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RES Talon Simlog 51212.03

RES Talon Mission Briefing 51212.06

Acting Enarrain Laehval t’Temarr has chosen the advanced away team to make the initial incursion using the captured cargo vessel and uniforms of the pilot, yy’a guards and the almost dead slave. Their mission to see if they can gather either enough information to see if the Khre’Riov is present, and if na able to find out anything directly, try to move to a position where they can take down the defensive shield generator, allowing Talon to beam down additional troops to make an assault upon these fvai. Slavers, kidnappers, pirates, weapons and drug dealers all, and all better off yy’a.. Even if the Khre’Riov is na to be found, it would be an injustice to the Empire to let these verrul’s to continue to draw breath.

(Away team is Koga, Maec, Pexil, t'A and tr'Shalor for main away team)


Begin Sim

Begin Sim

Begin Sim


M_K_tKsa -> ::puttering around medical, trying to keep an eye on the former slave and his recovery::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::a real away mission, darn skippy this is exciting for him::

T’Mahren> -> ::hovering in medical, an eye on the former slave::

tAehjae -> :: getting into the uniform provided getting ready::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> I'm not y'ya, yet.

M_K_tKsa -> Na, would au like to be?

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::arrives hrrau the hanger bay, wearing a reproduction of the dead guards uniforms::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> Na, it's just... ::Still a bit groggy.:: I expected to be thrown into the cart with the other bodies by now.

tAehjae -> :: makes her way to the hanger bay::

tr'Shalor> ::motions for some of the deck crew to move a few of the cases of explosives they had brought from the mine with them....without most of the explosives of course::

Laehval tTemarr -> Cardboard Koga> ::Prepping the RAC they'd tractored in and flexing. But mostly flexing.::

tr'Shalor> ::looks over to Pexil:: You going to be able to handle this?

Kheinsa Maec -> ::is happy he wasn't chosen to portray the slave, watches the RAC with a frown, trying to convince himself that he won't get space sick in that tin can::

Lerak trPexil -> :: In the hanger bay, in the outfit he'd been told to get into earlier, speaking to one of the deck hands ::

tAehjae -> :: exits the lift walking towards the hanger bay::

M_K_tKsa -> ((Bring out your y'ya! Bring out your y'ya))


Lerak trPexil -> :: to t'Shalor :: I don't see why not. :: Looking over an ISD display ::

tAehjae -> ::enters the hanger bay nd moves towards the RAC::

M_K_tKsa -> Ah, well, au are in luck. Au were rescued before my away team could shoot au like the last innocent bystanders.

t'Mahren> ::snorts:: A bit trigger happy, that lot... ::muttered::

tAehjae -> :: moves over to tr'Shalor :: reporting ready to move.

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::shoves the crate into his arms:: Then fahd au are....put this in the ship

Lerak trPexil -> (brb)

Kheinsa Maec -> ::rubs the back of his neck as he approaches the RAC::

KhreRiovtRex -> tr'Shalor> ::turns to t'A :: Menkha, are the rest of au troops ready for when we call them down?

tAehjae -> Ie. All have been informed what to do and when

tr'Shalor> ::watches as Pexil slowly moves the crate to the ship, perhaps thinking he should have warned him of the explosives inside....then decides perhaps na

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::He shuddered.:: Those poor people. All of us were taken from our homes and thrown into the mines. I don't know what happened to my family. I presume they are all dead. I just wish au had gotten there sooner.


Laehval tTemarr -> Cardboard Koga> ::Pops his head out of the shuttle.:: Are we going or what, eh? This baby is ready to fly. ::Flexes.::

tr'Shalor> Alright, all on the ship....we will leave on the Enarrain's orders. Remember...we have two main objectives.....

Kheinsa Maec -> ::glancing at tr'Shalor:: And those are?

tAehjae -> :: nods and moves to board the ship::

M_K_tKsa -> Where is home for au?

tr'Shalor> First is to infiltrate and garner information

tr'Shalor> Then, if we find nothing of import of the Khre’Riov, we must move to take down the shield generator

KhreRiovtRex -> (Just in time! Get on the Shuttle mister Pilot!)

Koga S'Bien -> (Aye aye :D )

Laehval tTemarr -> Cardboard Koga> ::Pops into the pilot's seat and powers up the shuttle, sending a request to the bridge for permission to leave. As soon as he is granted, he glanced back toward the crew section.:: Do we have everyone, eh? We've been given clearance to leave. ::Flexes.::

Koga S'Bien -> ::Magic edits himself to the shuttle cockpit::

KhreRiovtRex -> (I don't know, Cardboard Koga's been very muscular tonight)

Kheinsa Maec -> :;and quietly to himself:: And na get sick all over the cockpit.

Laehval tTemarr -> Cardboard Koga> ::Fades away with thoughts of round bacon, bagged milk, snowballs, and hockey.::

tAehjae -> I do na see tTemarr is she coming also or remaining behind?

tr'Shalor> It is important that we get that shield down to so that our troops can beam down

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> A backward world in the middle of nowhere. We were a farming community.

Koga S'Bien -> ::Completing his pre-flight checks:: Ready when you are (if we haven't all ready departed)


tr'Shalor> Koga, contact the Oira, and request permission to depart

Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai.

Koga S'Bien -> +Oira+ Shuttlecraft to Oira, requesting permission to depart.

M_K_tKsa -> Any idea of what these verrul's plan was?

tr'Shalor> Remember, Talon is cloaked so take care with our departure.....

t'Mahren> ::leaning against the doorframe, watching, listening::

Kheinsa Maec -> :;strapping himself into his seat::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Sits down in an available seat ::

Laehval tTemarr -> Oira> +S'Bien+ Permission granted. I suggest you get a move on.

tr'Shalor> ::nobody had best touch him::

Koga S'Bien -> +Oira+ Acknowledged.

Koga S'Bien -> Permission has been granted. I'm starting up now. ::stating up engines::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::He shook his head.:: Na, we were just told to dig and sift and dig and sift. We dug until we couldn't dig any more. It was some mineral that they were extracting and it was too volatile to use machinery.

t'Mahren> ::raises her brows at this::

tr'Shalor> Any time now, else we may have to look for their next move once they run this mine out of minerals too

M_K_tKsa -> Tell me more. ::sitting down on a stool next to him:: Too volitile for machinery?

KhreRiovtRex -> (Jeopardy theme song playing in the background)

Koga S'Bien -> Ie rekkhai. ::engages throttle and heads out of the bay::

tAehjae -> :: straps in waiting::

Lerak trPexil -> :: Reviewing logs of possible base layouts, sewer lines and testudines ::


ACTION:: The ship has launched from Talon and is making it's way towards the planet, allowing Talon to make it's own path there, under guise of cloak


Kheinsa Maec -> ::yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go all ready::


ACTION Part 2: To save Maec more time to be ill......we are now approaching the planet.......


Lerak trPexil -> :: Playing with a multitook in his other hand ::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::Falls into a coughing fit, nearly falling off the side of the bed as he doubled over. His hand came away spattered with blood as he fell back, wheezing.::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::doing some strange breathing exercises in his seat to keep from getting sick::

@ tr'Shalor> Slow and steady h'nah....remember, we are the sweep ship...

M_K_tKsa -> ::pour him a glass of water:: Here. Just relax.

tAehjae -> @ ::listening::

@ tr'Shalor> Our ID codes should clear their boundaries....

Kheinsa Maec -> @I really wish we could land all ready. ::eyes closed, taking a slow breath::

Lerak trPexil -> @ Not good with motion sickness? :: still reading his ISD ::


ACTION> The cargo ship is cleared to approach and head to the landing field


Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::Sucks in a breath and nods, shakily drinking the water, which he almost choked on before he managed to keep some down. Gasped for another breath and groans.:: S-sorry... what was the question again?

t'Mahren> ::exchanges a glance with t'Ksa::

Koga S'Bien -> @ We are cleared for approach to the landing field.

M_K_tKsa -> Tell me about the mining process. ::using a cloth to wipe away the blood and sweat::

@ tr’Shalor> Ok....that's the first hurdle. Once we land, you..::points to tr'Aieme: Grab a crate and keep it in front of au. Au are in a bit too good of shape to have been a mine slave for long

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Hears tr'Shalor ::

Kheinsa Maec -> Space sickness. It's call space sickness. And na, I'm na good with it.

@ tr’Shalor -> no need to give them a good look at au. Au others, bring a box along as well. We have a few surprises hidden in them :: grins remembering the grenades and flashbangs he had packed in the boxes

Kheinsa Maec -> That's good, because I'm impersonating a guard.

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Makes approach and begins landing procedures::

@tr'Shalor> Remember...these so called guards, are little better than slaves themselves with this bunch, else they would na have been stuck with the clean up

tAehjae -> @:nods:

@ tr'Shalor> :: opens the rear hatch, hefting a crate hrrau front of him:: Let's go, just go to where they point us

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::He held up his hands, which were cracked and bleeding with many sores and blisters.:: They gave us hand tools... nothing metal, because it could spark and blow us all to pieces. We often talked about doing that on purpose.


@ tr'Shalor> ::steps from the cargo ship motioning for their 'slave' to move in front of them, and then piling a 2nd crate on top of his first one...

@ tr'Shalor> Have to make it look good....we can’t' be carrying everything...'for' you

M_K_tKsa -> Did au ever see it spark? :: curious about the makeup:: And what about au's guards?

tAehjae -> @ ::takes position behind tr'Aieme ::

@ tr'Shalor> ::grabs another for himself:: and starts heading towards where they see more activity..

Kheinsa Maec -> ::frowning, didn't realize that away team might include labor such as this::

@ tr'Shalor> Make note of au surroundings....shield generators, weapons caches, troops if any

tAehjae -> @ :: falls in last in line::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::Shutting down power from the shuttle::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::He nodded weakly and mimed an explosion with his hands.:: Nothing left. The guards... they were officers or something. They never wore uniforms, but they were well trained.

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Listening ::

@ tr'Shalor> Just head towards where we see others.....unless we get other orders.....

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods::

T’Mahren> -> @ Guard> Au! Get those supplies over to base camp...and get that one back to work. ::nodding to indicate Pexil::


t'Mahren> ::furrows brow:: And how was it, exactly, that au were...chosen...for this assignment?

Kheinsa Maec -> ::following along, walking 'casual'::

@ tr'Shalor> Ie....this is the last of it......we'll have him back with the others hrrau a few siuren...once he stows all these crates

tAehjae -> @ :: nods agreeing with tr’Shalor::

@ tr'Shalor> Motions the rest in the direction the guard indicated.....

@ tr'Shalor> Look around quickly......make note of where the force fields and generators are

@ tr'Shalor> ::desperate to sneak away and go look for his personal charge, but knows that is na the main mission parameter. Recon....na rescue first. Then shields........

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::He shook his head again.:: They just came. Took over. We were settled in their sector, they said. We had to do what they told us to. Some of the elders sent a delegation to ch'Rihan to protest the treatment, but the ship was blown from the sky the moment it took off.

KhreRiovtRex -> (Man..our slave is really lazy!)

Koga S'Bien -> (lol)

t'Mahren> How long ago was this?

@ tr'Shalor> Ok....all of au...spread out and place those crates where they may be.....more interesting, when we need them.... ::grins::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> I do na know... months? Years? It was difficult to keep track. We were never allowed on the surface. I do na even know what day it is or where we are.

@ tr'Shalor> ::looks around, glad that this base is spread out more with a landing field and an obvious ammo dump na right hrrau the main complex. it will be easier to work here away from so many prying eyes, yet affords them some room to speard out as well

Lerak trPexil -> (Sorry I could not see anything)

KhreRiovtRex -> (wb slave)

t'Mahren> ::nods, making a mental note to do a little digging::

KhreRiovtRex -> (that's cause you had 2 boxes, one was in front of your head)

Lerak trPexil -> (Did not even know we landed)

Kheinsa Maec -> @::putting his crate down, dusting his hands off on his pants before glancing around to take in the scene::

Koga S'Bien -> (I'm that good ;) )

Kheinsa Maec -> ((Yeah, about 10 minutes ago))

tAehjae -> @:: making note of where all of the crates are::

M_K_tKsa -> How many of you were there?

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> Hundreds... I think. Our entire village, and there were others from different worlds taken as well. There must be other mines, because we were split up...


Lerak trPexil -> :: Carrying crates of different sizes ::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::with the team, maybe::

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Looking around, getting his bearings, carrying more boxes ::

M_K_tKsa -> Do you remember what day they arrived? ::think she can count backwards from there::

Tr’Shalor-> @ Alright....Koga, au take charge of Pexil....have him move some stuff around for au.....make note of anything important....

Koga S'Bien -> @ Ie.

Koga S'Bien -> @ All right then you... move those boxes for me, eh?

Tr’Shalor -> @ The rest of au....spread out....find where the important power distribution nodes are. In addition to the shield generator, we must take out the communications array

Lerak trPexil -> @ Where would au like them to be moved?

Koga S'Bien -> @ Over by that wall over there. Should spread them out a bit

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> The second day of the fourth month in the year of the great harvest. ::Surely that was precise enough, right?::

Lerak trPexil -> @ Sure. :: Goes to the wall to spread out some boxes ::

@ tr Shalor> Moves off from the rest of the group and approaches another of the real guards:: Thank the Elements for fresh air, if I had to spend another siuren hrrau that ship with the stink of slaves, I'd have gotten ill. I need a good bit of ale and food. Which way is the mess?


t'Mahren> ::notes that will take a little research::

Lerak trPexil -> @ :: Moves some boxes around :: Like this? :: to Koga ::

tAehjae -> @ ::: standing next to tr’Shalor na saying anything but nodding head in agree-ance:

Kheinsa Maec -> ::moving off in another direction as if he is out for a stroll::

Koga S'Bien -> @ ::nods:: Ie. That'll suffice.

M_K_tKsa -> ::not sure what he means, as his calendar is different from hers, but she could go look it up::

tAehjae -> @:: looking around making note of where the boxes are being placed::

M_K_tKsa -> That should help a bit. I want you to rest now. We may have more questions later.

t’Rahks> ::makes way down to speak with Laehval:: I must be getting back to Dumak'azen. I will pass along to our benefactor that au may be close.

T’Mahren> -> @ Guard> ::having made it back into the main facility, settles back in to a monitor screen and pulls up Galaga::

Laehval tTemarr -> Slave> ::Groans and relaxes against the bed, exhausted. He was asleep in a matter of moments.::

@ tr'Shalor> ::heading into the complex looking for mess hall, and listening for information::

Lerak trPexil -> @ Wait, are au sure the boxes would na be better like this? :: rearranges ::

M_K_tKsa -> ::soft sigh:: Poor man. ::heading to the door:: Computer, lights 25%

tAehjae -> @ :: stays a few paces behind trShalor looking around::


KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM

KhreRiovtRex -> PAUSE SIM


Koga S'Bien -> ::Paused::

tAehjae -> ::paused::

Kheinsa Maec -> ::paused::

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok. all.....great job, you got down to the planet without Maec tossing his cookies on you

KhreRiovtRex -> That was au first objective!

Kheinsa Maec -> I didn't get sick!

KhreRiovtRex -> You got the boxes placed without blowing yourselves up......yet at least

KhreRiovtRex -> That was your 2nd objective....

KhreRiovtRex -> 3rd....now you need to find the weapons depot, ammo dump, communications array, and shield generator...

KhreRiovtRex -> No.. you may not have a large orange squid in a ship up above

KhreRiovtRex -> and no teddy bears

Lerak trPexil -> I should write a poem about boxes

KhreRiovtRex -> Ok..next week...I apologize, I won’t' be here

KhreRiovtRex -> taking the night off for my birthday to go to a movie...sorry

KhreRiovtRex -> so Leah gets to see if she accidently kills any of you

tAehjae -> acceptable

KhreRiovtRex -> except Pexil...he's got a save

KhreRiovtRex -> maybe only lose a leg or a finger...who knows

KhreRiovtRex -> Any questions?

Laehval tTemarr -> I'm sure one or two of them will survive.

Laehval tTemarr -> Maybe.

KhreRiovtRex -> maybe

Koga S'Bien -> OOoh

M_K_tKsa -> Can't I give Maec one of mine. I'm sure I have a few saved up

KhreRiovtRex -> In that case.....all you tired yawning people....off to bed with au....

Kheinsa Maec -> Night all

KhreRiovtRex -> Crew Dismissed and menkha night

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