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An Angry Fvillah......And Much to Answer For

A log between Daise'Khre'Riov Var'lon tr'Vatrix and Fvillah Tricus tr'Salis (played by t'Rexan)


The oira crew of the Teronix were still somewhat perplexed, some grinning to each other over the exploits of their commanders' bondmate and the Talon, others worried as to why they had na moved to intercept the ship sooner, and their commander's order to stand down. The Daise'Khre'Riov had told them to expect a communication from the office of the Fvillah, and it was na long before they received it.


The communications officer acknowledged receipt and immediately contacted tr'Vatrix. Pressing the communications module to send the signal chime, "Rekkhai, orders have arrived for au from the Fvillah's office. Patching through to au etrehh at this siuren. tr'Garal ta'khoi," as he logged back out after sending the file along.


Var'lon reached for the glass on his desk having just finished the conversation with his wife. It had been a very difficult day. Between being forced to send his bondmate on a near-impossible mission, having his honor and integrity called into question by essentially the only person in the Empire over him, and the conversation that was about to happen, this ranked up there among the worst and it was just minutes into the work day.


Staring at the screen in front of him, Var'lon considered ignoring the message a while longer. The Fvillah was going to be at his finest, but the question was would waiting make him even more angry or allow him a few moments to cool off. He considered the situation a moment taking into account his past experience with the man. Na, it would be better to get the situation over with. Otherwise the Fvillah was likely to let it boil and fester inside of him to the point where he would become even more irrational than normal. Taking a deep breath, he reached to the console in front of him and activated the display.


Proconsul Dicius tr'Merk frowned at the screen, growing impatient at having been made to wait for an authen. Normally, some aide would take care of this for the Fvillah, but as tr'Merk had been standing there to the side, he had stepped forwards and volunteered in part to show the Fvillah that he was there supporting him, but it also got him out of the room for a siuren, as well as the bonus of getting to set yet another barb against tr'Vatrix. Finally, he saw the screen activate before him, and the visage of the Daise'Khre'Riov before him. How he had detested him all these years, ever since the Retor, but there were other matters at hand to think about at this siuren.


"Daise'Khre'Riov Var'lon tr'Vatrix, au are required to present yourself to the Fvillah immediately, to authen for the events that have transpired this very morning over the Capitol. If au refuse to attend, the Fvillah's personal dheno will be sent to escort au to his presence."


So the Fvillah decided to have his stooge to handle the summoning. This might be even more interesting than first thought. He already had a strong disliking for the Proconsul and suspected him to be among those that were trying to poison his relationship with the Fvillah. tr'Vatrix found him to be a self-important man who was only interested in advancing his personal career no matter what the cost to the Empire or how it might hurt those under his command.


"As always, I'm pleased to be of service to the Fvillah in any way I can. It is not necessary for au to need to summon guards to have me available to provide my counsel to him." Var'lon again kept a straight face as he addressed the man in front of him. If the fools in the Capitol could not shoot down a ship with as much time as they had, how could they be expected to apprehend him if he did not want to go?


"Vriha menkha, I will inform the Fvillah that au are on your way. Au will be expected within the hour. Do understand that with what has transpired this morning, that the Fvillah's Dheno, have requested that au and any dheno traveling with au, leave all weapons at the front gate."


"So am I to understand you and the Fvillah feel I was responsible for the incident that occurred earlier this morning, Proconsul?" This was an unusual move on their behalf as he had never had been required to be disarmed in the Fvillah's presence.


"It does na matter what I believe at the siuren, the Fvillah has ordered au to be sent for, and this is what I am doing. I would suggest, that au be prompt," he sneered.


"Then the Fvillah has not ordered for me to be disarmed and instead your own decision to do so?"


"This is a request by the Fvillah, in light of this morning's assassination attempt. Au waste time bandying words, tr'Vatrix. I would suggest au make the arrangements to attend, or I will send for the dheno to ensure that au do," tr'Merk was truly enjoying this. Long had he wished a small measure of revenge upon this man and his friends, and finally now, it began to fall into place.


"Again, you seem to be making an assumption that I was responsible for the incident this morning. I would be careful with such accusations, Proconsul. Such an accusation on your behalf could result in..." he paused for dramatic effect. "an unfortunate misunderstanding. I'm sure au would rather not have any sort of misunderstandings."


"Au dare to threaten me!?" tr'Merk's face darkened in anger.


"I threaten nothing, Proconsul. As I said, I simply wish to avoid any misunderstandings.


"Au tread dangerous ground Daise'Khre'Riov, as I am acting rhae behalf of the Fvillah by summoning au to attend him. Any threat towards my person, is a threat to the Fvillah, and that would be considered outright as traitorous and will be dealt with!" tr'Merk sputtered out hrrau anger.


"I have already stated I will attend as requested by him as well. Any threat that may or may not have been stated or implied has nothing to do with our own communications or understandings, Proconsul. You and I have a very different relationship than the Fvillah and I do. My loyalty is to him and anyone who would attempt to sabotage that relationship would find themselves regretting the indiscretion."


"How dare au!! I have every intention of seeing that au and that abomination that au are bonded to are....,"


"I must prepare for my meeting with the Fvillah, Proconsul. As au said, it is not wise to keep him waiting and I would not like to inform him I was delayed due to your need to... overly communicate." tr'Vatrix smiled as he ended the transmission.


tr'Merk watched as tr'Vatrix reaches over and cuts the connection. "Why that....!! How dare he cut me off!! Well, na matter, he will get his soon enough, the Fvillah will na let this insult pass lightly for either he or his little clone.


Var'lon summoned his dheno to meet him in the transporter room. Regardless of what the sniveling man said, he had no intention of disarming himself before beaming down to the surface. If the Fvillah's dheno made issue of it, he would reassess the situation. It was the Proconsul who most likely added that request in himself while also confirming himself as being one of the individuals seeking to hurt his bondmade. Just one more thing he would need to handle in the coming days.


Appearing on the surface just outside of the secured perimeter, Var'lon and his dheno approached the entrance. The area was not in its usual pristine condition. Broken glass scattered the ground, chunks of marble could be seen missing from the walls, and limbs could be found separated from the trees they were once attached to. A small army of workers apparently had been dispatched and were diligently working to return the estate to its normal state.


The Fvillahan Dheno noted the Daise'Khre'Riov's arrival and saluted him, and noted that he had only brought the io personal dheno that he always had. Knowing that the Fvillah had requested to see the man immediately, they passed him through with their customary greeting, salute and stepped aside for him. They seemed a bit distracted still from the damage that the facility had taken that morning from the ship passing over so closely.


"Dicius, were au able to contact tr'Vatrix?" Fvillah Tricus tr'Salis asked as the man re-entered the room, noting his face still flushed with anger.


"Ie my Fvillah, I did as au commanded, and he claims to arrive shortly," tr'Merk answered the man before him, now having had time to calm his shaking, the Fvillah now appeared ready to call the man out for what was done to his person this very morning.


The Fvillahan Dheno sent io of their men with tr'Vatrix and his man to announce them, and showed the escort to his usual spot by the outer door to await his charge while he want to speak with the Fvillah.


"My Fvillah," the dheno saluted as he entered, "Daise'Khre'Riov tr'Vatrix has arrived to speak with au. May I show him hrrau?" the dheno asked.


Tricus turned hearing the dheno, still livid from the attack this morning, "Ie, immediately."


"Ie my Fvillah," the dheno responded and opened the door for tr'Vatrix to enter, nodding to the man in respect as he passed by.


Tricus noted that even his own dheno, knowing the man was being brought in for questioning, still treated him with a measure of respect, he would have to keep that thought in mind. Either it could be a sign that he was reading the man wrong, or that he had somehow already infiltrated Tricus's own men? He would however later, have words with the Enarrain of the Dheno about this.


Nodding silently while looking the dheno in the eye, tr'Vatrix entered the room turning his attention to the men in front of him. This situation had to change as Var'lon knew he would have to get into an informal discussion with the Fvillah. The Proconsul had to go. Not only would he be a hindrance to the conversation, it would frustrate the man to no end to be kicked out of the meeting.


Var'lon stepped forward a few steps and stopped, bowing his head respectfully. "I have come as requested. How may I be of service, my Fvillah?"


"Daise'Khre'Riov, I demand an explanation of the attack upon my compound this very morning, by forces of au Galae Fleet. Notably......by au bondmate rhae the Talon."


Proconsul Dicius tr'Merk stood slightly behind and to the left of the Fvillah with a terribly smug look upon his face, knowing he stood with the Fvillah, and that this could very well be the end of tr'Vatrix's career. A matter which would please Dicius to na end. However as tr'Vatrix stopped before the Fvillah, he noted the weapon rhae his belt.


"Fvillah, he dares bring a weapon to this meeting, even after I told him it had been forbidden!" tr'Merk exclaimed.


"I come before the Fvillah as I always have, Proconsul. It is part of my uniform and part of my duty as an officer to keep it."


"I told au that au were to forfeit all weaponry at the main gate of the manor. Someone being questioned for treason, should na be allowed a weapon in the Fvillah's presence. Fvillah, shall I have the dheno come detain him and remove any other potential threats to au person?"


"I do na answer to you, Proconsul. I answer to and serve the Fvillah alone. It would be wise of you to remember your position." Var'lon faced the Fvillah and spoke directly to him. "I would request we be able to speak privately, Fvillah. My understanding was I was to be questioned regarding the incident this morning, not to be accused of treason once again."


"Dicius, I will handle this rhae my own for h'nah. Au may wait hrrau the garden, and if I have need to speak with au further, I will send for au," tr'Salis turned and said to tr'Merk.


"But my Fvillah! What he has done this day, what he could still do, is it wise to be left alone with him?" tr'Merk countered.


"Proconsul, I have made my decision and this will be how it is. My line of questioning will be my own, and if I wish to question him on treasonous acts, I will do so if I so decide, but I do na need au making my decisions 'for' me. Au are dismissed," the Fvillah pointed towards the doorway.


tr'Merk flustered once again, and then remembered his place before arguing with tr'Salis. "Ie my Fvillah, I will await hrrau the gardens if au find au need to speak with me further." He turned and walked past tr'Vatrix, glaring at him as he stepped past him knowing that perhaps he would have to speak with tr'Vren, about some way to dispose of this mutual problem they had, called Var'lon.


As the heavy doors shut with tr'Merk's exit, Tricus turned back to tr'Vatrix, "I believed, that I asked au a question. I demand an explanation for the attack by au forces upon my compound this morning. And so that au know, that 'is' a treasonable offense. I just do na need tr'Merk telling me how I should conduct my own inquiries!"


"I do na believe it was meant as an attack, Fvillah." tr'Vatrix replied.


"How else could it be construed!? tr'Salis blurted out. A D'deridex class Warbird does na just ordinarily drop from the sky, and makes a very deliberate run upon my compound, nearly hitting the manor itself"


"I believe the Khre'Riov was simply attempting to let you know she had arrived and assumed command of the ship as you requested."


"And she could na just use the communications unit, like everyone else?" the man stood there incredulous.


"I agree... it was not the usual method of communication, but as I mentioned before, she is not in the best state of mind to be returned to duty."


"It was deliberate, a clear run upon my location and an attempt to injure my person. She is au bondmate and au direct command. I believe au either ordered her to this, or had suggested it to her after our conversation of last evening."


Var'lon knew when he was being baited and wanted to try and turn the conversation slightly. "Would you care for a drink, Fvillah? The morning's events have most likely shaken everyone's nerves a bit."


"Do na try to change the subject Daise'Khre'Riov," but Tricus did agree, he could use another drink, his throat sore from having lost the contents of his stomach earlier that morning already, and another would help ease the painful headache reverberating through his skull.


Making his way to the bar on the side of the room, Var'lon could not help but notice how several bottles appeared to be missing from the wall that was normally filled. The well-stocked bar must have suffered losses as well from the morning's event. His suspicions were confirmed as he made his way behind the bar seeing the floor still damp. As he poured a pair of drinks for them, he could not help but notice how the cleaning crews had not been able to fully remove the smell of alcohol from the floor. It would most likely remain for several days before it finally dissipated.


"Even now, there are those that whisper that au plan a coup, and that this mornings actions, were potentially a dry run of an upcoming assassination plot," tr'Salis blurted out in his anger. "I only tell au this now, to warn au na to try it, as my people are h'nah watching your people, to make sure this does na happen."


"As I mentioned earlier this morning, I have loyally served au for over four decades. We have worked together a long time, and I have no wish to see any harm come to you. To be honest, I'm more concerned about the response... na the LACK of response from the ground forces dedicated to protect au. While I did not know or sanction the event this morning, there is clearly a bigger problem that needs to be addressed. The ship should have never been allowed to get that close without being intercepted or at least fired upon." Var'lon handed one of the drinks to the Fvillah as he took a seat across from the man.


Tricus sat there furious still, he still wanted someone's head for this, and here was tr'Vatrix, being typical tr'Vatrix, turning the conversation once again to suit his needs, yet once again, bringing up a valid point. However, he did accept the drink that tr'Vatrix had poured for him, though he did carefully watch him do so, making sure that he had na the chance to slip any sort of poison into it. It concerned him that tr'Vatrix was making himself so comfortable in what should have been an interview to have had him worrying if he would be relieved na only of position but life. Perhaps, he truly had na fear of this man, before he had wounded him that is, but too late for that now, it had been done. He lifted the drink, and downed most of it in io large gulp, the liquid helping to calm his nerves.


"Au still avoid the point, tr'Vatrix. It was a deliberate run 'at' me, a direct insult to na only myself but the office. Au say she is na hrrau her right mind, but there are others that tell me that she is na who she really claims to be anyway. How do we know that she is na here to devastate the Empire? If au are telling the truth, that au did na sanction this action, then answer me this. Why did au ships na shoot her down while she was making the run on the Capital? Why was she allowed to get so close to crushing the residence? Why did au ships na give chase?"


"There are a few reasons for the lack of response, Fvillah. First, if I would have fired at the ship from orbit, there is a chance the residence would have been struck if the shot were to have missed. Even if we were to have hit the ship, the damage from the ship crashing to the surface would have been monumental. It was an unacceptable risk. Next, the Talon never raised its weapons or shields. The ship never was attempting to fire or attack the Capitol. And finally, I know my wife. While she may have a temper at times, she is not suicidal. I think she was simply choosing a unique way to carry out au's order while at the same time showing her dislike and frustration at leaving her newborn son despite being promised an extended leave."


"Her frustration does na concern me, following my orders does however. She was out of line, and her blatant contempt for my position and office, puts me into a position that I 'must' make some sort of statement or action against her," tr'Salis stated, setting his empty glass down heavily on the wooden desk. "Her actions, make me appear weak before the Empire. Had that been any other ship, they'd have been detained, tossed in irons, possibly stripped of rank and command, even removed from Galae. Au show au favoritism for her tr'Vatrix."


"You bring up a very valid point, Fvillah. She was out of line with her actions." Var'lon took a sip of the strong drink. He had consumed more in the last dozen hours than he normally did in a week and knew he had to be careful. "I will order the Talon back immediately and cancel the mission. Then I will strip the Khre'Riov of her rank, remove her from the Talon or even from Galae and place her under house arrest as au wish."


"As always, au craft au words, to take my own arguments, and use them against me. Au now use my own words against me, to try and cancel the mission. Na, na, na, na na. I will na let au have your way on this matter. Au maneuver to manipulate me to release au both from this test of loyalty. However, I will say nice try," as he:handed the empty tumbler over to tr'Vatrix for him to refill for him. "She will continue with the mission, and when she returns, she is to be brought before me to explain her actions and why I should na have her thrown hrrau prison. If she had misjudged this morning, she very easily have yy'a na only myself, but she endangered a large part of the population hrrau the Capitol as well. Na to mention the monetary damages incurred, I'm sure au have seen the damages around my residence?"


Var'lon stood and approached the bar once again. "Indeed, I've seen the damage as I came in. The ground crew has been doing a superb job of restoring the residence." He poured just a single drink this time as he still was working on his glass. Upon returning to his seat and setting the glass down in front of the Fvillah, he continued. "The tr'Vatrix house will obviously cover any costs incurred for the estate repairs as well. That is the least I can do. Also as au already know, Talon has only just recently underwent a refit in which it's engines and internal systems were upgraded. I do not believe the Khre'Riov was aware of the refit as she would not have had a chance to review the reports as she had just re-assumed command of the ship. She was most likely not aware of the power of the engines and most likely would not have done so if she knew the amount of damage that would have potentially been inflicted with the upgraded systems."


The Fvillah picked up the glass and again downed it swiftly, the warm liquid quelling the headache he had sported all morning and soothing the ringing he had hrrau his ears. "Hann'yyo, for the refill," he lifted the glass to tr'Vatrix. "I still have the problem that if I do na do anything, it will appear that I've been insulted and without response, I appear weak to the Empire."


"Hummm..." Varlon took another sip of his drink and he pondered the problem. "If we say it was a test... say that you were wanting to see the response times of each of our forces, you would be able to avoid that perception. At the same time, we can both publicly take steps to improve training programs and use it as an opportunity and keep something similar from happening again in the future."


Tricus looked at tr'Vatrix with puzzlement, "Why would au assist me with this? After au bondmate has been sent away on a mission? What is au motive, do au do this to try to hide the conspiracies that have been suggested? "


"I've been loyal to you for four decades and I've promised to serve the Fvillah. This is no different. While I may not agree with au's decision to send my wife on the mission, it's your decision to make and I will follow au's orders. I believe some of your advisors are attempting to poison our relationship and cause us to distrust each other... but I believe that's something we can both handle."


"And, au also ply me with my own drink, to make me more amenable," Tricus raised the empty glass. "I may be deep into my cups, but I am na veruul, tr'Vatrix." He stood and crossed to the bar himself this time, refilling the tumbler to the top this time. "However, I will accept au assistance hrrau correcting this situation, and we will issue a joint statement with regards to au test of our internal capabilities."


"I'm most pleased to hear that and will see to the arrangements immediately."


"I will also keep this in mind if Talon survives its mission, and may consider leniency for the Khre'Riov for her actions this day," tr'Salis took another drink.


"If you don't mind, I'm going to say 'when' Talon returns rather than 'if'. The Khre'Riov has faced difficult assignments before, and I'm certain will be just as eager if not more so to return that before." tr'Vatrix raised the glass to his lips one last time as he finished the contents. "And any leniency you might be able to show her would be greatly appreciated."


"I'm sure, the Proconsul will na be pleased with this development however. He will want to know how au have manipulated me," Tricus grinned as he took another pull of his drink. "However, au must understand, in light of what has occurred over the last two years, there are still many questions. Many do na trust that au bondmate is na compromised, and many believe that Galae itself, has been compromised. I must na allow myself to be caught unaware, else I am a veruul. This is why, I asked au to show me I could still trust au."


Var'lon nodded. "I've made no efforts to hide my feelings regarding that to au, as that's how I've always been with you. My goal has been for you to always know where I stand, even if we disagree. I would be more worried about those that just always agree to au's face and work against you behind your back. Those individuals are more of the risk than my bondmate. As I've said before, she's wanted to retire from Galae to focus on raising our son. If she was interested in compromising Galae, there are certainly more effective ways of doing so."


"However, her wishes have direct effect upon au decisions as well. There was a day, were au would na have let anyone influence your decisions, but now, now au seek her counsel more often as na." The Fvillah finally set his glass down, deciding he had best refrain from further drink as his stomach was once again beginning to feel sour.


"Our talk has seldom been of work to be honest. Let me ask you... how much effect does au wife's decisions have upon how you run the Empire, if I might be so bold?" Varlon laughed softly at the question.


"She has little interest other than the social events, and I doubt she could handle a kaleh, let alone a Warbird," tr'Salis frowned.


"She is more concerned with au's family, au's social calendar, and how much au are loved by the people it sounds like. My wife is the same when it comes to our house as well. Our discussion has little to do with work. A great deal of my efforts have been to help her get over some of the emotional challenges she faced from her time in service. She's been trying to forget the rest, not pursue a personal agenda of changing how I do my work."


"Perhaps, if Talon returns, then if her services are na immediately required, we can arrange a leave of absence, however, we can ill afford to lose a trained flag officer. Hence, why those of her rank are na afforded the option of quietly 'retiring'. Besides, outside of Galae, she would be a liability, as she knows too many confidential matters, it would be best if she remain under au purview. We will discuss this should the mission succeed. Now, I imagine au should prepare that statement so that we can calm those hrrau the Capitol, that there is na fear of an attack," the Fvillah motioned for tr'Vatrix to rise.


Noting his time here was at an end, Var'lon made his way to his feet.


"Do na make me regret na taking action this day Daise'Khre'Riov. Show me that my trust is given justly." Tricus rose and placed a hand on Var'lon's shoulder.


"It shall be as it's been all these past years. If au have been pleased with how I have conducted myself and of how I have run my office, then nothing shall be changed from it. If you don't have anything else, I'll take my leave for now as I've had a few too many drinks this past day and it's not even lunchtime. It's not 'solved' any problems, but at least the edge has been taken off."


"Very well, Daise'Khre'Riov, but make sure au issue that statement this morning before au take the rest of the day to sleep that off. Be sure to forward to my aide, and he will proofread it and publish it from our office," the Fvillah continued.


"I'll see to the arrangements immediately." Varlon agreed as he made his way to the exit. "If au need anything else, please don't hesitate to call on me again."


He exited the room, nodding to his dheno before making his way out of the estate. The conversation went as well as he hoped it could given the circumstances. One problem done, only a dozen more to go. As he made his way out, he made a snap decision to take another route. tr'Vatrix headed for the gardens knowing the Proconsul would be there most likely pacing around like an expectant father. Keeping his head high and a slight smile on his face, he passed the man without saying a word to him. Saying nothing at all would drive him all the further up the wall, and that's exactly what Var'lon intended to do.


Tricus tr'Salis watches as Var'lon left the reception hall, and somehow; felt this would all come back to haunt him hrrau the end. There was too much deception, deceit and na real answer as to who was manipulating who. However, his approach with tr'Vatrix seemed to have calmed the man from the previous night, and tr'Salis felt a bit better about na waking with a kaleh planted hrrau his back. At least, for the siuren, as he still had two other advisors to deal wtih, and they would most likely show na approval for his plan to work with tr'Vatrix today. However, he was trying to flush out their own secrets as well, and find out which, if na all three of them, were moving against him.


tr'Merk noted movement out of the corner of his eye, and saw tr'Vatrix striding past him, a small smirk upon his face, and moving as if he had little care in the world to deal with. The Proconsul could na believe his eyes, as he noted the man still retained rank and position. So the Fvillah did na have the nerve to remove the man rhae his own. This was another reason that for the good of the Empire, that the man would eventually need to be replaced. He was worried that the morning's attack made him look weak, but this lack of command, was the real danger, as nobody had confidence hrrau his ability to lead in a dire situation.

Edited by KhreRiovtRex
Fixed Typo

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OMG, t'Rexan's driven him to drink!

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