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Alterations of Tactics, P3

Alteration of Tactics, Part 3

Daise'Erei'Riovs t'Ksa and tr'Aieme



"And that folks, is this week's #1 bone-headed move of the week! Join us next for...."


Maec wrestled the holo-vid controller away from Morgana’s white knuckled grip and turned the entertainment set off. “I’m sure it’s na that bad.”


“Look it up, I want to see what the verrul has done this time,” Morgana folded her arms over her chest. Her eyes bore holes in the viewscreen as Maec transition it from live entertainment to the civilian messaging system. Her eyes bounced from word to word as he set the search parameters. “I’m going to y’ya him.” When she muttered when tr’Aieme found the item in question. “I’m going to fillet him into teeny tiny pieces. Then I’m going to y’ya him again.”


“This is quite funny.” Maec chuckled, reading over the information precipitating the reporters comical story of Talon’s Operations officer. The man had to pass a rigorous medical exam before posting, then again periodically during his tour. Most of these exams were conducted by the Daise’Maenak herself, so Maec understood why Morgana would be rather irked by the reporter’s assertions . “Are au sure he is na on recreational substances during leave?” He tried na to laugh, trying to offer an alternate theory to the El’Riov’s behavior.


“Oh na. Oh na. Oh na, this is pure S’Bien. That nohtho dyypan kllhe.” The Daise’Maenak clenched her teeth and scowled hard at the screen, as if she could punish Koga with sheer mind power.


“Should I na be the judge on whether or na he is nohtho?” Maec chuckled as scrolled further into the document. He was easily amused by the situation as he read the irate fan comments. That was until he reached the last io in the string - the io which started it all and recognized the author. “Fvadt. That’s na menkha.”


“I’m going to y’ya her.” Morgana too recognized the name, “I’m going to disassemble her body parts puzzle pieces. Then I’m going to y’ya her again.”


“I don’t think that is wise. She is family after all.”


Morgana gave Maec the evil eye before leaping off the sofa and storming off to her desk, muttering about violent painful and embarrassing murders of S’Bien and her rinam.


“What are au going to do, Maenak?” The Kheinsa leaned back on the sofa and watched her with an amused smirk on his face.


“Something that will fix the situation once and for all parties involved; S’Bien’s dyypan and Lannisal’s meddling. And if I am lucky,” She started furiously typing, “Force N’Dak’s hand into resuming his role as Executive Officer sooner rather than later. I hate this job.” A string of curses followed questioning N’Dak, S’Bien and Lannisal’s parentage and their sanity.


“Or au will do such a menkha job in the position he will never replace au. Perhaps he will become the Daise’Maenak in au’s absence.” Maec took another dig at the irked Maenak.


“Daise’Maenak, ha! He better replace me or I’ll y’ya him. I’ll dice him up into millions of pieces and drop him in a pile at the Enarrain’s chair. Then I’ll y’ya him again.” She muttered as she typed.


Rihan Star Empire Memo

RES Talon Internal Communication



To: El'Riov Koga Nraku S'Bien

From Daise’Erei’Riov Morgana t’Ksa, Executive Officer


Effective immediately, au’s shoreleave has been canceled and au have been reassigned to retraining at the ch’Rihan War College. Report to the Academy parade grounds at 0900 for au’s new assignment. I will meet au there.



From the Desk of Daise’Maenak t’Ksa



To: Lannisal t’Ksa, Mhiessan University

From Daise’Erei’Riov Morgana t’Ksa, Executive Officer


We to meet regarding a serious matter that has been recently been brought to my attention. As this may affect the future of the event au are planning, I believe it is necessary for us to discuss this as soon as possible. Fhaen meet me at the Eghadh Lagga at 1000. Hann’yyo, Morgana

Edited by m_k_tksa

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Sucks to be Koga doesn't it? :P



Oh wait... :unsure:

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It could be worse, he could be Lloann'nah Canadian........Oh....wait....


Great set of logs, loved reading them. Keep them coming folks!

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