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::sitting on the Bridge, he had been listening and watching his crew try to battle this nanite plague and knew there was little he could do besides offer support and ... Strength. He sometimes hated having to be the rock that others would cling to and look to, to be sure everything was going to be okay. Especially on those occasions when he wasn't sure that everything was going to be okay! Normally he would be pacing the upper deck of the Bridge, his usual parapet, but about 20 minutes earlier, he had noticed some strange and sporadic stiffening and seizing up of his exoskeletal suit. At first, he didn't want to admit that it could be related, but what a target-rich environment his suit offers for a host of eager nano machines. Remembering the lessons from the Academy about the Generals and Admirals of old and how they would wear red into battle to hide any wounds from their troops, he would sit himself in the Command Chair and move as little as possible, to hide his own "wounds" for as long as he could.::


::His arguments with Dr. Chalice didn't go well, mostly because he knew she was right and partially because he was using a considerable amount of his will to keep his limbs from appearing spastic. He was breaking out in a sweat, but he was sure it was because of the physical effort. As he watched Vilanne launch herself from the ship, so they could perform this "purification," he kept trying to think about how he had become infected. Then it hit him and he recalled greeting Kyle Mele back to the ship and ... shaking his hand! Is it possible that the nanites can be spread simply by physical contact? The Iota-18 team and the away teams had been cleared by Medical and were currently roaming the ship, TOUCHING everyone. He had to say something, even on the verge of the Medico-Scientific procedure. Every piece of data can help them clarify, intensify, resolve... ::


::He was feeling more and more queasy and feverish, but his revelation made him blind to his own organic symptoms. He pushed himself out of his seat and members of the Bridge crew turned to him. Not realizing how much effort just that simple act took, he started to speak, just as his arm casings jerked wildly. He opened his mouth, but his throat had seized up and all he could do was produce a strangled gasp of air. He tried harder and harder to speak, his eyes bugging out with the effort and the sense of dread was mirrored in the eyes of his crew. They realized that their "Rock" had been harmed and they sensed that they were now just as vulnerable to this impending doom.::


::Trapped, he was trapped in his suit and trapped in his body, cornered by a horde of micro machines hell bent on survival at all costs. In away, they were trapped as well, but they had a ship full of people to explore. Yes, there were now hundreds of hosts available to these new invaders and they were about to exploit that potential unless the crew could stop them::

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