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Quiet night

Personal log--TKAR....Its been awhile since i loged into my personal logs.We have been working double shifts to take care of security matters on the ship which i cannot discuss.However tonight been as human say very quiet night(I still don,t understand some humans terms on what they say)I Sent back to vulcan the wild bird pet which i tried to give to our previous CSEC officer,but the relationship didn,t work out for both of the species.(human and bird)In the future i will discuss any relationship of a pet and its new owner to the ships CMO,counselor for advice. As to some of the new security officers (Ensigns)they have inproved there skills as security officers including the ensign who. Who forgot to put the safety lock on his weapon while checking it.As for changing and transfering to another position on the ship as AMO, Im waiting for the CMO,EXEC and Captain to ok the transfer.While waiting i been keeping up my studies in medicine when ia not doing my security work.End of personal log--TKAR

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