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LeftEar JoNs

Drop Off

Ankami Prime

Lower Atmosphere


MVess ‘Left Ear’ JoNs weaved and dodged through the atmosphere of Ankami Prime, putting her Peregrine-class fighter through its paces. The elder grand dame still had it. Elder as in the fighter, not Left Ear - she wasn’t that old.


JoNs was fairly confident that after Ensign Harriman’s encounter with Captain Chirakis, word would rapidly spread among the junior pilots that speaking ill of the Peregrine-class fighters was not a smart thing to do.


She’d grabbed - volunteered, etc - a redshirt to mind the Revenge CAGs office temporarily assigned to the Aegis personnel, freeing herself to handle one of the supply runs. An ongoing affair for however long the Away Team members were investigating the surface of Ankami, the drops would most likely be done at intervals.


It’d been a while since she participated in a supply drop and the flight time could be applied to future certifications.


In anticipation of and considering they were enlisted personnel who knew the obvious habits of their officers, Peregrine 14 had been ready and waiting for her when the felinoid arrived on the hanger deck, suited up and ready to fly. Within minutes, she was out of the launch chutes and on her way.


Tracking programs showed at optimum levels, and several real time digital tactical maps showed her progress as compared to the location of the survey camp as well as the squads already in flight patrol. Revenge was tracking P-14, as was the Aegean; constant contact was maintained over the wireless between all small craft and the home ships.


Clearing the cloud cover and continuing her rapid flight through the crisp air, the main program alerted her with three tonal pings that the camp was only kilometers distant. The brown furred Cait quickly entered code numbers on a small console inset keyboard with a gloved paw; the instructions told the onboard cockpit computers to adjust the tracking focus.


+This is Peregrine 14 to Revenge FOPS, JoNs to Fokker. I’m clear and rapidly closing on the location of the survey camp, will proceed with drop+


Left Ear jigged her control stick and P-14 obediently went into a wing dip, a by the book maneuver to greet the Away Team members visible on the ground. Shooting past the campsite, she continued on to the drop point located at the next available clearing designated for supplies.


With a flick of a toggle, the feline disengaged the magnetics holding the cargo pods and the water, soil and air quality testing supplies contained within fell at a rapid pace. The starfighter shot past the clearing. Seconds later, the internal tracking transponders indicated the pods had made impact.


+JoNs to Fokker. Pods eight through eleven have been delivered. Transponder code shows as green. P-14 out+

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