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Frankenstorm, it's ALIVE!!

In the next day or two, the east coast of the US is going to be hit with "the storm of the century," or the "Frankenstorm," or a hybrid storm of a hurricane wrapped in a nor'easter "the TurkDuckEn of storms," all depending on what weather or comedy source you rely on.


This is being mentioned because a large preponderance of the STSF GMs are on the eastern seaboard of the US and the running of the sims for Monday and Tuesday may be affected.


Keep an eye out for any note from your GM command team, in case your sim is cancelled due to high wind and intense rain.

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The Tuesday 9pm academy has been cancelled as well.

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Pending the availability of power, the Republic still plans on running. If I happen to lose power between now and the sim, and it's flickered a few times now, but the good news is that our XO lives elsewhere! And honestly, most of you are hosts anyway, you all can run it in a pinch! I know some of you on the crew are also deep in the storm, one I believe was in an evacuation zone as well, so everyone please be safe and we'll see you if you can. - BluRox

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Due to several requests made by members of the crew, the USS Reaent will not be running this Thursday (1/November). Everyone in the impacted areas are in our thoughts and prayers.

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