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Cptn Swain

Matters of Intrigue

The IKS GaHau swung around the Domaria star in a long, wide arc. Aboard the bridge, the Chief Engineer grunted, catching the attention of the overly alert HoD (Captain) of the B’rel-class Bird of Prey.


“Report,” Kaloch said, looking directly at the Engineer.


The grey haired Chief Engineering grunted again and continued to looking at his station. “There was a brief surge in the cloaking matrix as we dropped out of warp. It has dissipated but we may have been, if only momentarily, detected.”


Kaloch frowned, he didn’t need to make his displeasure audible. Turning his attention to his helmsman, he looked at the tactical display on the monitor. “Bring us about. Slowly circle in, maintaining a safe distance between us and the two Federation starships.”


“HIja'!” The helmsman barked, while running his hands over the console.


Behind Kaloch, his second, a female Klingon named Bahlier, crossed her arms. “Their status is unchanged. Other than a few hundred meters of minor corrections to the orbit of the Excalibur...”


“What have we picked up from their communications?”


Bahlier frowned. “We’re still decoding some of them, but they have recovered their team on the surface with no casualties.”


“Mmm,” Kahloch said contemplatively. “Fortunate.”


Standing, Kaloch exchanged a quick glance with Bahlier before heading towards the aft of the bridge, towards his chambers. “Jahtok,” he said gruffly to the officer at the tactical console. “You have the bridge. If the Excalibur shows signs that we have been detected, inform me. Continue to monitor the situation.”


Bahlier followed into his chambers and waited for the doors to close before speaking. “Kaloch,” she said with a familiarity she would never show in front of the other officers, “I know you said that the Governor gave you this mission personally...”


“Yes,” Kaloch said, returning the familiar tone that signaled the comfort between the two officers who’d known each other for nearly their entire lives. “And I have told you all that...”


She glowered. “This is not the time to keep secrets from me. I have known you since you were old enough to hold a blade, and have I ever betrayed your trust?”


“No,” he said after a long moment. “You will not like it.”


“What do you take me for?” She said incredulously. “Of course I will not ‘like’ it, but I will know the truth of why we are here.”


Kaloch looked away, towards where, on any other ship would have been a window, but this was, after all, a Klingon Bird of Prey and they certainly had no need to gaze at the black emptiness of space. “The planet was formerly under our jurisdiction. It was one of several systems that the Dominion turned over to us at the end of the Dominion War.”


Balier continued to frown. “That doesn’t tell me why there are two Federation starships in orbit, once missing their crew...”


“We turned it over to them...”


“The Empire ceded territory to the Federation?” She said, rather surprised. “What in Kahless’ name is down there that the High Council...”


“According to the Governor, our initial recon team, led by the Hu’MaHjk, found what appeared to be a Dominion research lab. It was unclear how long it had been abandoned.”


Bahlier grunted. “And what exactly did the Hu’MaHjk find that the Vorta were working on?”


“Biogenetic weapons.”


“Dishonorable QI'yaH!” the female Klingon said with a mixture of disgust and annoyance. There was no honor, she felt, in using weapons of mass destruction to kill your enemies. Not that it, in anyway, shocked her that the Dominion had developed them. In all honesty, her bigger question was just what kind of biogenetic weapon they were dealing with.”


“More accurately,” Kaloch said in a grim tone. “Creatures we believe they intended to weaponize.”


“And the Council just handed this over to them?


Kaloch shook his head. “We do not have the technology or the resources to contain it.”


Hands on hips, Bahlier rolled her eyes. “What, planetary bombardment has been banned by the the High Council?”


“It is not that simple,” Kaloch said more patiently than he would have with any other subordinate. “Starfleet agreed to share with us any and all intelligence they gathered from the planet. And the Council...”


“Did not want to pass up the opportunity to gain knowledge about the Dominion’s plans for weapons of mass destruction.”


Kaloch nodded. “Yes.”


Bahlier frowned, her body language showing the displeasure she felt. “How very cowardly of them,” she said. “In the old days....”


“It is not the old days anymore, you know that.”


“That does not mean I have to like all of this … this …”


Kaloch held up a hand to stop her. While he shared her feelings, complaining about it would not change the situation. “Our orders are to provide assistance, if needed, to the Federation ships...”


“And our unofficial orders?”


“The Governor wants us to determine what we can about the Augustine’s mission.”


Bahlier nodded. “I see. So are you not going to contact the Excalibur and offer our assistance?”


Kaloch shook his head. “No,” he said. “I want to simply observe for now.”


“You said that this system had been quarantined by the Federation and the Empire?”




“Mmm,” she said. “I guess that gives us ample room to barge in whenever you see fit.”


“That was the Governor’s suggestion..."

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