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Enough Already

[Joint log between Vilanne Chalice and Nancy Smith]

The shuttle was very quiet, except for the silent-running hum of the engines. Vilanne sat down in the pilot’s seat, even though it was on auto, placed her feet up on the frame of the console, and leaned back, staring out at Manticore. She was big from this view, tremendously big. There were a lot of bodies on that ship that needed to be saved, and she had done the right thing in this circumstance. Any officer would have made the same decision.


She had, however, resigned; resigned to an Admiral, of all things.


Her Starfleet career was over in that half-breath.


Vilanne didn’t spend much time contemplating that. It was for the best – and that was that.


However, if she could be found clear of this indignant nanite threat that Kyle Mele had created, perhaps she could get a job on any planet at the public hospitals and medical centers, for there were plenty. Doctors were always in need.

Thoughts stretched across the galaxy trying to figure out what her many options were. There was teaching or evening medical administration, since she did have a Chief of Medicine tag now in her resume. Being on a garbage scowl or towing ship, whatever Manticore was identified as this month, wouldn’t do much to impress future employers however, and she’d never be able to discuss the dangerous things she’d come up against.


The borg implants still within her were the next series of contemplative thoughts. She was well studied with organ replications, which was certainly a field most used with the military. What sorts of non-commissioned jobs lie ahead for her was the accumulation of her thoughts, until the COM startled her out of her thoughts.


“Nurse Smith to Dr Chalice.”


Vilanne almost forgot who that was, and couldn’t fathom why she was contacting her. “Dr Chalice here. What did you need, Nancy?”


“Doctor, rumor has it that you left the ship, and I checked your location and received the information that you left in a shuttle. For years, ma’am, you’ve never walked out of any situation. I am concerned.”


That left Vilanne thinking for a moment on how to respond. Nancy had been on the ship almost as long as she had. Nancy had never been known for socializing with most anyone on the ship, and as far as Vilanne knew, was only a great nurse; there was no clue why she’d be looking for her. “Nancy, there is no cause for alarm. I’m alongside the Manticore in a shuttle.”


Vilanne discussed the reasons for being there and Nancy came to understand the why Dr. Mele was giving orders around sickbay. The conversation took approximately 4½ minutes, but during that time, Vilanne found out just how dedicated she was to the ship and its crew, and how much in love she’d become with Mitar Precip.


The conversation was cut short, in order to address station issues. Vilanne was glad; another 30 seconds about Precip and she’d throw up.


((And that’s it, since our TBS was only 5 minutes. LOL))

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