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Aftermath of the Comet - The Creeps

"Quick we have to hurry, they're catching up," panting and out of breath, Jerry grabbed the woman by the wrist, virtually dragging her behind him as they ran towards the door of the building across the street. There, light shone around the frame of a door, barely cracked open, as the silhouettes of two people frantically waving at them to run to them faster. It was their one hope, they had to get there, there were no other options for escape. His grip tight on her wrist causing the muscles in his shoulder to burn as she tripped, pulling him down to the ground with her, the already sore tendons injured hours ago as he had pulled free of another group as he and his family tried to escape the encroachment of the 'Creeps'. Yet only he, had been able to pull free and run in terror.


Turning to reach back and help her to get back on her feet, he found himself face to face with four of the hideous things that they'd begun to call the 'Creeps'; humans, that were no longer human. It wasn't natural, they had died from some sort of sickness after the comet, but somehow, somehow they came back. Skin of a grey-orange hew, lumbering along in an unnatural gait, and seeming only to want to feed on uninfected, living flesh. It had all happened following the night that the orange comet passed through their atmosphere.


Shaking himself from his daze, he realized that two of them were already on top of the woman's body he held; one tearing greedily at her throat, another plucking an eyeball out for himself as a treat. Releasing her wrist, knowing it was too late for her, he kicked backwards, trying to get free of them. Falling back in terror, Jerry scrabbled across the hard ground, pebbles and glass digging into his knees as he tried to pull from their grasp, only to see the doorway he had been racing towards, slam shut, obscuring the light, and his only hope. Praying that this would be over quickly, he looked up as he felt the warm blood trickle down the side of his neck. The final thing he saw, the only thing that had time to register in his mind, was that one of the 'Creeps' about to tear him to shreds, was his own brother. "Randall, you had to go watch that blasted comet, didn't you?"

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