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Your report Boss...

::A letter found slid under Joe's Quarter's door::Boss,This is the brief you requested regarding our mission.For an scientific geek brain mission this mission turned out to be nothing like what was expected.I must admit some elements to our failure to acquire the stuff Dr. Phantos probably wanted.Yeah..that on that ex-Feddie ship, Capricorn I messed up. We got isolated by some engineer and I got flashbacks of Tranquility. Sorry. I also nearly blew a Vestibul's crewman's head off. That I should of done. He was scum. But I sensed Pher wanted things settled down so I handed her my weapon Because he WAS going to have his head blown off. I regret not shooting the Pe`taQ he ended up working for Maxwell we found out later.When Troy Parson was assigned command upon his arrival, I must confess I was surprised. Never worked with a human so uh...can't think of the word...odd? We were sent back to Vestibul where I had to fly a shuttle for the first time in my life. I did not get us killed. But upon landing, Vestibul personnel were armed at ready to shoot Troy. He buried in me in wires I guess to surprise them. Everything happened so fast..Yeah I killed four men on that deck. Troy and I lived though.Where am I...this mission was oh...we go back to Zoalus via Capricorn's transporter to recover Ethan. What the illogical non-Vulcan was doing there I do not know. But we were determined to get him out. I tried to follow Pher the best I could under her command. Sure enough sh*t hit the fan and drones were on our six. Could of sworn I saw a black tentacle behind me. Not sure. In any case I used every trick to hold the six position. Alex dove in front and took a hit meant for me. Why?Not sure. In danger of being overun, I used a device I learned to kill...uh build for situations a weapon power cell set on overload. That caused more of a problem. A cave in. Yeah our six was secure but our six was blocked..next thing I knew we were on board Capricorn.I don't know Boss this mission was a mess. I had a hard time figuring out who were the bad guys, and different commands made it tougher. So, with the destruction of complex Ethan was in. I guess we failed to gather what we needed to get Paid.Sorry I killed 5 people this mission. That is not very clean I imagine in your books.Oh by the way yeah, I still have Dikylt's head if you want to mount it on Qob's bow. Let me know if you want it.-Byblos

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