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STSF Borgette

Saturday night acadeny (St Patricks Day)


=/\= 3-20-2012 =/\=

-=/\=- Roster -=/\=-

CO = STSF Borgette

MXO = Arizhel

OPS/TAC/Helm = Nijil tr'Korjata

CSEC = Dana Los


CSCI = Lousie

=/\= END ROSTER =/\=




The USS Tango, a Galaxy Class ship, has been ordered to accompany a Ferengi ship while they head to a conference on Canopus, near the neutral zone. The conference is being held to support Ferengi - Romulan relations.

=/\= END BRIEF =/\=



In an element of celebrating St Patricks Day, having communications with and escorting the Ferengi Captain NEKARK, yet when we arrived, we found a lot of blood... Green blood. I wonder whose it was!


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