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Kerris Kea

A Tough Decision to Make (Soora and Chris)

Chris watched Ethan's vitals fluctuate somewhat with all that had gone on. That was not unexpected. He picked a hypo and injected Ethan with Natrozine to help stabilize him now that Soora had completed her repairs. "How's it looking?"


Soora sighned a little. 'Better. Hopefully they will hold this time.' She stood up straight and cracked her back. She had been bent over for too long.


"I just gave him some Natrozine to help stabilize his vitals. I didn't give him very much as far as anesthetic; I didn't want to complicate things." Chris also stood up from his post next to Ethan's side, once more checking vitals. "I guess only time will tell."


Soora put away her things and then washed up. All that had happened so fast-- she could hardly believe he was out again. 'I'll keep a close monitor on him, as always.'


"I have no doubt. You've turned out to be a hell of a Doc. I'm glad to have you on our team. It seems I'm going to be seeing more of you and your work, at least for the time being." Chris stepped away from Ethan, satisfied his vitals were holding.


Soora turned to him, leaning against an empty cot, letting the compliment roll off to the back of her mind. There were more pressing matters. 'Afraid I'm still not too clear about that,' she said, genuinely confused.


Chris sighed a bit. "It seems I'm being placed back in Medical. It seems I'm losing my First Mate post for the time being. So, you and I are now partners, so to speak." Chris walked around the bed and leaned on the empty cot as well, along side of Soora.


Her first thought was, 'Well, that's awkward,' but she didn't say it. 'Any particular reason? I was under the impression that the Captain was satisfied with your work.' She paused for a beat. 'That said, I'm not one to complain about having another set of competent hands.'


Chis looked away and sighed again. "Kind of. And this is the other reason I need to talk to you: Its about my continuous problem. I'm still having troubles."


She looked at him, her eyes searching his face. 'What kind of troubles?'


Chris stood up and walked a bit away from her. "The trouble that Baldy left me with." He turned, once more facing her. "Pher helps me a lot, but it doesn't seem to be lasting, and I'm finding myself having to call on her more that I think I should have to."


'So you're reconsidering the serum from New Vulcan,' she said, nodding.


"I'd like to hear more about it, actually."


She cleared her throat a little. 'We used it on patients who came into the spaceport, addicted to one thing or another. Red sand, heroine, pheromones,' she said softly, shrugging. 'I know not many cases were as bad as yours, but it should still work. We're still unsure exactly how it works on humans, but basically it deadens the receptors in which usually the chemical goes to. No receptors, or a lot less of them, then less cravings.'


Chris stood there for a moment, thinking. "What's the dosage, and how long does it take to take effect?"


She didn't take his eyes from him. 'We usually started at an injection a day, but I have it in pill form; if this is going to be a long term treatment, I'll have to order more, or go and retrieve it myself.' She paused. 'This isn't a cure-all end-all, Chris. You're going to have to work at it. The serum will help, but its not going to work in a day. Weeks, maybe a month or two, and we will decrease the dosage in small increments.'


Chris took a deep breath, and let it out again slowly. "Okay, are you willing to take me on as your patient?"


'Answer me something first,' she said quietly.


"What's that?" He asked, shifting his weight somewhat.


'For the serum to work like its supposed to...' she trailed off, unsure how to phrase it. 'Are you willing to give her up?'


Chris stood up and stepped off for a moment. He walked a bit around sickbay, running his hand through his hair. "We have been such good friends for so long. I need her just as much as she needs me." He turned once more, facing Soora. "I'm... I'm not sure. I'm not sure it will be good for her, either."


Soora shook her head, walking back to her desk. 'Until you can, I can't give you the treatment. I know that her... treatments will counteract my own.' She planted her hands on the desk, her back to him. He needed to want this. He could go back to her after he was cured for all she cared-- but Pher was just making the condition worse. If she really cared for him, she'd suffer to be sure that he recovered. A little pain now for a lot of gain later.


Chris walked over to the replicator and ordered a drink. "Black tea, hot, with honey." He picked up the glass after it materialized and took a sip from it. He then slowly walked over to her in her office. "I'm going to have to rethink all of this. I'm going to go to my quarters, if I'm needed. Thank you for the consideration and the advice." He took another sip of the tea as he turned and walked towards the door of her office.


'Chris,' she said quietly, her eyes on his retreating back.


He stopped and turned to face her once more. "Yes, Doctor?"


'You know it would only be temporary. I'm not trying to steal you away, feigning medicine. I just know this treatment. We had them quarantined in the Hospital.'


"Thanks Kaara, but I'm not sure I can go without her completely. I'm going to have to think about it. And I wasn't joking before when I said you were a good doctor. Think about it. I wouldn't have even said anything to you if I didn't think your treatment may help. I just don't if I can go without being with Pher. I'll think it over and get back to you on it, as long as I know you are willing to treat me if I decide to take it, and am able to stay away from Pher."


He walked back over to the replicator, took the last swallow of his tea, and placed the glass back inside. He turned, facing her one last time. "Thanks again, Doc."


She nodded. 'I just wanted to make my case clear. Let me know; I'll be here."


Chris nodded and walked out of sickbay, knowing he had a hard decision to make.

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