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RAdm S.Coyote

Flagship Command

New Topeka Colony

Starfleet FTR Offices

2259 09:20 Hours


A buzz jolted Rear Admiral Shauna Walking Coyote out of her perusal of border sector mapping grids, and she pressed a finger to the table mounted intercom panel. “Coyote here.”


“Admiral,” the voice of Lt. Riley immediately came back. “Admiral, we’ve got a priority message incoming from Admiral Komack. It’s live ma’am.”


Well, Jim’s in a hurry this morning…”Put it through Kevin, thanks.”


Admiral James Komack’s stern visage appeared on the large mounted viewer set across from Coyote’s desk configuration; a veteran, he had worked his way up the ranks to attain a position as sector commander.


She muted the desktop screen and set the data slate she’d been syncing down on the desktop. “Good morning Admiral. What can I do for you?”


Komack got right down to business. “Word has it that the launch for your new First Threat Response frigates went well?”


A proud smile broadened Coyote’s Native Old-Americas features. “The launch and christening did go well Jim. The crews of USS Plum Creek and the USS Little Robe Creek are all set to warp out and patrol the frontier with their big sister ship.


“Well…It looks as if they’re going to get some action right away.”


Shauna felt some of the pride drain from her. “Admiral?” Her tone was half accusatory, half concern. “I received orders that my newbie frigates were to deploy out for standard patrol and mapping tasks, respectively, for the shakedown cruises.”


“Circumstances have changed, as have the orders. Our communications network has picked up rumors: according to civilian cargo runners that work out along the frontier sectors, the Romulans may be acting up. I want your FTR ships to investigate and confirm. These orders come straight from SanFran Command.”


“Romulans? What sector grid are we talking about here?”


“Grids, plural. RNZ* Sectors Tango, Z-Six and Zero Thirty.”


Coyote nodded once. “Fine. I’ll have Calestorm deploy out with them.”


“This investigative team will be an official task force assignment, so I need all hands on deck. In addition to the new FTR vessels and Comanche Creek, the Hard Six and the James Walking Bear are deploying. Got yourself a couple Miranda-classes representing Regular Fleet along for the ride as well: USS Bozeman and the USS Surya. Good crews."


She smiled slightly. "Fleet Command is certainly going all out for this patrol."


He nodded in agreement. “It’s just not this patrol. We're deploying what we have of the fleet in these sectors. A lot of other missions are taking a backseat to this potential threat."


Komack paused, trying to figure out how to diplomatically say who's in command of this task force. "....I’m also authorizing Captain Kirk to…..head your RNZ task force. He’ll have full flagship command from the USS Enterprise.”


The smile dropped. Coyote’s eyebrows went for her hairline while the pit of her stomach went cold.


He almost hurried to explain further. “Captain Calestorm will have field command over the FTR ships and the Mirandas. I'd like to make it very clear that she is to answer directly to Captain Kirk...."


While Shauna wasn’t looking forward to springing this on Crash – and the Comanche Creek crew – something in his tone brought her up short, and she didn’t like the connotation. “Admiral Komack, are you suggesting Captain Calestorm won’t do her job?” Her tone came out flinty.


“I’m not suggesting anything. But I’m also aware that Ashton doesn’t care for young James Kirk.”


“She doesn’t care for his methods of attaining his command*, Jim. It’s not her questioning Kirk personally.”


Komack cocked an eyebrow. “Is there a difference?”


“Yes. There is.”


He blew out a breath and physically rolled his shoulders. Coyote could tell Komack was under stress…but she couldn’t help the defensive edge over the infringement on her territory. She made the effort to approach the situation - and her fellow Admiral - from a logical standpoint, keeping the conversation civil. Mostly.


“Jim, this sort of patrol is what the First Threat Response program was authorized for. The Comanche Creek is the lead FTR ship and Crash Calestorm is my lead captain. If you’re sending a specialized task force haring off to see what the Romulans are up to, if anything, the ‘Creek should be the ship leading that patrol.”


“Shauna, this isn’t a competition between the divisions…”


She glanced away, staring at a vase over on the low set coffee table without really seeing it, one side of her mouth set in a grim smirk. Then Coyote spoke without returning her attention directly to the senior admiral.


“The orders have already been cut, haven’t they?”


In the silence, a digital blip was her resounding answer; at the right corner of the office view screen a message icon glowed a steady green.


Jim Komacks baritone voice broke the dense silence, cool and collected and sure in his admiralty rank…and his ability to dole out orders to the division leaders under his command.


“You have mail, Admiral Walking Coyote. Briefing packets and map grid updates are included. I trust there will be no further commentary on this matter. ”



* Romulan Neutral Zone

* See Star Trek 2009 for reference material

Edited by RAdm S.Coyote

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