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STSF Borgette

Saturday night academy


=/\= 2-25-2012 =/\=

-=/\=- Roster -=/\=-


XO = STSF Borgette

Tac/Ops (TOPS) = Lerak tr'Pexil


CENG = Dana Los (Ships Chief)

Asst Eng (AENG) = Arizhel

- - - - - - -

DDCE = John Randall (Dry Dock's Chief)

DDAE = Gretchen Hanson (Dry Dock's Asst Eng)

=/\= END ROSTER =/\=


Mission breifing:: The USS Tango is in dry dock to have the fleet engineers go over it with a fine tooth comb. They are to find out what has been causing all of the fluctuations in power when the ship needs them the worst.


This was a very different layout for a crew, having two matching ranks on ship and in drydock. The crew learned to work together in a very tough situation, where COM's ruled. Great teamwork to resolve many issues!


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