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Bio for Ensign Koralev

Personal Data:


Name: Boris Ivan Koralev

Age: 27

Sex: Male

Height: 1.93 m (6`2")

Weight:  99 kg

Marital Status: Single

Race: Human

Positon: Lagh (Ensign, Klingon Fleet)

House: House of Konath

Vessel: Currently serving on the IKC Qob


Service Record:

0412.12-Reassigned to Uprated IKC Qob

0411.??-Reassigned to Klingon Defence Forces, Perfroms Rite of Ascension.

9611.12-Present IKC Qob Engineer..propulsion maintanance

9611.12 Upon destruction of USS Lakota, Ensign Koralev was reassigned to the Engineering on the IKC Qob and maintained rank.

9608.11 Reported for duty to USS Lakota. Assigned to Engineering.

9605.15 Graduated Starfleet Academy  Rank..88th



Personal Record:


Born and Raised in Kirov, Russia; Earth

Koralev was the youngest of 3 brothers from a rural community  near the Urals.  Despite being on Earth, his life was rough..he mainly had to maintain agricultural equipment as teem..and found out he was rather good at it.  Following the path of his eldest Brother Dimitri, he pursued an career in Starfleet.


Served under on the IKC/Qob Lakota on her historic return to Qo`nos. Koralev was not a noticble presence onboard until an altercation with another Klingon officer well into the trip home. Reportedly severed Lagh Prekip's arm in hand to hand combat (SEE SECURITY FILE 314; MEDICAL FILE 911). Underwent manditory psychological evaluation by Qel Garnoopy, deemed fit for duty. Having gained a notority Koralev did not want, he tried to involve himself deep in engineering. But failed, being involved in several altercations resulting in multiple MRF visits. (See MEDICAL FILE 123 -Qob). Created Holographic Klingon Cow Combat Program, a cult favorite in some circles of the Klingon fleet having purportedly been responsible for the death of several Klingon warriors. (PROGRAM STATUS-UNKNOWN)


Koralev was forced out of Starfleet by SFHQ after the Qob's return upon the revelation Koralev executed 12 Klingon engineers (SEE IKC VORT FILE 66), who were caught attempting to destroy the Qob covertly. The Klingons involved were found soon after to be enemies of the Empire by High Councilmember Konath who insisted Koralev be released from Federation custody, threatening diplomatic action against Federation. A special Federation Ambassador was assigned to the situation, and was able to resolve the situation with Koralev agreeing to join the Klingon Defence Forces under Konath's oversite.


Boris Koralev became the first known human to undergo the Rite of Ascension, becoming a member of the House of Konath. Assigned to the uprated IKC Qob as an assistant engineer stardate. 0412.14.



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