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This Is A Test, This Is Only a Test......If This Were An Actual Attack......

L’haiy took a brief siuren to allow herself what was her first hint of a grin since being pressed back into service as the commander of the Talon. She had wondered what the daily news dispatches would say, but upon reading the news brief that had been included with the daily information packet Galae she just had to shake her head in wonder.


Var’lon! The man was an absolute genius. Only he could have taken what could have been a political nightmare for them both, and somehow turn it to appear to be something planned by the Fvillah himself!. She hoped Tricus tr’Salis choked on every word of that report, knowing that it was he who had sent her away from her bondmate and son. He who dared question the loyalty of her husband, a man that had nothing ‘but’ served the Fvillah in earnest all these many years, when others would so easily have stuck a kaleh hrrau his veruulish back, and ie, the same tr’Salis, that was taking the advice of worthless kllhe that like to lay hidden and spread rumor. She had na doubt that somehow tr’Vren or Proconsul tr’Merk were probably involved. The two of them were constantly seen skulking around the Fvillah’s side, trying to press their agendas and usually trying to cause trouble for either Var'lon or herself.


She had na illusions, she was sure there would still be repercussions for them both from the fallout of her rash actions that morning, but in her heart, she knew, that tr'Salis knew. Ie, that the Fvillah knew that it absolutely was na test, but her giving warning that the next time, she’d come in with weapons blazing if anything happened to either her mate or her son. She could imagine his face and that of his other advisers having to put out a notice 'admitting' that they were just performing a test, just so the Fvillah could save face in not recalling her to answer for her actions. She imagined that Var'lon had even tried that approach as some point, but the man hadn't given in, so took this option.


She had been worried about how much trouble she had caused Var’lon with her show of defiance to the Fvillah, but she should have known he would figure a way out of it. He was brilliant like that, and always found another path to take. What had to irk the Fvillah more, was the lack of response from his own ships and ground units. She had made it all the way to the Capitol, all the way to the Fvillah’s compound, came within feet of destroying the home itself, and what she would always take with her, was the view that the computer picked up for her, of the man kneeling rhae the ground, vomiting all over himself and the ground. One day she would have to send that to Var’lon as a pick me up, but for now, her heart was eased by knowing that he was safe, and with the public eye on him for exposing these lacking characteristics, he could na easily be made any sort of scapegoat at the siuren. Round 3 to Var’lon.


She so wanted to call him and let him know how she felt, but wanted to distance herself a bit, so that there could be no possibility of others saying she was staying in communications with him, in order to keep directing his actions. Na, she would just have to wait until he made the call to her, that way there could be na issue made that she was calling to control his actions. But still, she enjoyed knowing she had put a bit of fear into the mighty Fvillah.

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