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Priorities ...

Two orderlies entered Shalin's quarters, having been summoned by a guard who found him on the floor. A quick examination found him to be unresponsive, and it was quickly decided that he needed to be moved to sick bay. Upon arrival Nurse Ratchet was notified of his condition.


"Why did you bring him here?" She looked down her sharp nose at the two orderlies. "He was confined to quarters. Now we not only have him, but at least one Security guard filling the ward."


The orderly was appropriately demoralized. "He was unresponsive, Ma'am. We were concerned that his condition had deteriorated."


Ratchet huffed with exasperation. "Well of course he was unresponsive. I gave him a tranquilizer to help him sleep. Obviously it was effective. You've over-reacted, which we do not need. In case you were not aware we've taken fire and we have several casualties. This medical bay is quite understaffed and undersized, so we have no room at all for someone who doesn't need immediate care." With that she whipped out a tricorder. "There - he's been examined. Vital signs are all within acceptable limits. Neural activity is down, but that is to be expected with a sedated patient. Now: if you're through wasting time and resources you may return him to his quarters. Return immediately: we have real patients to deal with."


Returning the ensign to his quarters, one of the orderlies turned to the other. "What do you think, Ben?"


The second orderly sighed briefly. "John, I think Mildred is too busy maintaining an efficient operation to notice if someone had been run over by a bus."


John nodded. "We should do something."


Ben set a tricorder on the bed next to Shan, monitoring his vitals. He then programmed it to transmit a regular report to his com-pad. "At least we can keep an eye on him. Hopefully it's not serious."


The two orderlies left the room, noting Shan resting quietly. He stirred only slightly as the door shut, completely oblivious to the world around him. His body was becoming more and more aware of subtle shifts within him, and was preparing to combat that which was not normal. It was going to be the type of battle an immune system would fight to win, even if it killed him in the process.

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