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Observations ...

The Comanche Creek had been moving for hours; finally it was within Federation territory. Lieutenant T'Aral had decided to proceed through the upper hull, checking on various minor injury calls to confirm that all had been tended to. It was a tendency among Starfleet crews, especially those in crisis situations, not to report to the Medical bay when needed. It was a tendency that T'Aral accepted in the traditional Vulcan way.


T'Aral must go to Seleya, for the alternative is illogical.


The proverb was, however, itself illogical. Mount Seleya was gone, Vulcan was gone, and Steln was gone - a reality brought back to her attention upon observing Captain Mitros' arrival. The sight itself was not disturbing; it was agreeable to see that the Captain would have an opportunity for relaxation, for ship captains all required some kind of outlet. It was, however, a reminder that the Captain - as well as the vast majority of the crew - all had some place or someone they would be looking forward to reuniting with. T'Aral had no one.


As she observed the Captain, a thought occurred regarding one of Calestorm's habits. With the stress of the crisis and the demands on Medical, she had not taken time to observe the Captain's response to the situation. Exiting for a turbolift, she signaled the car to take her to the bridge. She had little doubt regarding what she would find there, but the investigation would have to be made. Looking about upon her arrival she noted the helmsman 'decompressing'; leaning back and slouching in his chair after what had no doubt been a stressful piloting session. Lieutenant Kvar also appeared in better spirits. She was no doubt looking forward to a well-earned shore leave.


Arriving at her destination, T'aral paused outside of the Ready Room door. Closing her eyes, she opened her other senses to her surroundings. She remained only for a moment, but the moment was long enough. Stepping away from the door, she made her way to just outside of the Captain's office. There she remained again for several seconds before stepping away. At both sites her senses detected the faint but very real acrid scent of burned tobacco.


Calmly she strode to the nearest turbolift, directing it back to Medical. She was going to have to schedule a brief appointment for the Captain, consisting of a highly focused physical directed at the Captain's specific chosen habits. She would discuss stress management once again, and again provide her recommendations for the Captain to seek other less biologically damaging ways of addressing her addictions. Given that the captain was human, this process would probably have to be repeated numerous times before any actual consideration was given to her recommendations.


This did not bother T'Aral - this was the manner in which dealing with humans progressed. It was neither good nor bad; it simply was.

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Given that the captain was human, this process would probably have to be repeated numerous times before any actual consideration was given to her recommendations.


Is that Vulcan CMO code talk for "boot to the head"? Tae Kwon Leap as originally taught by T'Gruberman?


Nice log Doctor!

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