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"Nel Chat"

The small thin young man named Nel shuffled nervously along with his two new "friends". Looking side long at the man walking along beside, pushing him along with an iron grip on his shoulder. A tall and surprisingly well dressed Nausicaan and a huge cyborg with the biggest prosthetic he had ever seen. Boy, was his luck rotten. First he gets on the Boss-man's bad-side whose right hand goon assigns him the job of hauling an 11TE type engine by hand, threatened by a ferocious beating if he was late in arrival. Now he gets singled out by the dynamic duo of doom, which wouldn't leave him alone. For the tenth time that day he considered running off. If only he had the guts...


But an idea had begun to germinate inside Nel's little head. A little idea by a little man to get back on Boss-man's good side. He knew that the supply of trustworthy thugs in the business had gotten low lately because of Gular's recent crackdowns. A lot of them had either been bought out, or were free-floating in open space with a suit. If he could bring in some new guys, bigger and meaner than any of the Boss-man's rivals, maybe he could regain credibility. Of course if they turned out rotten, it would be on his head. But he didn't have any better options and life had taught him to take opportunity when he could get it. Which wasn't often for the scrawny fellow.


"So," Nel said, after a hard swallow in his nervously dry throat, "you guys looking for a job?"


Shane, who had been stomping along next to Nel, twisted and looked back at Byblos with his bionic mechanically whining and whirring. The cyborg gave the slightest of grins towards the Nausicaan on his scarred face and a wink turned to look ahead. "We might be looking for somethin'," he growled in his low, booming voice, "Bybs and I just came from off-asteroid. We're out of a job and both of us are plum broke. I'd be up for anythin' that could give us good food and some latinum. Wouldn't you say, Bybs?"


"Can you tell Nel, this is my job interview outfit. Not my work outfit. I spend my last cash on them. And since I have struck out as my friend points out I need the latinum." Byblos told Ned as he pushed the cart. "Yeah...a job would be great! And we have many skills aside from must hauling things around Nel,"


"Well," Nel said in his thin voice, his small brain turning hard at the possibilities, “what kind of...uh...skills are you guys advertising?"


"Depends," the big cyborg replied as he stomped steadily along, looking forward, "on what sort of skills ya'll are lookin' for Mr. Nel. Bybs here can handle a blade like no other and is a pretty crack shot. Not to mention the advantages of his...intimidating appearance. Myself, I have a few years experience as an engineer, something your boss could use I'll bet."


Nel smiled to himself as he nodded his head in quick twitchy motions. Things were looking good with these two. "Say, uh, why don't you come with me to the yard talk to Gilmo? He might be able to set something up for both of you guys."


Byblos smiled then proceeded to look at Shane with a slight bow of respect. The true Big Guy of Qob, Byblos now thought of Shane. He had decided to follow Shane as a superior, and the urge of the "Alpha Male" as Pher would put it had seemed to recede from him. The gift of the energy blade, though untested was more emotional to him than he had allowed Shane to see. A Nausicaan without a blade was a like a Klingon without honor. Nausicaans had to have a sword, and when he could not manage to forge one himself, the big Cyborg had forged one for him out of his engineering technical expertise. Perhaps it was the forming of a friendship. Time could only tell, for he did not know what could have so severely damaged Shane's physical body; Byblos only knew it had something to do with the Federation. Byblos was pleased not to see any Federation present on Andus. Shane could do his thing, without anger and hate.


Byblos still surveyed the scene around them as Nel guided him to his superior. He was unfamiliar with Andus, and the Gular themselves. Sure he was familiar with some of their equipment on Tranquility. Tanks, ships and their relationship with the Guardians. That kept Byblos from being as calm as Shane at the moment. For all he knew this "Gilmo" was one of the individuals tight with the Gular, trying to keep the Guardians on their side as opposed to the Nebulous Taurus Brothers.


As Byblos continued to walk by an assortment of Space docks, Ships of all sorts and Cargo along with Gular personnel checking new arrivals and cargo. He realized Shane's engineering abilities were probably going to be the most important assets of their little job search. Their job, of course given by their Boss was to acquire information. Byblos was not a skilled engineer to dig around computers, what he could offer and would offer Shane was a pair of eyes watching his back. Just in case this Gilmo fella was interested in cashing in on some bounty. But something about Nel's behavior suggested the Nausicaan...”Gilmo" was probably another "Samus" with agenda all his own.


"Oh well, Nel I'd certainly like to meet Mr. Gilmo. And I certainly need the employment!" Byblos responded to Nel's offer as his eyes continued to look around for undesirable surveillance. Shane and Byblos did stand out walking as giants with little Nel and pushing his Engine...

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