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Cmdr Ridire

A lost log

By: Cmdr Ridire & Dr. Matthews


After his shift, Aidan enters his quarters and hesitates a few seconds. Not finding Deb there he goes to look in the bedroom for her. Not finding her there either he returns to the main room after a few minutes carrying a blanket, a pair of pillows and a sheet. He also had changed and gotten ready for bed. He spreads the sheet over the couch then places the pillows at the one end. Stretching out on the couch he pulls the blanket over him and tries to fall asleep. It takes him a while, his thoughts preoccupied with the argument with Deb earlier in the Captain’s office. For her part, Nephtys curls up on the armrest above Aidan’s head and has a far easier time falling asleep then the human.


It was late, terribly late, by the time Deb shuffled down the corridor toward her quarters. It had taken forever to cover Jon Shamor's invisible face with enough stage makeup to fool his crewmates into believing he was the real thing. She couldn't help grinning at the memory of what he'd looked like when he first came into her office earlier in the day. The uniform, boots and gloves were just fine but that helmet! He'd scared Kat Schawnsee half to death. Had he been let lose like that, Deb had no doubt Sickbay would be full in no time with patients suffering from varrying degrees of fright.


But the makeup had worked well, especially after Gracie had Lt. Carrick come in to assist. The Lieutenant was "the makeup artist" for Reaent's thespian troupe. Deb had been amazed. She'd taken a blank slate and morphed it into Jon Shamor's face and head. They'd even found a nice wig so Jon wouldn't be running around bald. The only serious problem they ran into was the eyes. That was quickly managed with custom contacts. They didn't look exactly right, but they would do.


After that, Deb had to review Kat Schawnsee's file....again. Her friend's case was proving to be not only difficult but rather mysterious. Add to that the data on the remains found on the planet below and suffice to say it had been a long, long day. But worst was yet to come.


She'd behaved badly, very badly, during her meeting with the Captain and Aidan earlier in the day. She felt justified in declaring Jon Shamor unfit for duty. She had every right to oppose him being allowed to leave the ship in his current invisible state. But since when did she stop trusting her husband?


Deb had given it a lot of thought and there was no way around it. She owed Aidan a huge apology and a whole lot more. And the sooner she took care of it, the better.

The lights were dimmed when she entered their quarters. Still, she could easily make her way through to the bedroom without falling over something. She only took a couple of steps when she noticed the lumpy mound on the couch. She closed her eyes, shoulders slumped and sighed deeply. This was worse than she'd expected. Aidan had moved out of the bedroom! It appeared he'd taken Nephtys with him.


This would never do. Deb glanced at her watch. It was shortly after midnight. She abruptly decided to deal with the issue immediately. Quietly rounding the small coffee table in front of the couch, she cleared away a couple of padds and sat down on it's hard surface. Steeling her nerve, she reached out and gently shook her husband. "Aidan, please wake up. We have to talk. I know it's late, but this can't wait."


Aidan spends a few seconds mulling the idea of pretending he’s still asleep when Deb wakes him. Deciding that was a puerile thought, he rolls over to face her. He stifles a yawn before saying simply "Yes, it is late...."


"I know," replied Deb in a hushed whisper. "I tried to get home earlier but.....well....never mind that." She hesitated a moment wondering if she should have waited until morning to tackle this problem. She'd been so certain it needed to be done tonight. Now she wasn't at all sure but......it was too late now. She'd already awakened him.

"I need to apologize, Aidan," she said slowly while trying to determine if his eyes were open or closed. Was he really awake? She had no desire to humble herself and then have to repeat it all in the morning. She saw his eyes blink. He was awake. There was no going back now. "I behaved badly this morning in the Ready Room," she continued. "I do trust you. I've never not trusted you. And I'm so sorry I said what I did....and in front of the Captain and Shamor. And don't tell me Jon wasn't there. I know full well he was."


Deb's eyes shined with tears. She took a deep breath thanking God the room was dark. "I've never doubted your word, no matter what I said this morning. It's McQueen I doubt....not you. Even after what I said, I knew in my heart Jon wouldn't be allowed to take his invisible self off this ship. I knew it because you said so."


He sighs and closes his eyes for a few seconds. "Deb, what you said hurt a lot. I almost asked you, when you said it, why you married me if you don't trust me. And yes, Shamor was there. But let me make this clear. The second you put Shamor off duty under medical purview there was no more discussion about sending him down to the planet. And the only reason I would ever go against your order as CMO is if it was absolutely necessary and there was no other alternative. And I don't think the Captain would have done any different. So I'm not entirely sure why you don't trust the Captain on this." He sighs again and then adds "But it also seems to me that we've had a couple of these you say something and then have to apologize afterwards incidents..."


His final remark stung....badly. Was it really necessary for him to say such a thing? "I'm sorry I hurt your feelings," she finally said. "And I understand if you're still angry and hurt." Deb slowly stood up. "As for the other, I admit I've said things I've had to apologize for." Her tone became a bit defensive as she started to walk away. "I'm not perfect....never claimed I was. Sorry about that." She turned and strode through the bedroom and into the bathroom where she quietly closed the door behind her.


She stood in front of the mirror and stared at her reflection, watching all the while as her mood went from annoyed to pitiful and back to annoyed. But it wasn't Aidan she was annoyed with. It was the fool she was looking at in the mirror. She leaned forward against the vanity and shook her head slightly. "He's right you know," she mumbled. "You just can't resist shooting off your mouth. Then you get all bent out of shape when you have to apologize." She sighed dejectedly. "Can't you learn to hold your tongue?" She abruptly turned around, disgusted at herself. "I told him he married the village idiot. But why am I so determined to prove it?"


Aidan sighs and glances at Nephtys, muttering "So much for my being a saint...." Following after Deb he enters the bedroom and steps over to the bathroom door. A bit surprised that she didn't lock it, he triggers it open just in time to hear her last reproach to herself. He steps in just enough to lean against the door frame. He considers her for a few seconds before saying "It seems to me that we are both that at times perhaps. Yes?" He shrugs then adds "Because apparently I also have my "say something and then have to apologize" moments as well."


Deb nearly jumped out of her skin, silently cursing herself for not locking the stupid door. But it only took a moment for her to recover and in that moment, she realized the fight had gone out of him. She could see it in his eyes. Well, the fight had gone out of her too. All she felt was miserable. "Name one," she groaned. "Just name one time you've had to apologize. It's always me!" And she meant it. For the life of her, she couldn't think of one incident where Aidan had mucked up things the way she tended to do.


He sighs and steps in further, close enough so can slip his arms around her waist. "Just a few minutes ago. And the argument we had before we went to Pacifica. And...how to put this...some frustration I felt at the time regarding a promise you made before we got married. And some of the things I said then." He shrugs "Deb, how many times really doesn't matter. Making mistakes and goofs is part of being human..and its part of being married too." He leans down and kisses her forehead. "I can think of better ways to occupy my time then continuing this discussion past the point of necessity. Is there really a point in you continuing to chide yourself needlessly?"


Okay, so he listed three incidents. The only one she could remember was the smart remark he'd made a few minutes ago while he was laying on the sofa. To the best of her knowledge, he'd never made a peep about that pre marital promise she'd forced on him and she had no memory at all of that disagreement before their trip to Pacifica.

But those thoughts came and went in the blink of an eye. She rested her hands on his bare chest and watched his lips form a slight smile. "No," she whispered. "I suppose there is no point to it. I just want you to be sure of the fact I do trust you....about everything."


He smiles wryly, "Oh? You do? And yet I still don't have access to your tootsie roll supply in your office." His smile softens as he murmurs "I know you trust me, you wouldn't have married me if you didn't. And I trust you too. But you were right...you're not perfect..." He pauses a second and presses a finger gently against her nose "You, however, are as close as it gets. Now, why don't you get ready for bed, hmm?"


Deb was reluctant to step away from him but.....it had been a very long, tedious day and she needed to spend a few minutes with some soap, nice hot water and a wash cloth. "I do see the point in that," she replied with a knowing grin. She moved away from him and started kicking off her boots. "I'll only be a few minutes....less if I can manage."


He smiles, "Take your time. I still have to move my pillows and blanket back into the bedroom. Somehow I think that if I tried sleeping on the couch again I’m going to owe a certain wife of mine more then a simple apology." He turns and steps through the bathroom door.


Deb watched him leave relieved all was forgiven and she wouldn't be sleeping alone tonight. She causally glanced at the time as she removed her watch. "Good grief!" she exclaimed. It was so late, she quickly hurried herself along. After all, they would need a little sleep before that alarm went off in a few hours.

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