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Mitar Precip

Afterword. Final Log by Mitar Precip.

Antares Fleet Yards

Orbital Office Complex One



Mitar Precip had arrived at his new home. It would no longer be a starship, but an orbital office of an old “Regula” construction type. This did not bother Mitar, for in his mind his career was over and a desk job was his sentence.


This desk job however was a bit different. There was a sense of urgency behind what was going on at the Antares Fleet Yards. Upon arrival, Mitar was immediately assigned a small office saucer with a view of what was transpiring at the Starship construction facility. Next came a quick visit from a Commander he definitely had heard of: Commander Shelby, Strategic Planning Officer for Operation “Blue Line.”


She was quick and to the point, she needed ideas, not a guilt-ridden officer who could not get along with his superior officer. She also wanted some information. Mitar was uncertain of her clearance level until using her command codes she drew up the roster of the “Black Ops” wing. Precip couldn’t help but notice Manticore being the group’s flagship. But Shelby was far more interested in the other “hulls” as she described them and how they were performing. He had to be honest, and inform Shelby it was rare for ships in the Consul General Black Ops fleet to operate together.


Shelby was disappointed, but welcomed Precip to the team. Mitar mentioned he wasn’t certain what he was exactly supposed to do. “Think” Shelby said “Think outside the box anything to prevent another Wolf 359.”


The Bolian returned his thoughts to the present view outside his office window. What was going outside was utterly amazing: dozens of new space docks under construction. Two huge orbital starbases, larger than the one in orbit of Earth, were being built. Starfleet was clearly beginning the next fight against the Borg.


“People,” Mitar spoke to the scene outside the orbital complex. It wasn’t a ship that stopped the Borg, it was a crew. “Commander Shelby, you need to find the crews like the Enterprise and... Manticore.”

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