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Cptn James Kirk

CPT James Kirk
Balance of Fear

In a different reality, I could have called you friend." - The Romulan Commander to Captain Kirk, TOS Episode Balance of Terror


"He's a sneaky b*stard."


James Kirks voice carried just enough for the person standing to his immediate right to hear.


Rear Admiral Shauna Coyote glanced at the young ships master. "This Romulan might be saying the same thing of you, Captain Kirk."


The only answer from Kirk came in a small grin, which disappeared completely as the tactical officer on shift reported yet another sensor ghost.


Making the decision to detach the USS Enterprise from Task Force Alpha, Kirk had taken off in pursuit of a Romulan Bird of Prey lurking on the Federation side of the RNZ. The enemy Commander had stopped just shy of taking his – or her – ship back across the border, turning to engage the Enterprise.


That first initial clash left both vessels wounded; Kirk had lost several officers down in Weapons Control. The game of cat and mouse had been ongoing for the last few hours, they'd gone communications silent, and the strain was starting to take a toll on his crew.


The Captain had committed himself and his crew, and he knew it. If that Bird of Prey escaped across the border and informed their superiors of the patrolling Task Force…


Enterprise had the advantage with maneuverability while the Bird of Prey sported a cloaking device that made life interesting. The tech wasn't perfect however; the bridge tactical officers caught bleed off from the cloak using a combination of specialized tracker programs and long range sensors.


Kirk glanced at Coyote. "Admiral, you should be in sickbay. It's the most heavily shielded section of the ship."


She looked at the younger, dark blond haired man. "And do what? Twiddle my thumbs? I'm where I want to be Captain. God forbid if we do take more casualties, then I'll offer my services for triage."


Jim eyed her for a moment and then gave a curt nod of understanding, but not necessarily approval. She's hands on without getting in the way, I'll give her that…


The tactical officer yelped out a warning. "Captain, we have incoming torps! Two minutes out!"


"Sulu, evasive pattern Omega! Uhura, all hands brace for impact!"

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