox -> Pilot> Turns to Dave:: You will beam us down to that location, then you will clear this area of any small vessels, and get back to the Republic, moving it back 10000 km from the planet

Christina_Nickles -> ::takes the padd and looks at it::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Pilot:: Yes...sir

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ Yes. I guess you're right... that's all right. Let's stay here 'till the show ends then

STSF_BluRox -> # Berkazi> Pinkskin are soft.... all for the good.....

Christina_Nickles -> Speak to no one ..understood

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Pilot:: And under whose authority am I clearing vessels?

STSF_BluRox -> # Berkazi> that weapons is for me

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Looking for a 2x2 case ::

Jameson Bardolph -> &::grins:: Could drink both 'a ya under the table so sssstop your braggin'...

Tory Knight -> & 'sides... s'your boy 'oo can't 'old his liquor... e's already in the room...

Rue Wydown -> &Pshaa...that was me mothers milk. And you're about to lay to. ::motions to the ground::


STSF_BluRox -> Pilot> Not yours to ask, We will be transmitting a code once I get that ship up, that will override any previous authority, declaring an emergency. SF Priority 1

Tory Knight -> & ::pauses:: Oi. Sound like a right chav, I do...::looks to Bardolph:: ::then breaks out in giggles::

STSF_BluRox -> # ::feels the pit of her stomach drop as she sees someone that looks like her old engineer:: No....it can't be....

Christina_Nickles -> :: looks back to the padd reading it carefully::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> But, lets head toward the exit. :: looks at her and nods ::

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ ::nods and follows John to the exit::

STSF_BluRox -> # Guards> hey...you....no spectators in this area.....you have to clear out

ltcdrtrepp -> ## :: looks back at the vendor :: Like I said, I'll take the laser. Be back in a few minutes .

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Looking for that darn box ::

Tory Knight -> & ::blinks:: Spectators? ::slurring:: 'oo puttin' on a show?

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: ignores the rude Andorian ::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick:: hearing commotion, goes over to see what's going on and why so many people are showing up for a closed auction::


STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick> Get rid of them...

Rue Wydown -> & Spec..err..wha? ::blinks, trying to look a bit dull'd around the edges::

LtCdrJohnson -> ::to Pilot:: Understood

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() Well, it looks like things are starting to get rowdy

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick:: Who is this? Get her out of here

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ;;Nudges Will:: lets get moving... I feel trouble coming

STSF_BluRox -> # STankwick> This is a private affair

STSF_BluRox -> * ::holds up her chip:: Yessss...::purring:: I know....... I have an ....invite darrrrlin....

Rue Wydown -> He's cute....can I take him home?

Tory Knight -> & Y'got one waitin' in tha room...

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Turns to watch the show, looks Kasuga over :: I'm thinking you could drink me under the table...not that I'm suggesting we do that..

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ I don't know about that. I don't usually hold my liquor too well either

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Listens to Mreshh and looking for box ::

Christina_Nickles -> ::to pilot:: I’m ready when we arrive.

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> Won't be making the bar many credits.

Ayumu Kasuga -> $ No... I doubt it ::smiles::

Jameson Bardolph -> &Guard> ::also drawling like he's a bit drunk:: What're we spectatin'? What's to watch? ::leaning a bit hard forward::

STSF_BluRox -> # Stankwick> Ah....but...I was to understand...the Yridian was coming...with his...girls....

STSF_BluRox -> The girls are here...well, one at least, the other is off on an errand for me... but the Yridian....he tried to double-cross the boss, and ...well...he's been.....well, retired

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::whispers to Will:: I thought I saw Trepp here ::pokes head back up looking around::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() (w) Trepp?! Now you are crazy

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Nods slightly ::

STSF_BluRox -> Berkazi:: Walks over to Trepp....if you're afraid to use a Varon T, they why are you here...if you dont' like that little toy, then there is no reason for you to be here for the main object...::points to a box being guarded by 3 large guys, makes a bit starburst towards the sky with his hands..... Boom! ::grins at Trepp and walks away::

Heather Jamieson -> * :: Sees said guys, looks at the box ::

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() no really...

ltcdrtrepp -> # :: shrugs :: It's a matter of opinion. Any disruptor will kill. The Varon T just makes it more painful.

Christina_Nickles -> :: getting ready to beam down and find the Admiral now called Mreshh::

ltcdrtrepp -> # The featured auction isn't just about pain. ::is bluffing, hoping it works ::

Heather Jamieson -> $ John Grey> :: Looks Kasuga in the eyes :: Ready? ::sees the laser reflections in her eyes ::

LtCmdrRobinson -> !@#$%^&*() ::looks around::

STSF_BluRox -> #* moves a bit closer to see if that were really Trepp......her heart breaking if he turns out to be the traitor from inside Intel::

STSF_BluRox -> Pilot> ::ok...Dave...beam the woman and I down to the ship.

August Jax Robinson -> !@#$%^&*() I think I need another drink... Oo what's in the BIG box?

Christina_Nickles -> ::nods to the Pilot and gets to the transporter padd:

STSF_BluRox -> Pilot> ::turns to Christina:: Read the padd...do not call her Admiral, in fact, she said to tell you...not to even address her when you arrive, just go help the other green girl

STSF_BluRox -> whatever that means

STSF_BluRox -> ACTION : Pilot and Christina beam down



Christina_Nickles -> Aye Do not talk to anyone

Christina_Nickles -> ::paused::

Ayumu Kasuga -> ::Paused::

Heather Jamieson -> :: paused and out of here, night folks ::

August Jax Robinson -> ::Paused:::::::::

August Jax Robinson -> ::bites Will:::

Christina_Nickles -> Night heather get feeling better

Heather Jamieson -> Top priority

STSF_BluRox -> Note, if you've missed a few sims and are behind, try to skim through the logs or sent me an email during the week and we'll try to help you out

Capt Rian Kwai -> And sim time isn't the time to ask to be caught up with what's been going on.

ltcdrtrepp -> its more fun that way

STSF_BluRox -> Mr Trepp…thank you again for your assistance tonight....next week...should prove...interesting!

Capt Rian Kwai -> Sim chat logs are posted within 48 hours of this sim, so you've got plenty of time to skim through them.

ltcdrtrepp -> keeps the STSF's busy so the rest of us can do what we like

August Jax Robinson -> It's Will's responsibility to know where I am

Capt Rian Kwai -> Thanks for coming Trepp

STSF_BluRox -> Alright, so if we survive next week.....

STSF_BluRox -> we will be taking off on Xmas Eve and New Years Eve

ltcdrtrepp -> I do not 'skim' thank you. I 'thoughtfully peruse'.

ltcdrtrepp -> Thanks for having me =)

STSF_BluRox -> that's not what you said to Rahks!

STSF_BluRox -> lol

Ayumu Kasuga -> lol

STSF_BluRox -> Ok...it's late, people are turning to Pumpkins

Ayumu Kasuga -> Goodnight folks!

ltcdrtrepp -> oh my

STSF_BluRox -> Get lost people!

August Jax Robinson -> Nite everyone

August Jax Robinson -> and Will

STSF_BluRox -> Night all

STSF_BluRox -> Crew Dismissed

LtCmdrRobinson -> night folks

LtCmdrRobinson -> and Jax

Rue Wydown -> G'night guys :D

Capt Rian Kwai -> G'night all

Tory Knight -> Night, folks!

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