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Chatting Over Chili - By: Commander Ridire & Dr. Matthews

Aidan, sitting on the couch, is playing a game of chess by himself when the door opens and Deb walks in. He finishes making a move and spins the turntable he had set the chess board around before he looks up. Smiling, he stands and moves to hug her and kiss her gently. "I trust chili will do for supper? How was your day?"


Deb eagerly stepped into her husband's arms and rested her cheek against his broad chest. "Chili is fine," she mumbled. "As far as how my day was, I'd rather wait until I've eaten before I go into that." She pulled away slightly and looked up at him frowning slightly. "Suffice to say it was....a little strange. I'll tell you about it at dinner."


He nods and leads her to the dining table. He brings the steaming bowl of chili over to the table where the dishes and the drinks are waiting. Then he pulls out her chair and waits for her to sit. He smiles "You don’t have to tell me at all if you wish."


"I don't mind telling you about it," said Deb breathing in the aromatic smell of the chili. "I hope you didn't make this too hot," she added quickly with a smile. "And I'm not talking about heat....I'm talking about flavor."


He smiles "No, I did not go overboard on making it spicy. I made it exactly the same as I did last time and I don’t remember you drinking copious amounts of water then." His smile turns mischievous and he purrs "It would be mildly entertaining to do that sometime...but the price I’d pay for it would be too high. I don’t need an annoyed wife on my hands. Things work out better for me if I keep her content."


She watched quietly as Aidan put a couple of healthy ladles full of chili into her waiting bowl. "Did you know Kat thought you hated her?"

He stops ladling the chili and stares at Deb for a few seconds. "Kat thinks....I hate her?" He closes his eyes and shakes his head twice as he digests that. Opening his eyes he remarks "If I hated her she’d be off this ship in a heartbeat." He frowns as he dishes the rest of the food and sits down in his chair.


Debbie blew softly on the chili piled high on her spoon. "I know that," she said never taking her eye off her spoon. She gingerly tested the chili. Finding it adequately cooled, she cleaned off the spoon and looked at her husband. She was about to compliment him on the chili but was taken aback by the distressed expression on his face. "Kat isn't thinking straight, Aidan. She agreed to talk to Carolyn. I'm hoping that will help."


He frowns and shakes his head. Sighing quietly he says "Sorry, I guess I never exactly dealt with the situation emotionally. And I guess it didn't occur to me how she'd view my actions." He sits down and dishes his own supper. "Hopefully Carolyn will be able to help, yes." After a few seconds of pensive thought he starts eating his supper.


"I may be wrong," said Deb while stirring her chili. "But I believe Kat was thinking more about her behavior than your reaction to it." She again filled her spoon and carefully lifted it to her mouth. After swallowing the chili gently placed the spoon in the bowl and reached for Aidan's hand. "Maybe you should talk to her."


He considers that suggestion for a minute, remembering the last several "talks" he had with Ms. Schawnsee. Finally he nods "Yeah, that’s probably best. Though let me know when would be a good time or have Carol let me know. I don’t want to make the problem worse for Kat." He squeezes Deb’s hand, drawing some comfort from it.


Debbie returned the squeeze and smiled warmly at her husband. She wondered what this crew would think if they knew how much Aidan worried about them....how he considered them his family....his responsibility. He would never let down his guard and display such emotions publicly but here....with her....he was free to express his concerns. "I propose we focus on each other tonight," she finally said. "Let's finish your delicious chili and enjoy the rest of the evening together."


He smiles and leans over to kiss her on the cheek. Softly he murmurs, "I would like that idea very much." He returns his attention to his supper, feeling better then he did a few minutes ago, thanks to Deb.


She saw him relax as he started stirring his chili. She again turned her attention to the bowl in front of her."If he was upset about Kat," she thought to herself. "What would he think about Anna and her bracelet." She quickly decided that was a conversation for another day....perhaps a day in the very distant future. After all, things always worked out better with a contented husband.

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