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T'Aral leaned back, allowing skillful hands to work about her temples. At times like these she allowed herself to meditate: not a deep trance seeking enlightenment, but a simple quieting of thoughts to reorganize and categorize her experiences and observations. Such times were necessary to maintain an orderly balance.


She had finished her preliminary physical and psychological examinations of Commander Wesley and Lieutenant Kvar. These were far from complete and would not detect any deep or subtle faults in their physical or mental health, but they did provide enough insight that she could speak to their current state. Both were in fine health - none of their experiences were severe enough to generate a limiting or disabling injury. Their mental states held a certain amount of anxiety regarding the upcoming consequences for the Commander's actions. This was temporarily neutralizing or delaying the onset of any post-traumatic stress response, making any further inquiry into their psychological health pointless. They were both reacting to a current stress based on possible future events. These would have to be resolved before a proper psychological re-evaluation could be performed.


Ensign Shalin had just been returned from the Comanche Creek. He also was suffering from anxiety - a situation which in his case was counter-productive towards the intent of his recovery. T'Aral did what she could to ease any concerns regarding his physical state, but she could neither ease concerns over whatever actions he had taken in her absence nor provide time as a sympathetic listener.


Even though T'Aral's Vulcan heritage eliminated the any need for a sympathetic listener in her case, as a medical professional trained in xenotherapy she accepted the need for it among emotional races. Once she established that the medical protocols for his recovery were acceptably in place, T'Aral assigned Ensign Khole to stay with him to monitor his status and provide a nurturing presence. Perhaps it was Khole's expressive eyes, her soft voice, or something more subtle about her race - whatever it was, T'Aral observed that patients were comforted by her presence. While some would consider her manipulative for using it, T'Aral recognized Khole's talent as a resource and was unremorseful in its use.


The Captain wished to see the Commander, but was still tied up in ship's duties. T'Aral had at least fifteen minutes to herself, which was more than enough time to tend to a quick matter. Skilled hands finished moving about her ears and neck, then a steady voice spoke. "I am finished, Reldai."


T'Aral sat up and examined herself in the mirror. The grown hair for the assignment was gone; in its place was a traditional short and squared-off cut indicative of the Vulcan people, restoring her appearance to what was proper for a Vulcan officer and priestess. "Thank you, Strenn. Your efforts are acceptable." The words were minimalist, but the tone behind them communicated what was necessary; Strenn's effort and skill allowed T'Aral to present herself properly which would allow her to relax just a little - an appreciated gift among such a tightly restrained race. Strenn knew that he had done well, and she appreciated his help.

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