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Open Mouth.....Insert Foot

Debbie hoped no one on the bridge noticed the steam billowing from her ears as she left the Ready Room. She made a conscious effort to walk normally, not gallop, across the bridge to the turbo lift. And above all else, she made certain to avoid eye contact with anyone and everyone there. The CMO was borderline livid and she wasn't entirely sure why.


She'd known Jon Shamor was in the Ready Room along with the Captain and Aidan. The CO's feeble attempt to insinuate he wasn't..."I haven't seen him"....did little to relieve her concerns about Jon's safety and well being. The Zemun was invisible! Of course McQueen hadn't seen him. But he had spoken to him. Deb was as sure of that as she was her own name. If she had stayed in that room for another moment, she would probably have thrown something at the Captain..


The lift doors opened with their customary swish and she stepped inside immediately ordering it to Sickbay. A moment later, she remembered the look on Aidan's face when she told him she didn't trust him...at least not now....not in this particular situation. Those dashing green eyes of his revealed a mixture of hurt, disappointment and anger. Deb quickly ordered the lift to Deck 4. She needed a few minutes of privacy to consider what had just happened in the Ready Room and the possible consequences. Sickbay could wait.


A few seconds later, she exited the lift and made the short trek to her quarters. The sensor recognized her and opened the door immediately. She hurried inside angrily tossing her tricorder on the sofa as she marched through the living area and into the bedroom. Deb sat down heavily on the edge of the bed. She was no longer thinking about Jon Shamor. Now, all she could worry about was Aidan and the damage her words may have done to their relationship.


She was only vaguely aware of Nephyts jumping onto the bed. Deb ignored her, lost in thought about what she'd said to her husband. Had he ever lied to her? Had he ever said or done anything to create doubt her mind? The answer was a resounding no. So why couldn't she trust him now? He assured her Jon wouldn't leave the ship until his current problem was rectified. Why did she doubt what he said? Had Aidan decided Jon would remain aboard ship? Was she afraid the Captain would override that decision?


The ever persistent Nephyts maneuvered herself onto Debbie's lap and sat down facing her mistress. Deb looked down into the feline's lovely blue eyes and sighed. "I've messed up," she groaned softly. "He wouldn't have said it unless he knew for certain Jon wasn't going anywhere." Nephyts meowed softly in agreement then promptly curled herself into a tight little ball on Deb's lap.


It was now as plain as the nose on her face. She'd been so annoyed, she let her tongue take control of her brain. Aidan was trying to let her know that he and the Captain not only understood her concerns regarding Jon Shamor, they agreed with her that he shouldn't leave the ship. In short, she was getting her way on this one. In return, she behaved like an idiot. She opened her mouth and inserted her foot all the way to her knee. Now she owed both the Captain and the XO an apology as well as a thank you for doing the right thing.


Deb could only hope the CO would shrug it off. The XO was another matter. "Next time," she mumbled to Nephyts as she stroked the Siamese's silky coat. "Remind me not to marry the executive officer of the ship I'm working on." The cat looked up at her like she was nuts. "I know," continued Debbie softly. "There isn't going to be a next time. He's the only husband I have or will ever have. At least I hope so. After that debacle in the Ready Room, he probably wishes I was as invisible as Shamor."


Shamor! Holy smokes.....Shamor!! Deb abruptly dumped Nephyts onto the bed and jumped to her feet. "Sorry baby but I've got to go," she said to the cat who now looked at her with an obviously condescending glare. "If they play this by the book, and I think they just might, Jon could be on his way to Sickbay." She stood in front of the antique cheval mirror near the door, a wedding gift from one of Aidan's relatives and hurriedly brushed off her uniform trying to remove as much cat hair as possible. "I've got to get there before he does. Nobody down there knows about his little problem," she continued as she rushed out of the room. "I don't even want to think about how much mischief he could cause."

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