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Evaluation and analysis ...

T'Aral examined the spectral scans of blood samples taken from Officer Paxton and Ensign Black. It seemed that the Ensign was the initial attacker, though the cause was somewhat elusive. The bodies of both crewmen were quarantined in sterile isolation chambers while tests were run to determine what had happened to Ensign Black. While it was probable that simple contamination avoidance protocols would prove effective, it was logical to be cautious until they had established a knowledge base regarding this new threat.


The first matter of business was a tightband transmission to Starbase North Star's medical wing. If something had been contracted from their visit, it was logical to assume that North Star had just suffered a spate of odd maladies. If it was something the 'Creek' had brought back from the future, it was possible that the North Star was about to suffer from this new malady. In either case the medical staff of the Starbase needed to be advised, with the caviat of confidentiality. While she differed with the Captain in regards to notifying the crew of this new threat, she agreed with the Captain's overall intent; this was the kind of malady which could lead to wild speculation and hysteria among the general population.


She watched cell clusters intently, checking each one in turn for mutinagenic properties. Ensign Black's past medical records demonstrated no predisposition towards blood-related requirements, diseases, or deficiencies. There was no history to support this event, nor was she assigned to duties which would expose her to a mutinagen. For the moment, T'Aral was at a loss to provide an explanation.


T'Aral continued he evaluations, preparing test protocols to search for viruses by exposing samples to uncontaminated blood and other cellular materials. While she wrote, a medical technician stepped up behind her. "What is it, Corpsman Farr?"


The tech shifted uncomfortably, but only for a moment. "Sorry to disturb you, Lieutenant, but some of us were wondering - shouldn't we put Black and Paxton in restraints?"


T'Aral turned to gaze steadily at the technician. "Ensign Black and Petty Officer Paxton are deceased. I do not expect that restraining a corpse will be necessary - unless you believe in vampires?"


Farr shifted in his stance. "Well no - not usually, but since this is something new - well, we don't know what we're dealing with. Some of us just thought ..."


T'Aral stiffened, then considered. She was certain that the staff's concerns were completely unwarranted. However: the restraints would not complicate post-mortem procedures, and their use would calm the medical staff slightly which would improve their efficiency. There were no logical reasons not to agree, and given this was an unknown situation there was the possibility ( however unlikely ) ...


She nodded. "Restrain the corpses securely, and use all protective protocols. At least three staff members should be present wearing full biohazard suits. We seek to stop this infestation here; I want no infections among the medical staff."


Farr smiled at her most annoyingly. "At once, Lieutenant!"


Waiting until Farr was out of sight, T'Aral sagged and sighed. A deep part of her considered what she was feeling, wondering if this is what humans felt like when they 'needed a vacation'. An eyebrow twitched incomprehension as she turned back to her analysis. If nothing else, she was gaining insight into the lives of those she served with.


{ S'ek'rasah kup-rom to'ovau }

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Nice log Doctor; the writing effort is appreciated, adding to our current adventure.

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