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Mitar Precip

Different Minds Meet in the End (A log by Admiral Atragon and Mitar Precip )

It wasn't easy to say the least, but Mitar felt as an officer of Starfleet he had to speak to the Admiral regarding what he knew and the COMM message broadcast across the ship. It began with a simple COMM from the Bolian's quarters directly to Admiral Atragon. He was not certain if he would see him having resigned as CSEC and Tactical officer. If he refused to take the COMM he knew the Admiral did not have an interest in seeing him again. Yet everything Starfleet dictated he needed to try.


+A9+ Admiral Atragon, Commander Precip; would it be possible to speak to you regarding the enemy situation?


::A9 is sitting in his Ready Room when he hears the comm, he pauses for a minute before pressing the button::


+PRECIP+ Mitar, I would be very interested to hear your point of view on our situation. How about I come by your quarters so we can speak in private. The Bridge can be such a ... volatile environment. Let me know when you're available.


+A9+ I'm available now, Sir. Care for some tea?


+PRECIP+ I will pass on the tea, but I'll be right down.


A9 clicks off the comm and sits back for a moment, thinking he would do anything to keep from another public face-off with his former CSEC right now.


In the meantime, Mitar knew time was of the essence, he decided to take a seat near the view port of his quarters. He figured the Admiral might choose do a site to site transport. He had the tea set on a table in front him, just in case, with an additional modest chair facing him. "Diplomacy" he thought briefly.


A9 channeled his inner Zen and exited his Ready Room, through the Bridge and onto the TL. He rode down to the Senior Officers' quarters on Deck 9 and walked to Precip's quarters and rang the chime.


"Enter, please." Mitar stands from his chair to greet the Admiral. "I thank you, immensely, for some time. I promise I will make my comments quick as not to attract attention." ::the doors shut:: "Care for some Tea? It isn't Bolian." Precip smiles.


A9 enters and sits near the window and smiles, "No thank you. Tea isn't my drink... and no, I'm not looking for anything else, either. Tell me your thoughts on our current predicament.


::Precip pauses to collect his thoughts and starts speaking, at an accelerated rate, as if he wants to get it all out before he is stopped:: "The entire Federation and all powers of the Alpha and Beta quadrant have been eliminated. Otherwise we would have had some contact, and certainly looting opportunists. I cannot explain how the space station we visited survived the attack. Scuttlebut from what I gathered is we have a super weapon courtesy of that Space Station. We have the ability to strike back. And from what I have heard, quite devastatingly."


::A9 nods at Precip's summary, letting him know he's on the right track, as Precip sits down near his CO::


::Precip continues:: "Total war has been waged upon us, and the attackers have succeeded and gotten away with it. We have every right to strike back at them with whatever we can get our hands on. You, Admiral, have something to strike back with. But the problem is, you need a target. Given the vast scope of the attack I surmise this enemy has propulsion abilities beyond ours. Manticore is a fast ship but we must be realistic. Our attackers could be from another galaxy for all we know. This counter attack could take generations. We do have something, sir, that could give us the chance to employ the weapon we picked up at that hideous looking space station. The approximate time of the attack, what if our attackers were to meet a nasty surprise when they enter Sol sector? Yes, I am throwing out the temporal directive, but I seriously doubt the temporal police even exist at the moment. The idea, and it is not my own I must confess, is to hit them in the past. Perhaps we can show something of such magnitude they will reconsider their act of total war."


::Precip finally stops to take some breaths and waits for A9's explosive reply. To his surprise, it is not filled with tension or anger. Instead, A9 looks out the window at Earth, wistfully::


"Mitar, there is nothing I want more than to make this all go away, to have my homeworld whole again. I just don't know how realistic that is and I don't know... Alright, see what you can find! Go to the Science and Engineering groups and tell them I have asked you to coordinate with them to see if it is possible to go back to the time of the attack. However, do not interfere with their research into finding the enemy's home. Once we have that location, we ARE going to head there, unless we also have a viable temporal solution. I cannot stand by and wait for something that may never happen. Besides, we can always go back in time later, if a direct assault fails. After all we have all the time in the world... to go back in time for my world."


::A9 stands and smiles at Precip:: "Thank you, Mitar, I'm glad to see you focused on the safety of the Universe again. I must get back to the Bridge."


"I always have sir, just differently. Good Luck to us all."

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