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A Letter from the Future

A Letter from the Future

A Joint Log between CDR Audraya Wesley and Mr Wes Roberts

Set during the two hour TBS (Both Creek and Aegis)


With the threat of the gamma ray burst past and shuttle Teach back, the Revenge had backed away the damaged Comanche Creek. Maighdin sat in the at-sea cabin behind the bridge, looking at the antique vessel...someone who would have been her great-Aunt was aboard her, and doomed to a pointless death when V'Ger assimilates the Epsilon 9 station was aboard her. Audraya, as known to Mai, was a fighter, and any death where she didn't go out in a blaze of glory would have been a useless one. Of course, Audraya could've mellowed out by then. Sighing, she sat down at the terminal.



Audraya, having escaped from the briefing room where Science and Engineering were having their discussions about how to get back to their century, was occupying the center seat.

“Commander, we just received a text-only message from the Revenge.”


“Yes, ma'am,” Maya said. “Only...its addressed to you.”

“How...ominous.” She stood. “Is Crash in her office?”

“No ma'am. As far as I know, she's not back on the bridge.”

“Transfer it to her terminal; I'll take it in there.”



Sitting at the desk, Audraya opened up the letter on the screen, and began reading. She'd not read Low Kolari in sometime, so it took her a few tries to make heads or tails of it.



Vendui Auntie


Dos phuul brornus Usstan ul'kas dos \"Auntie\". Ussta grandam zhahus dosst dalninil Bran. Xor a mzulst il zhahus wun udossta timeline. Maunq'a xor naut nindel kyarrin wun dossta, er'griff draeval orn tesso. Rena udos orn'la inbal mzilt ulu telanth bauth, zhahen udos ulu thalra jindurn ulu jindurn, Usstan shlu'ta er'griff xun ji wun nindol ly'ryus . Lu'ol jiv'undusen uns'aa ulu xun ji nindol i'dol.


Auntie Audraya wun ussta timeline tois wun 2273, pholor l'Epsilon 9 elemmiire zig . Usstan wo naut alu wund l'details, 'zil ol orn'la plynn feir ichl verve, jhal xun naut ja'hai jala muahae ulu quarth jala elemmiire zig . Udos k'jakr telanth d'dos xuil zhennu reverence whol dosst bucking l'orthodoxy d'udossta fuma. Dosst k'lar, Auntie, zhah pholor ba'dor natha ozam, vel'klar dos shlu'ta xun l'mzilst bwael. Mareena isn't natha myar s'enar ulu nau'thal l'fuma; nixm'io eventually quaz Litasha 'zil natha rothe. Jhal l'v'dre d'l'fuma anika'mir bel'la 'zil highly 'zil Mareena. Nind orn kl'ae whatever mii'n nodven ulu muaha l'fuma's thry, 'zil al 'zil l'v'dre d'udossta lodias'.


Dos shlu'ta khaless Romulans, Auntie. Jhal er'griff pholor biu individual basis. Fol mir bel'la obokur taga byrren. Nindyn ph'l'ussen dos shlu'ta khaless implicitly. Byrren, dos shlu'ta khaless pholor natha p'totis a p'totis basis, lu'thugrin er'griff 'zil verve 'zil hwuen dos inbal kkuuth l't'zaraw. Ussta m'ranndii's drada zhah Romulan, lu'zhah khalessev xuil tluin izil ulu \"xun l'ditronw klez\".


Usstan'bal zhil'za telanthus ichl mzilt, Auntie, lu'xal inbal ruulk'naus dosst ulin xuil nindol de'lu'mith . Ji tlu ol, Usstan orn ja'hai ussta ap'za lu'ussta m'ranndii's sarn'elggar. Uk zhah, a mzulst, biu honorable nesst lu'Usstan xuat inbal ulu eszak bauth naut waking phor.


Dosst Dalninil's Autna






Hello Auntie


You are surprised I called you "Auntie". My grandam was your sister Bran. Or at least she was in our timeline. Whether or not that happens in yours, only time will tell. While we would have much to say about, were we to encounter face to face, I can only do so in this missive. And it pains me to do this way.


Auntie Audraya in my timeline died in 2273, on the Epsilon 9 star base . I will not go into the details, as it would take far too long, but accomplish not accept any advances to command any star base. We still speak of you with great reverence for your bucking the orthodoxy of our family. Your location, Auntie, is on board a ship, where you can accomplish the most good. Mareena isn't a bad sort to lead the family; she'll eventually sell Litasha as cattle. But the rest of the family doesn't hold honor as highly as Mareena. They will use whatever means necessary to advance the family's cause, as well as the rest of our people's.


You can trust Romulans, Auntie. But only on an individual basis. Some hold honor higher than others. Those are the ones you can trust implicitly. Others, you can trust on a case by case basis, and usually only as long as until you have finished the deal. My husband's second is Romulan, and is trusted with being able to \"do the right thing\".


I've probably said too much, Auntie, and may have disturbed your future with this information. So be it, I will accept my fate and my husband's punishment. He is, at least, an honorable man and I don't have to worry about not waking up.


Your Sister's Granddaughter






Audraya sat there for several minutes, staring at the monitor, shaken a the contents of the email. She was interrupted by the comm whistle. “Yes.”

Commander, the Revenge has just gone to warp. The Missouri is still holding station. Looks like they have repair teams crawling over the nacelle we hit.

“Understood. Tell Mr. Tauariki and Lt Belo that I'd like a progress report on our returning to our own time.”

Yes ma'am.

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