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Meanwhile, On Verbistul ...

“Alex? Troy? Everybody? Listen up. I think we just talked ourselves out of the initiative. Maxwell has just taken his toys and gone away. Capricorn is hurting, but Verbistul hasn’t the guns to chase. I think there are things we have to do before we go another round of talking, and nobody can afford another round of shooting. If you’ll allow, I’ll try to lay it out.


“I’d like every passive scanner you’ve got on Capricorn. She’s hurt. She ought to be leaving fine ion and warp trails. Take every reading you can that might help us chase her at some future date, but I think there are other things to be done first.


“Alex? Maxwell took somebody from the brig? We might want to find out who, and make sure he locked the brig door before he left.


“I think Qob is in a low orbit that might be turning into a hot orbit. I’d like to render due assistance, which might involve getting close enough for a tractor beam. Problem? I suspect Joe is going to be rightfully ticked at Maxwell, which means he might be not so rightfully ticked at anyone or everyone associated with Verbistul. You might want to let me do the talking. You all might want to pretend you don’t like Maxwell either, which ought not to be too difficult at this point.


“Maxwell promised to retrieve Ethan. I believe that promise has just slipped his mind. Without Capricorn’s transporters, this might force a shuttle ride to the surface, and I expect the surface will be quite unfriendly just now. We also don’t have that many people who’ve been down there. Problem? Ethan is running some sort of private agenda. If he's in trouble, and he is late on his pick up call, any relief team will be flirting with trouble too, and he hasn't been exactly forthcoming with what he's up against. If anyone here knows his plans, and is withholding information that would be helpful is saving his rear end at minimum risk to the rescuers, now might be the time to speak up.


“Troy. You’re Qob’s science god. I will defer thoroughly to you on issues involving science. I’m security god. For a while, I’d like you to try deferring to me on issues involving security. Our approaches to security are… somewhat different. I can’t do a thing with you ad-libbing off on dangerous tangents and changing course every thirty seconds. I’d like to get the Qob and Verbistul crew working together. You like explosions, shooting, lies, confusion, threats and bluffs. For now, could you just cut it out? We are Verbistul’s guests. You’re making our hosts nervous. I’d like to establish that there are no bombs, no dead man switches, that while you don’t like Maxwell you have no problems with the people in this room, and that you can act peaceful and cooperative without being disarmed, cuffed, and thrown in a cell.


“Byblos, you too. Our enemies aren’t on this ship. Stand down, and I’ll try to get you a bath and change of clothes.


“Unless I missed something, let’s form teams for each project and get about it?”

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