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Cptn James Kirk

Buckle Up

USS Enterprise NCC-1701

2258 09:30 Hours

Orbiting Omega 13


Captain James Tiberius Kirk, Jim to his friends, came bouncing into the Medical bay with his usual devil may care air.


The medical staff moved about with their usual efficiency, preparing medical packets and medicine for distribution; bright orange crates of the stuff cleared for transport were stacked to one side, awaiting pick up and delivery.


Omega 13 had experienced several natural disasters within the last six months, and things were not getting better for the planet.


“Bones, buckle up.” He called across the main floor to his friend and ships Chief Medical Officer, Leonard ‘Bones’ McCoy.


Up to his eyeballs in tracking and cataloging medical supplies, McCoy didn’t even glance up from the digital slate he was reading. “Jim, I’m a little busy right now,” came the usual growl, “and what’re you doin’ down here?”


“Your people are being fast recalled from the surface.”


Now he had the older mans complete attention. Bones fixed a surprised gaze on his commanding officer. “What? Why? We’re in the middle of vaccinations on the southern continent. I have over a hundred people down there-”


“Andorian Royal Guard has diverted the Legend to take over the Omega medical situation for us. They’re inbound on emergency clearance and should be here within the next shift cycle.”


“What’s goin’ on Jim?”


“Senior staff meeting in one hour, I’ll debrief everyone then.” Jim turned away and walked towards the exit as he spoke. “We’re due to launch out to New Topeka in three hours.”


“New Topeka? What the hell are we heading to Border Patrol HQ for?”


Kirk called over his shoulder as he walked back towards the entrance to the Medical Bay. “Need to know basis Bones. Staff meeting in one hour. Be there.”

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